There are 15 titles the category Irish Literature
- ABEI journal : the Brazilian journal of Irish studies (ISSN: 1518-0581, 2595-8127)
- Breac : a digital journal of Irish studies. (ISSN: 2372-2231)
- Comhar taighde. (ISSN: 2009-8626)
- Coṁar. (ISSN: 0010-2369)
- Estudios irlandeses. (ISSN: 1699-311X)
- The Green book : writings on Irish Gothic, supernatural and fantastic literature. (ISSN: 2009-6089)
- The harp : IASAIL-Japan newsletter. (ISSN: 1340-5470)
- Irish literary supplement. (ISSN: 0733-3390, 2476-1044)
- Irish pages. (ISSN: 1477-6162)
- The Irish review. (ISSN: 2009-0978)
- Joyce studies annual. (ISSN: 1049-0809, 1538-4241)
- The Linen Hall review. (ISSN: 0266-1500)
- Ériu : the journal of the School of Irish Learning, Dublin. (ISSN: 0332-0758, 2009-0056)
- Studi irlandesi. (ISSN: 2239-3978)
- University review. (ISSN: 0566-2478)