the twentieth day of Enchantment

The pool was bursting with enthusiasm this afternoon as I arrived with my camera. Mother Nature was dabbling in her 'water colors' so I took the liberty of photographing her finished masterpiece.

I have so much to learn from her. I adore the bold sensuous way she paints but I also love her exuberance. She teaches me to let go of my inhibitions, to be unreasonable, to let my true colors shine.

The western lilies are blooming now in the east meadow behind the house. Although they grow individually rather than in clusters, they can be seen from a long way off, bright swatches of tangerine and scarlet.

How does nature express her exuberance around you? How do you share your nature? Do you show it with exuberance? How far away do your unique colors catch the eye of others?

Courtney Milne fonds, image 17-0948.1b