There are 737 titles the category Engineering - Electrical Engineering
- ATM, IEEE Workshop (ISSN: 1098-7789)
- Audio (ISSN: 0004-752X)
- Australasian Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (ISSN: 0158-9938,EISSN: 1879-5447)
- Batteries International (ISSN: 0957-9249)
- Battery Conference on Applications and Advances, Annual (ISSN: 1089-8182)
- BE Radio (ISSN: 1081-3357)
- Bell Labs Technical Journal (ISSN: 1089-7089,EISSN: 1538-7305)
- The Bell System Technical Journal (ISSN: 0005-8580,EISSN: 2376-7154)
- Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (ISSN: 1088-9299,EISSN: 2378-590X)
- Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB), IEEE International Symposium on (ISSN: 2155-5044,EISSN: 2155-5052)
- Broadcast Engineering (ISSN: 0007-1994)
- Broadcasting & Cable (ISSN: 1068-6827)
- BT Technology Journal (ISSN: 1358-3948,EISSN: 1573-1995)
- Bulletin des Schweizerischen Elektrotechnischen Vereins, des Verbandes Schweizerischer Elektrizitätswerke (ISSN: 1420-7028,EISSN: 2813-1150)
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (ISSN: 0096-3402,EISSN: 1938-3282)
- Cable Television Business (ISSN: 0745-2802)
- Cabling Installation & Maintenance (ISSN: 1073-3108)
- Canadian Electrical Engineering Journal (ISSN: 0700-9216)
- Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ISSN: 0840-8688)
- Card technology today (ISSN: 0965-2590,EISSN: 1873-6521)
- CD Computing News (ISSN: 0893-4843)
- CED (ISSN: 1044-2871)
- CEE News (ISSN: 1045-2710)
- Cellular Marketing (ISSN: 0890-2402)
- China Telecom (ISSN: 1078-2214)
- Circuit World (ISSN: 0305-6120,EISSN: 1758-602X)
- Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), IEEE International Symposium on (ISSN: 0271-4302,EISSN: 2158-1525)
- Circuits Assembly (ISSN: 1054-0407)
- Circuits Systems and Signal Processing (ISSN: 0278-081X,EISSN: 1531-5878)
- Coal Age (1996) (ISSN: 1040-7820)
- Communications (ISSN: 0010-356X)
- Communications Convergence (ISSN: 1534-2840)
- Communications Engineer (ISSN: 1479-8352,EISSN: 1741-0452)
- Communications in information and systems (ISSN: 1526-7555,EISSN: 2163-4548)
- Communications International (ISSN: 0305-2109)
- Communications News (ISSN: 0010-3632)
- Communications Society (ISSN: 0094-5579,EISSN: 2331-463X)
- Communications Technology (ISSN: 0884-2272)
- Communications, 2006. ICC '06. IEEE International (EISSN: 1938-1883)
- Communications, Computers and Signal Processing, IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on (ISSN: 1555-5798,EISSN: 2154-5952)
- Compcon, IEEE (ISSN: 1063-6390,EISSN: 2375-0960)
- Compel-the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ISSN: 0332-1649,EISSN: 2054-5606)
- Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuit (CSICS), IEEE Symposium on (ISSN: 1550-8781,EISSN: 2162-7940)
- Computer (ISSN: 0018-9162,EISSN: 1558-0814)
- Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 2019 28th International Conference on (ISSN: 2637-9430,EISSN: 1095-2055)
- Computer Communications (ISSN: 0140-3664,EISSN: 1873-703X)
- Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2019 IEEE Conference on (ISSN: 2641-9874,EISSN: 0743-166X)
- Computer Design (ICCD), 2018 IEEE 36th International Conference on (ISSN: 2576-6996,EISSN: 1063-6404)
- Computer Networks (ISSN: 1389-1286,EISSN: 1872-7069)
- Computer networks and ISDN systems (ISSN: 0169-7552,EISSN: 1879-2324)