There are 3,087 titles the category Law - General and Others
- Codicillus (ISSN: 0010-020X)
- Cogito: Multidisciplinary Research Journal (ISSN: 2068-6706,EISSN: 2247-9384)
- Collections & Credit Risk (ISSN: 1093-1260)
- College counsel (ISSN: 0588-2702)
- College law digest (ISSN: 0045-737X)
- The Colonial lawyer (ISSN: 0884-4429,EISSN: 1943-1368)
- Colorado journal of international environmental law and policy (ISSN: 1050-0391,EISSN: 2327-0705)
- Colorado Law Reporter
- Columbia business law review (ISSN: 0898-0721,EISSN: 1930-7934)
- Columbia human rights law review (ISSN: 0090-7944)
- Columbia journal of Asian law (ISSN: 1094-8449,EISSN: 2373-0498)
- Columbia journal of East European law (ISSN: 1943-1252,EISSN: 1943-1244)
- Columbia journal of environmental law (ISSN: 0098-4582)
- The Columbia journal of European law (ISSN: 1076-6715)
- Columbia Journal of Gender and Law (ISSN: 1062-6220,EISSN: 2333-4339)
- Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts (ISSN: 1544-4848,EISSN: 2161-9271)
- Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems (ISSN: 0010-1923)
- Columbia Journal of Race and Law (ISSN: 2155-2401)
- Columbia Journal of Tax Law (ISSN: 2169-4680)
- Columbia Journal of Transnational Law (ISSN: 0010-1931,EISSN: 2159-1814)
- Columbia Jurist
- Columbia Law Review (ISSN: 0010-1958,EISSN: 1945-2268)
- Columbia Law Times
- The Columbia science and technology law review (ISSN: 1938-0976)
- Columbia survey of human rights law (ISSN: 0010-2008)
- Comm/Ent, Hastings Journal of Communications and Entertainment Law (ISSN: 1061-6578,EISSN: 2997-1292)
- Commercial Law Journal (ISSN: 0010-3055)
- Commercial Law League Bulletin
- Commercial Law League Journal
- Commercial Law World (ISSN: 0888-8000)
- Commercial Lending Review (ISSN: 0886-8204)
- Commercial Mortgage Alert (ISSN: 1520-3697)
- Committee reports - Local Government Law Section of the American Bar Association (ISSN: 0587-2936)
- Committee reports - Section of Labor and Employment Law, American Bar Association (ISSN: 0270-4889)
- CommLaw conspectus (ISSN: 1068-5871)
- Common Law Review (ISSN: 1213-4678)
- Common Law World Review (ISSN: 1473-7795,EISSN: 1740-5556)
- Commonwealth law bulletin (ISSN: 0305-0718,EISSN: 1750-5976)
- Commonwealth law librarian (ISSN: 0961-6012)
- Commonwealth Law Review
- Communication law and policy (ISSN: 1081-1680,EISSN: 1532-6926)
- Communications and the Law (ISSN: 0162-9093)
- Communications law bulletin (ISSN: 0727-1301)
- Communications Lawyer : Publication of the Forum Committee on Communications Law, American Bar Association (ISSN: 0737-7622)
- Community Banker (ISSN: 1529-1332)
- Companion course notes
- The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa (ISSN: 0010-4051,EISSN: 2522-3062)
- Comparative labor law (ISSN: 0147-9202)
- Comparative labor law & policy journal (ISSN: 1095-6654)