There are 34 titles the category Advertising

  1. ACT. Advertising/communications times. (ISSN: 0193-4457)
  2. Adbusters Canada. (ISSN: 0847-9097, 1926-9676)
  3. AdMedia. (ISSN: 0112-6997, 1179-870X)
  4. Advertising age international. (ISSN: 1524-8984)
  5. Advertising age's creativity. (ISSN: 1072-9119)
  6. Advertising age. (ISSN: 0001-8899, 1557-7414)
  7. Adweek : New England advertising week. (ISSN: 0888-0840)
  8. Adweek. (ISSN: 0276-6612)
  9. Adweek. (ISSN: 1549-9553)
  10. Adweek. (ISSN: 8756-6389)
  11. Adweek. (ISSN: 0199-2864)
  12. Adweek. (ISSN: 0746-892X)
  13. Adweek. Western advertising news. (ISSN: 0199-4743)
  14. B & T weekly. (ISSN: 1325-9210)
  15. B to B. (ISSN: 1530-2369, 1944-7752)
  16. 'Boards. (ISSN: 1488-6286)
  17. Brandweek. (ISSN: 1064-4318)
  18. Campaign. (ISSN: 0008-2309)
  19. Canadian pharmaceutical marketing. (ISSN: 1182-2902)
  20. Correspondencias y Análisis. (ISSN: 2224-235X, 2304-2265)
  21. Creativity. (ISSN: 1541-3403)
  22. Current issues and research in advertising. (ISSN: 0163-3392, 2165-820X)
  23. Economia Creativa (ISSN: 2594-1631)
  24. Euromarketing : the weekly European news bulletin from Advertising age. (ISSN: 0952-3820)
  25. International journal of advertising. (ISSN: 0265-0487, 1759-3948)
  26. Journal of advertising. (ISSN: 0091-3367, 1557-7805)
  27. Journal of current issues and research in advertising. (ISSN: 1064-1734, 2164-7313)
  28. Marketing & media decisions. (ISSN: 0195-4296)
  29. Marketing week. (ISSN: 0141-9285)
  30. Potentials. (ISSN: 1522-9564)
  31. Proceedings of the ... Conference of the American Academy of Advertising. (ISSN: 0883-2404)
  32. PROMO. (ISSN: 1047-1707)
  33. Signos do Consumo (ISSN: 1984-5057)
  34. Uluslararası halkla ilişkiler ve reklam çalışmaları dergisi. (ISSN: 2636-753X)