There are 49 titles the category American Literature - History And Criticism - Periodicals

  1. American letters & commentary. (ISSN: 1049-7153, 2169-6721)
  2. American literary history. (ISSN: 0896-7148, 1468-4365)
  3. American literary realism, 1870-1910. (ISSN: 0002-9823, 2326-9235)
  4. American literary realism. (ISSN: 1540-3084, 1940-5103)
  5. American literary scholarship. (ISSN: 0065-9142, 1527-2125)
  6. American literature : a journal of literary history, criticism and bibliography. (ISSN: 0002-9831, 1527-2117)
  7. American, British and Canadian studies. (ISSN: 1841-964X)
  8. The AnaChronist. (ISSN: 1219-2589, 2063-126X)
  9. Arizona quarterly. (ISSN: 0004-1610, 1558-9595)
  10. Bells : Barcelona English language and literature studies (ISSN: 1139-8213, 1697-1612)
  11. Boston review. (ISSN: 0734-2306)
  12. British and American studies : B.A.S. (ISSN: 1224-3086, 2457-7715)
  13. College literature. (ISSN: 0093-3139, 1542-4286)
  14. Ácoma : rivista internazionale di studi nordamericani. (ISSN: 1122-6218)
  15. The confluence. (ISSN: 2150-2633)
  16. Critical literary studies. (ISSN: 2676-699X, 2716-9928)
  17. Current objectives of postgraduate American studies : COPAS. (ISSN: 1861-6127)
  18. Cycnos. (ISSN: 0992-1893, 1765-3118)
  19. English literature in transition, 1880-1920. (ISSN: 0013-8339, 1559-2715)
  20. Ex-centric narratives : journal of anglophone literature, culture and media. (ISSN: 2585-3538)
  21. Explorations : a journal of language and literature. (ISSN: 2353-6969)
  22. Études anglaises : Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis. (ISSN: 0014-195X, 1965-0159)
  23. The Gettysburg review. (ISSN: 0898-4557)
  24. Hungarian journal of English and American studies : HJEAS. (ISSN: 1218-7364)
  25. IJASonline. (ISSN: 2009-2377)
  26. Journal of American studies. (ISSN: 0021-8758, 1469-5154)
  27. Journal of narrative theory : JNT. (ISSN: 1549-0815, 1548-9248)
  28. The Journal of student writing (ISSN: 0711-7671)
  29. Lingue e letterature d'Oriente e d'Occidente. (ISSN: 1824-4920, 1824-484X)
  30. Literatura dvukh Amerik. (ISSN: 2541-7894, 2542-243X)
  31. Literature compass. (ISSN: 1741-4113)
  32. The Mark Twain journal. (ISSN: 0025-3499)
  33. New literary history. (ISSN: 0028-6087, 1080-661X)
  34. Odisea. (ISSN: 1578-3820, 2174-1611)
  35. Orbit : a journal of American literature. (ISSN: 2398-6786)
  36. Prospero. (ISSN: 1123-2684)
  37. Reception : texts, readers, audiences, history. (ISSN: 2168-0604, 2155-7888)
  38. Revista de estudios Norteamericanos. (ISSN: 1133-309X)
  39. Revue française d'études américaines. (ISSN: 0397-7870, 1776-3061)
  40. Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia (ISSN: 0039-3339, 1849-1421)
  41. Studies in American humor. (ISSN: 0095-280X, 2333-9934)
  42. Studies in English. (ISSN: 2158-7957, 2328-8388)
  43. Svět literatury. (ISSN: 0862-8440, 2336-6729)
  44. Texas studies in English. (ISSN: 0364-8656, 2328-8361)
  45. The Threepenny review. (ISSN: 0275-1410, 2327-9613)
  46. To wit : official newsletter of the American Humor Studies Association. (ISSN: 2159-7359)
  47. The University of Texas studies in English. (ISSN: 2158-7973, 2328-837X)
  48. The Virginia quarterly review. (ISSN: 0042-675X, 2154-6932)
  49. XVII-XVIII : revue de la Société d'études anglo-américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. (ISSN: 0291-3798, 2117-590X)