There are 11 titles the category Arts And Humanities - Society And Culture

  1. Bella Terra
  2. Boletín del Ateneo Barcelonés
  3. Butlletí de l'Ateneu Barcelonès
  4. Calendari catalá
  5. Catalyst GCSE science review (ISSN: 0958-3629, 2047-7430)
  6. Culture (ISSN: 2032-7900)
  7. Popular Music and Society (ISSN: 0300-7766, 1740-1712)
  8. Psychotropes (ISSN: 1245-2092, 1782-1487)
  9. Report Newsmagazine (ISSN: 1488-8084)
  10. Spirita (ISSN: 0933-8985)
  11. Studeyrys Manninagh (ISSN: 1478-1409)