There are 57 titles the category Computer-assisted Instruction
- AACE journal. (ISSN: 1551-3696, 1065-6901)
- Australian educational computing. (ISSN: 0816-9020, 1443-833X)
- Campus technology. (ISSN: 1553-7544)
- Computers & education. (ISSN: 0360-1315, 1873-782X)
- Computers in the schools. (ISSN: 0738-0569, 1528-7033)
- Converge : education, technology, fast forward. (ISSN: 1530-3357)
- E-learning and digital media. (ISSN: 2042-7530)
- EAI endorsed transactions on serious games. (ISSN: 2034-8800)
- Edu@kcja : magazyn edukacji elektronicznej. (ISSN: 2081-870X)
- Education and information technologies. (ISSN: 1360-2357, 1573-7608)
- Education technology news. (ISSN: 1061-5008, 1545-4886)
- Educational technology & society : journal of International Forum of Educational Technology & Society and IEEE Learning Technology Task Force. (ISSN: 1436-4522, 1176-3647)
- Educational technology review. (ISSN: 1081-8677)
- Electronic journal of e-Learning : EJEL. (ISSN: 1479-4403)
- Electronic learning. (ISSN: 0278-3258)
- Eleed, e-learning & education. (ISSN: 1860-7470)
- IEEE transactions on learning technologies. (ISSN: 1939-1382)
- Indonesian journal of informatics education (ISSN: 2549-0389)
- Information technology in childhood education annual. (ISSN: 1522-8185)
- International journal of artificial intelligence in education. (ISSN: 1560-4292, 1560-4306)
- International journal of computer-supported collaborative learning. (ISSN: 1556-1607, 1556-1615)
- International journal of computers for mathematical learning. (ISSN: 1382-3892, 1573-1766)
- International journal of emerging technologies in learning. (ISSN: 1863-0383, 1868-8799)
- International journal of online pedagogy and course design. (ISSN: 2155-6873, 2155-6881)
- International journal of research in e-learning. (ISSN: 2451-2583, 2543-6155)
- The international journal of technologies in learning. (ISSN: 2327-0144, 2327-2686)
- International journal of technology, knowledge and society. (ISSN: 1832-3669, 2835-0391)
- Internet @ schools. (ISSN: 2156-843X)
- The Internet and higher education. (ISSN: 1096-7516, 1873-5525)
- Journal of computer assisted learning. (ISSN: 0266-4909, 1365-2729)
- Journal of computing in higher education. (ISSN: 1042-1726, 1867-1233)
- Journal of educational multimedia and hypermedia. (ISSN: 1055-8896, 1943-5916)
- Journal of educational technology development and exchange. (ISSN: 1941-8027, 1941-8035)
- Journal of interactive learning research. (ISSN: 1093-023X)
- Journal of interactive online learning. (ISSN: 1541-4914)
- Journal of online learning research. (ISSN: 2374-1473)
- Journal of open, flexible, and distance learning. (ISSN: 1179-7673)
- Journal of research on computing in education. (ISSN: 0888-6504, 2376-5836)
- Journal of research on technology in education. (ISSN: 1539-1523, 1945-0818)
- Knowledge management & e-learning. (ISSN: 2073-7904)
- Learning and leading with technology : the ISTE journal of educational technology practice and policy. (ISSN: 1082-5754, 1945-080X)
- MultiMedia & internet@schools. (ISSN: 1546-4636, 2169-0413)
- MultiMedia schools. (ISSN: 1075-0479)
- Proceedings of the ... European conference on e-learning. (ISSN: 2048-8637, 2048-8645)
- Proceedings of the ... International conference on e-Learning. (ISSN: 2048-8882, 2048-8890)
- Research and practice in technology enhanced learning. (ISSN: 1793-2068, 1793-7078)
- Research in learning technology. (ISSN: 2156-7069, 2156-7077)
- Revista brasileira de informática na educação. (ISSN: 1414-5685, 2317-6121)
- Revista de investigación educativa de la Escuela de Graduados en Educación. (ISSN: 2007-3003, 2007-2996)
- Revista ELectrónica de Investigación y EValuación Educativa = E-journal of educational research, assessment and evaluation. (ISSN: 1134-4032)