There are 12 titles the category Graphic Arts

  1. Acta graphica. (ISSN: 0353-4707, 1848-3828)
  2. Applied arts magazine. (ISSN: 1196-1775)
  3. Demiurh : ideï, tekhnolohiï, perspektyvy dyzaĭnu. (ISSN: 2617-7951, 2617-880X)
  4. Eye : the international review of graphic design. (ISSN: 0960-779X)
  5. Eye magazine. (ISSN: 2187-8935)
  6. Grafica : documents de disseny gràfic = documentos de diseño gráfico = journal of graphic design. (ISSN: 2339-7500, 2014-9298)
  7. Illustration : the journal of contemporary illustration. (ISSN: 1555-9866)
  8. Illustration. (ISSN: 1543-4737)
  9. Journal of graphic engineering and design. (ISSN: 2217-379X, 2217-9860)
  10. National grid. (ISSN: 1177-2468)
  11. Printing Industries of America, the magazine. (ISSN: 1947-4164)
  12. Visible language. (ISSN: 0022-2224, 2691-5529)