There are 103 titles the category English Literature

  1. 19 : interdisciplinary studies in the long nineteenth century. (ISSN: 1755-1560)
  2. Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Nauki humanistyczno-społeczne. (ISSN: 0860-1232)
  3. Ambit. (ISSN: 0002-6972)
  4. The AnaChronist. (ISSN: 1219-2589, 2063-126X)
  5. Anglica : studies in English and American literature. (ISSN: 0860-5734, 2957-0905)
  6. Ariel. (ISSN: 0004-1327, 004-1327, 1920-1222)
  7. Australasian Victorian studies journal. (ISSN: 1327-8746)
  8. Babel. Littératures plurielles. (ISSN: 2743-2742)
  9. Baltic journal of English language, literature and culture. (ISSN: 1691-9971, 2501-0395)
  10. BARS bulletin & review. (ISSN: 0964-2447, 2049-7881)
  11. Bells : Barcelona English language and literature studies (ISSN: 1139-8213, 1697-1612)
  12. The bookseller. (ISSN: 0006-7539)
  13. British and American studies : B.A.S. (ISSN: 1224-3086, 2457-7715)
  14. The Bucknell review. (ISSN: 0007-2869)
  15. C21 literature : journal of 21st -century writings. (ISSN: 2045-5216, 2045-5224)
  16. Cahiers victoriens & édouardiens. (ISSN: 0220-5610, 2271-6149)
  17. Caliban : French journal of English studies. (ISSN: 2425-6250, 2431-1766)
  18. The Chaucer review. (ISSN: 0009-2002, 1528-4204)
  19. College literature. (ISSN: 0093-3139, 1542-4286)
  20. Complutense journal of English studies. (ISSN: 2386-3935, 2386-6624)
  21. Connotations. (ISSN: 0939-5482)
  22. Critical literary studies. (ISSN: 2676-699X, 2716-9928)
  23. The critical survey : the journal of the Critical Quarterly Society. (ISSN: 0011-1570, 1752-2293)
  24. Cycnos. (ISSN: 0992-1893, 1765-3118)
  25. Daath voyage : an international journal of interdisciplinary studies in English. (ISSN: 2455-7544)
  26. Early modern literary studies. Special issue series. (ISSN: 1201-2459)
  27. ELH : English literary history. (ISSN: 0013-8304, 1080-6547)
  28. English literature. (ISSN: 2420-823X)
  29. ES review : Spanish journal of English studies. (ISSN: 2531-1654)
  30. ES review : Spanish journal of English studies. (ISSN: 2531-1646)
  31. Ex-centric narratives : journal of anglophone literature, culture and media. (ISSN: 2585-3538)
  32. Explorations : a journal of language and literature. (ISSN: 2353-6969)
  33. Études anglaises : Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis. (ISSN: 0014-195X, 1965-0159)
  34. Hungarian journal of English and American studies : HJEAS. (ISSN: 1218-7364)
  35. International journal of English language & translation studies. (ISSN: 2308-5460)
  36. Johnsonian news letter. (ISSN: 0021-728X)
  37. The Journal of Commonwealth literature. (ISSN: 0021-9894, 1741-6442)
  38. Journal of Inklings studies. (ISSN: 2045-8797, 2045-8800)
  39. Journal of language and literature. (ISSN: 1410-5691, 2580-5878)
  40. Journal of narrative theory : JNT. (ISSN: 1549-0815, 1548-9248)
  41. Journal of postcolonial writing. (ISSN: 1744-9855, 1744-9863)
  42. The Journal of student writing (ISSN: 0711-7671)
  43. The journal of the Sylvia Townsend Warner Society (ISSN: 1475-1674, 2398-0605)
  44. Keats-Shelley journal. (ISSN: 0453-4387, 2328-112X)
  45. La libellula : rivista di italianistica. (ISSN: 2036-3133)
  46. LinguaCulture. (ISSN: 2285-9403, 2067-9696)
  47. Lingual. (ISSN: 2527-6719, 2716-3091)
  48. Literature compass. (ISSN: 1741-4113)
  49. London magazine. (ISSN: 0024-6085)
  50. The Mark Twain journal. (ISSN: 0025-3499)