This webpage is part of a series about copyright and course materials. The other three webpages in the series cover:
- providing course materials in the classroom;
- providing course materials on a password-protected course website or learning management system;
- providing course materials through Retail Services.
There is also an instructor frequently asked questions webpage with some additional information about providing course materials.
Course reserves
Course reserve materials are subject to the University of Saskatchewan (USask) Fair Dealing Guidelines and library license agreements for electronic resources. If additional copyright permissions or licenses are needed for course reserve materials, Copyright Office staff will attempt to acquire the permission/license. Please note that it can take several weeks to receive a response from a copyright owner, and we cannot guarantee that they will provide a license/permission. For more information, please visit the course reserves webpage.
Electronic licenced library resources
Usage rights for USask Library electronic resources
The University Library's Usage Rights Database is designed to assist you in finding important licence information about the use of licenced electronic resources.
When searching for electronic library materials (that is, e-journals and e-articles), you can see what is permitted by the licence for that material and the licence information is broken into the following usage categories:
- placing on e-reserves;
- posting in a learning management system (for example, Canvas, Moodle);
- using material in a course pack;
- creating a persistent electronic link; and
- making a print or electronic copy.
This information is available when you click the Full Text Online button () in the library search results webpage, which looks like this:
After clicking on the button under the electronic resource that you would like to use, a webpage that includes library licence information will open. The licence information that initially appears is abbreviated, so you can click on beside the abbreviations to get more detailed information about what the information means. The licence information that appears may look like this:
In the abbreviated licence information, items in green are permitted, items in red are not permitted and items in yellow may be permitted but need to be asked about first. For any questions about the licence information, please e-mail or use the online library chat Ask Us.
Clicking on beside the abbreviated licence information will take you to a webpage like this, which describes the allowances of the licence in more detail:
Direct persistent linking to electronic resources
The USask Library has a tool that can create a direct persistent link that allows you to share electronic resources that will also work on and off-campus by using the article DOI (the digital object identifier included in the e-resource) or URL. If you have any issues, your liaison librarian can help you create persistent links to electronic articles and e-books that are available through the University Library.Interlibrary loan
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a service allowing users to borrow or receive copies of materials not held at the USask Library.
The ILL units help clients of their institutions to borrow materials or obtain copies for educational purposes from other libraries. Based on 2012 revisions to the Canadian Copyright Act, libraries may use digital technology to deliver an ILL copy of a copyright-protected work to a client. Electronic desktop delivery of library materials to its patrons (for ILL purposes) will be permitted under certain circumstances and includes measures to ensure that the client:
- receives an email link to their document on a secure server;
- prints one copy only of the digital form;
- does not communicate the copy to another person; and
- does not use the digital copy for more than five business days of first using it.
These safeguards are based on section 30.2 (5.02) of the Copyright Act which outlines "limitation[s] regarding copies in digital form" for libraries, archives and museums. There is a similar allowance for unpublished works deposited in archives.
Based on the Fair Dealing Exception in the Copyright Act, ILL staff members in non-profit educational institutions may reproduce and communicate short excerpts from a copyright-protected work for the purposes of research, private study, criticism, review, news reporting, education, satire and parody. Copying or communicating multiple short excerpts from the same copyright-protected work with the intention of exceeding the copying limits in the Fair Dealing Guidelines without permission is prohibited.
For information about copyright at it applies to reserve material (print and electronic), please review the USask Fair Dealing Guidelines.
For more information about ILL and/or to complete an ILL request form, please refer to the interlibrary loan and scan request webpage. For more information about fair dealing at USask, please review the Fair Dealing Guidelines.
Library contacts
Getting help
If you have any questions or concerns about copyright, please let us know!
Copyright Coordinator
122.13 Murray Library