Lindsay Knight
Knight is a PhD student in the Department of Indigenous Studies at USask and served as the first Storyteller-in-Residence at USask in 2021.
Also known as Eekwol, Knight is an award-winning hip-hop artist with nine album releases to her credit. She completed a Canada Council for the Arts granted project titled For Women by Women, which examines Indigenous women in hip-hop.
Knight is a recipient of the University of Saskatchewan Aboriginal Graduate Scholarship. She is also a USask alumna, having earned a master’s degree in Indigenous studies.
2021 Residency
As the University of Saskatchewan’s first Indigenous Storyteller in Residence, Knight hosted a series of 'coffee talks'. Knight provided a safe space for participants to talk about any aspect of their storytelling, creative process, and to provide advice as needed. Lindsay then held a final performance where she performed poetry and music (hip-hop), some of which were re-imagined during the residency and some of which were newly created during the residency. One new poem from Lindsay, entitled “Finding Meets Found” was gifted to the University of Saskatchewan and can be viewed below.

Adapting unfolding reworking by knowing
Cautious in one moment reckless in the next
Circular and fluid like new life in the womb
She/her is learning
She/her is moving from missing to found
Building from nothing
Off pieces lying around
But in this movement, this action
She/her comes to know
How blood has memory, history in the flow
And in this moment she/her is journeying home
In each travel, each distance
Strands collect layers
They weave stories together
No matter the teller’s place
They/them track slow, aimless but still in a direction
Led by feeling that harnesses introspection
All this heritage and no way to sort it
Who’s claiming who and who cares where they’re going
But again, again, it’s circular, fluid
Gains momentum and slows in the blink of an eye
Gives and takes laughs and cries
And as the sun sets on they/them in ceremony
Finding meets found, stars all around
It’s beyond human it’s visceral sound
And the strands remind as they pulsate and glow in the dimness
We’re always connected, grounded placed somewhere
Our bodies are just a part of who we are
Our bodies are just a piece of who we are
Our stories are beyond our bodies
Our stories are collecting in universal futures