Webinar Recording - Copyright in teaching (January 2024)

Copyright in teaching presentation PDF available for download. 

The resources used by educational institutions are constantly evolving and the University of Saskatchewan (USask) has revised its approach to how materials protected by copyright are used in order to meet the needs of our institution. In addition to the university’s Use of Materials Protected by Copyright policy, we have implemented Fair Dealing Guidelines and a copyright decision roadmap which have been reviewed and updated to reflect current best practices and current federal legislation.

In general, one is allowed to make a copy if:

  • the work being copied is in the public domain;
  • the copyright holder has explicitly indicated permission;
  • the work to be copied is covered by a licence that permits copying for educational use, such as:
  • the copying is permitted by one of the exceptions in the Copyright Act.

For details about the different ways to provide your students with course materials that are protected by copyright, please see the following webpages:

There is also an instructor frequently asked question webpage with some additional information about providing course materials.

If you require assistance with verifying the copyright status of material you are using or help seeking copyright clearance, contact the copyright coordinator or Flexible Learning and Technology (FLT)(copyright clearance for online, blended, or hybrid classes). Staff will determine allowable uses and request copyright clearance as needed. Please understand that every reasonable effort will be made to acquire permission for your desired use. However, it may occasionally be necessary to find an alternate source for the material.

Note: Obtaining clearances for materials can take a long time (on average of six to eight weeks), so please submit your requests early so that your course materials will be available in time.

Getting help

If you have any questions or concerns about copyright, please let us know!

Copyright Coordinator
122.13 Murray Library 

Note: The information obtained from or through this site does not constitute legal advice.


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All information found on the University of Saskatchewan copyright website is licenced under a