There are 1,716 titles the category Business, Economy and Management - General and Others
- Cement Americas (ISSN: 1533-5178)
- Central European (ISSN: 0962-2543)
- Central Penn Business Journal (PA) (ISSN: 1058-3599)
- CESifo Forum (ISSN: 1615-245X,EISSN: 2190-717X)
- CFO Alert (ISSN: 1094-8961)
- CFO, The Magazine for Senior Financial Executives (ISSN: 8756-7113)
- CGA magazine (ISSN: 0318-742X)
- Chain (ISSN: 1076-0520)
- Chain Leader (ISSN: 1528-4999)
- Chain Store Age Executive with Shopping Center Age (ISSN: 0193-1199)
- Challenge (ISSN: 0577-5132,EISSN: 1558-1489)
- Channel Business (ISSN: 1493-9088)
- Cheese market news (ISSN: 0891-1509)
- Chemical Business (ISSN: 0731-8774)
- Chemical Business (ISSN: 0970-3136)
- Chemical Week (ISSN: 0009-272X,EISSN: 2163-3126)
- Chicago Fed Letter (ISSN: 0895-0164,EISSN: 2163-3592)
- Chief Executive (U.S.) (ISSN: 0160-4724)
- Chief Information Officer Journal (ISSN: 0899-0182)
- Children's Business (ISSN: 0884-2280)
- Chilton's Hardware Age (ISSN: 8755-254X)
- China Business News (ISSN: 1530-2679)
- China Economic Review (ISSN: 1350-6390)
- China Economic Review (ISSN: 1043-951X,EISSN: 1873-7781)
- China Telecom (ISSN: 1078-2214)
- China: An International Journal (ISSN: 0219-7472,EISSN: 0219-8614)
- The Chinese economy (ISSN: 1097-1475,EISSN: 1558-0954)
- Chitty's law journal (ISSN: 0009-4889)
- The Chronicle of the Early American Industries Association, Inc (ISSN: 0012-8147)
- CIO Canada (ISSN: 1195-6097)
- CioInsight (ISSN: 1535-0096)
- CircuiTree (ISSN: 1059-843X)
- Cleanroom Technology (ISSN: 1365-5531)
- CLIA loss prevention bulletin (ISSN: 1186-8694)
- Clinician in Management (ISSN: 0965-5751,EISSN: 1475-9926)
- Club Management (ISSN: 0009-9589)
- CMA - the Management Accounting Magazine (ISSN: 1207-5183)
- Collections & Credit Risk (ISSN: 1093-1260)
- Colorado Springs Business Journal (ISSN: 1062-810X)
- ColoradoBiz (ISSN: 1523-6366)
- Commerce News (ISSN: 0704-8017)
- Commercial investment real estate journal (ISSN: 0887-4778)
- Commercial Lending Review (ISSN: 0886-8204)
- Commercial Mortgage Alert (ISSN: 1520-3697)
- Commercial Property News (ISSN: 1043-1675)
- Commonwealth of Australia gazette. Business (ISSN: 0819-7091,EISSN: 1446-9464)
- Communication World (ISSN: 0744-7612)
- Communications (ISSN: 0010-356X)
- Communications International (ISSN: 0305-2109)
- Communications of the Association for Information Systems (ISSN: 1529-3181)