the seventh day of Nurturance
The pool today was awash in a vibrant mix of summer greens. The surrounding forest wore a mantle that drew me into her bosom. The feeling of safety and nurturing reminded me of my mother at a time when I was as tall as the top button of her dress. She would reach around me and hug as I snuggled in. Best of all was when she wore her winter fur coat. It was silky-soft and so thick I felt as though I were melting into it. The aroma of freshly baked bread, and a jar filled to the brim with peanut butter cookies are more of my memories of motherhood.
How different our world would be if we treated our Earth Mother with the same love, affection and reverence as we bestow on our mothers.
How are you expressing your gratefulness today, to either of your mothers? It feels like nature's mothering is endless, but does this not depend on our caring in return?