There are 51 titles the category English Literature - History And Criticism - Periodicals
- Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Nauki humanistyczno-społeczne. (ISSN: 0860-1232)
- The AnaChronist. (ISSN: 1219-2589, 2063-126X)
- Ariel. (ISSN: 0004-1327, 004-1327, 1920-1222)
- Bells : Barcelona English language and literature studies (ISSN: 1139-8213, 1697-1612)
- British and American studies : B.A.S. (ISSN: 1224-3086, 2457-7715)
- The Bucknell review. (ISSN: 0007-2869)
- College literature. (ISSN: 0093-3139, 1542-4286)
- Complutense journal of English studies. (ISSN: 2386-3935, 2386-6624)
- Connotations. (ISSN: 0939-5482)
- Critical literary studies. (ISSN: 2676-699X, 2716-9928)
- The critical survey : the journal of the Critical Quarterly Society. (ISSN: 0011-1570, 1752-2293)
- Crossings. (ISSN: 2071-1107, 2958-3179)
- Cycnos. (ISSN: 0992-1893, 1765-3118)
- ELH : English literary history. (ISSN: 0013-8304, 1080-6547)
- English literature in transition, 1880-1920. (ISSN: 0013-8339, 1559-2715)
- English. (ISSN: 0013-8215, 1756-1124)
- Essays and studies : being volume ... of the new series of essays and studies collected for the English Association. (ISSN: 0071-1357)
- Essays in criticism. (ISSN: 0014-0856, 1471-6852)
- Ex-centric narratives : journal of anglophone literature, culture and media. (ISSN: 2585-3538)
- Explorations : a journal of language and literature. (ISSN: 2353-6969)
- Études anglaises : Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis. (ISSN: 0014-195X, 1965-0159)
- Hungarian journal of English and American studies : HJEAS. (ISSN: 1218-7364)
- Journal of narrative theory : JNT. (ISSN: 1549-0815, 1548-9248)
- Journal of postcolonial writing. (ISSN: 1744-9855, 1744-9863)
- The Journal of student writing (ISSN: 0711-7671)
- Labrys. (ISSN: 1676-966X)
- LinguaCulture. (ISSN: 2285-9403, 2067-9696)
- Lingual. (ISSN: 2527-6719, 2716-3091)
- Literature compass. (ISSN: 1741-4113)
- The Mark Twain journal. (ISSN: 0025-3499)
- Meliora : a journal of Barnard English theses. (ISSN: 2767-7052)
- The new compass : a critical review. (ISSN: 1708-3133)
- New literary history. (ISSN: 0028-6087, 1080-661X)
- Papers on language & literature : PLL. (ISSN: 0031-1294)
- Pennsylvania literary journal. (ISSN: 2151-3066)
- Polish journal of English studies (ISSN: 2545-0131, 2543-5981)
- Prospero. (ISSN: 1123-2684)
- Reception : texts, readers, audiences, history. (ISSN: 2168-0604, 2155-7888)
- The review of English studies. (ISSN: 0034-6551, 1471-6968)
- Revista canaria de estudios ingleses. (ISSN: 0211-5913, 2530-8335)
- RoundTable : Roehampton journal for academic and creative writing. (ISSN: 2514-2070)
- Span : journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies. (ISSN: 1031-0606)
- Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia (ISSN: 0039-3339, 1849-1421)
- Studies in English literature, 1500-1900. (ISSN: 0039-3657, 1522-9270)
- Studies in English. (ISSN: 2158-7957, 2328-8388)
- Sydney studies in English. (ISSN: 0156-5419, 1835-8071)
- Texas studies in English. (ISSN: 0364-8656, 2328-8361)
- Translation and literature. (ISSN: 0968-1361, 1750-0214)
- The University of Texas studies in English. (ISSN: 2158-7973, 2328-837X)
- Vivid. (ISSN: 2502-146X)