There are 7 titles the category Genetic Regulation

  1. Biochimica et biophysica acta. Gene regulatory mechanisms. (ISSN: 1874-9399, 1876-4320)
  2. Cell regulation. (ISSN: 1044-2030)
  3. Gene expression. (ISSN: 1052-2166, 1555-3884)
  4. Gene regulation and systems biology. (ISSN: 1177-6250)
  5. Gene therapy and regulation. (ISSN: 1388-9532, 1568-5586)
  6. Genesis : the journal of genetics and development. (ISSN: 1526-954X, 1526-968X)
  7. Neuroepigenetics. (ISSN: 2214-7845)