June 9 - HUMOR

the nineteenth day of Enchantment

There was something pretty humorous going on at the pool this morning. I might have caught it with my camera. Can you see what it is?

Maybe there's nothing funny in this picture. On the other hand, it might be hilarious enough that you will laugh out loud. Or just have a little chuckle. Or be mildly amused. Or be intrigued enough for a second look?

Whether you found humor here might depend on your disposition when you arrived at your email today. Have you noticed how amusing an incident can be when you are in a good mood and how the same or similar event can throw you off completely when you are not? It goes to show what a powerful role our feelings and emotions play in how we perceive the world.

What if life was simply one big wonderful joke, every day? Wouldn't that be amazing? If we choose to bring humor to the day, a lot more humor will bounce back to us.

Take another look at the picture, this time with a big grin on your face. Does the image look any different? Now send today's e-card to a couple of friends and ask them if they see anything humorous. And no matter what comes back, remember to laugh at the results. Humor is both infectious and healing, and a great antidote to taking ourselves too seriously.

Courtney Milne fonds, image 787-321.1