There are 170 titles the category Law - General And Others
- עיוני משפט (ISSN: 2617-3875, 2617-3883)
- 行政法学研究 (ISSN: 1005-0078)
- Actualites Du Droit (ISSN: 0778-1695)
- Advocate: A Weekly Law Journal
- Alabama Law Journal (Montgomery)
- Alabama Law Journal (Tuscaloosa)
- American Bar Association. Section of Administrative Law. Annual Reports of Committees
- American Bar Association. Section of Administrative Law. Annual Reports of Divisions and Committees
- American Bar Association. Section of Local Government Law. Report - Committee on Condemnation and Condemnation Procedure
- American Bar Association. Section of Local Government Law. Report of Committee on Condemnation and Condemnation Procedure
- American Bar Association. Section of Urban, State, and Local Government Law. Committee on Condemnation and Condemnation Procedure. Report
- American Journal of International Law Special Supplement
- American Law and Lawyers
- The American law times : published in connection with the American Law times reports (new series)
- The American law times : published in connection with the Law times reports
- The American law times and official journal of the courts and departments.
- Annales de Droit Commercial et Industriel Français, Étranger et International
- Annual tax conference
- Antitrust Source
- Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal
- Arbitration Brief
- Archivio delle locazioni del condominio e dell'immobiliare (ISSN: 0392-615X, 2611-397X)
- Arts + law (ISSN: 1324-7271)
- Aurora social
- Australia department of the treasury taxation branch taxation statistics (ISSN: 0300-2551)
- Australian Law Times
- Bar Examination Papers, Questions and Answers
- Bell Yard : Journal of the Law Society's School of Law
- Bench and Bar Review
- Boston College Intellectual Property and Technology Forum
- Bulletin de l'Institut Juridique International
- Butterworths South African law review (ISSN: 0525-3098)
- California Legal Record : a weekly journal, containing all the decisions of the Supreme Court of California. Also important decisions of Oregon and Nevada, and of the United States Circuit and District Courts of California; also of the United States Supreme Court and courts of last resort in other states; also important land decisions of the Department of the Interior.
- Capital Defense Digest
- Cato Papers on Public Policy
- Chancery Lane
- Chapman Law Review
- Chitty's Law Journal including Family law Review
- Citizenship Bulletin
- Citizenship Quarterly Bulletin
- Civil Aeronautics Administration Journal
- Commercial Law League Bulletin
- Cooperative e enti non profit (ISSN: 2282-6807)
- Cork Online Law Review
- Corporate Reorganizations: A Monthly Magazine Devoted to the Law of Corporate Reorganizations, Railroad Reorganizations and Municipal Relief
- Denver Law Journal (Colorado Supreme Court)
- Droit déontologie & soin (ISSN: 1629-6583, 2214-8078)
- Eco-Notes: Environmental Law and Policy
- Esprit International: The International Mind
- The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy (ISSN: 1496-5208)