Journal Club

The C-EBLIP Journal Club is a place and an activity where University Library librarians can share knowledge and ideas through reviewing and discussing research articles on a variety of topics related to librarianship.

We are pleased to be members of the Library Journal Club Network. The Network provides a space for those interested in establishing and sustaining journal clubs to share information, ask questions, and find answers. If you currently run or are a member of a librarianship-specific journal club (face to face or virtual), visit the directory page and join the Network!

Benefits of journal club membership include:

  • Staying current with the literature
  • Learning about new topics
  • Developing critical appraisal skills
  • Interacting with colleagues

Guidelines for Convenors

The C-EBLIP Journal club meets roughly every six weeks. Journal club members serve as rotating
convenors who prepare for and lead each meeting. Article discussions are casual and conversational. No
raised hands.
Convenors are expected to do the following:
  • Choose an article: the scope for article choice is broad and convenors are encouraged to choose an article that reflections their own interests.
  • Book a room or schedule an online meeting. All meetings are held from noon-1:00 pm.
  • Send the article citation and/or link and the meeting details out to journal club members at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. If the article is sent out more than 2 weeks in advance, an additional reminder email may be appropriate closer to the date.
  • Lead the journal club discussion: ours is a very informal club and the discussions are usually wide-ranging. Convenors could have a couple of questions in place to drive the discussion if needed. Convenors can do an initial and/or final round table to ensure all get a chance to speak.