There are 19 titles the category Arts And Humanities - General And Others

  1. Approach (Norfolk, Va. 1997. Online) (ISSN: 1094-0405, 2169-222X)
  2. Arte joven : se publicará los domingos
  3. Catalana : revista setmanal
  4. Catalyst GCSE science review (ISSN: 0958-3629, 2047-7430)
  5. Catalònia : periòdic nacionalista lliberal
  6. CFR : Carpet, Flooring, Retail (ISSN: 1471-8162)
  7. Citizen airman (Online) (ISSN: 0887-9680, 1934-4813)
  8. CRLRA discussion paper series (ISSN: 1440-480X)
  9. Event (ISSN: 1477-738X)
  10. Housewares (ISSN: 0264-8563)
  11. The Mail on Sunday (London, England) (ISSN: 0263-8878)
  12. Popular Music and Society (ISSN: 0300-7766, 1740-1712)
  13. PRIMARY EDUCATOR (ISSN: 1324-4825)
  14. RUGBY LEAGUE WEEK (ISSN: 0035-9742)
  15. S.A. argiefblad (ISSN: 1012-2796)
  16. Studeyrys Manninagh (ISSN: 1478-1409)
  17. Tourismus Journal (ISSN: 1433-5948)
  18. Ver Video: a revista da videolocadora
  19. Western Buddhist review (ISSN: 1357-7581)