June 11 - ECSTASY

the twenty-first day of Enchantment

A frenzied wind sweeps across the pool with fervor and joy. The sun penetrates through the clear water creating a troupe of light dancers cavorting in the depths. I quickly shed my clothes and dive into the tumultuous mix of wave upon rapturous wave. Flames of sun ignite the passion of water and fire up the depths of my being.

With a masterful touch a teasing gust strokes the liquid surface, sending shivers of excitement to the very heart of the pool. A perfect day to bathe in euphoria. Do you permit yourself to revel in the gifts of life's bounties? Where today do you find ecstasy? It's as close as this picture or as far away as the deepest ocean --- both of which flow within you.

Courtney Milne fonds, image 807-062.1