Your campus ID card is your library card. The change to Emeritus status will update your card automatically, there is no need to contact the library for activation. As University of Saskatchewan Emeriti, the expiry date of your library services is automatically set to December 31, 2030.
USask Emeriti may
- Borrow up to 150 regular loan items
- Receive extended loans
- Renew borrowed items twice by logging into your library account
Request interlibrary loans (free of charge)
- Request Distance and Distributed Library Services (DDLS)
- Request COPPUL reciprocal borrowing card (expiry one year from date of issue)
Recalled Loans
If an item that you have signed out is recalled by another user, a recall notice will be sent to your USask email address. If your original due date is more than 7 days away, a new due date will be assigned to the items included in the email. If your original due date is less than 7 days away, you must return them by the original due date. Recalled items returned late will accrue late fines at a rate of $2 per day up to a maximum of $50 per item.
Library Fines
Emeriti are subject to the same library fines that apply to all other users. Find out more about avoiding and paying library fines.
Check your Library Account for due dates, renewals, fines, holds, and your personal access to ILL, extended loans and electronic resources.
Access in the Library
When on campus at one of our library locations, USask Emeriti can
- Search our library catalogue and USearch on any library computers
- Search most licensed databases and download articles
- Print from library computers
- Print, scan and photocopy in any library.
- Ask for research help at service desks, by phone, email or online with our Ask Us chat
- Access University Archives and Special Collections
Off campus access
As a USask Emeritus, you have access to all electronic resources (databases, electronic journals, and data files) licensed by the University of Saskatchewan Library. Authentication using your NSID and password is required to access most databases from off campus.
Need library materials mailed to you? As a USask Emeritus, you also have access to Distance and Distributed Library Services (DDLS). See the DDLS webpage to register for this service.