There are 42 titles the category Natural Resources
- 資源科學 (ISSN: 1007-7588)
- Agricultural and resource economics review. (ISSN: 1068-2805, 2372-2614)
- Agriculture and natural resources. (ISSN: 2468-1458, 2452-316X)
- Annual review of resource economics. (ISSN: 1941-1340, 1941-1359)
- Arktika, ėkologii͡a i ėkonomika. (ISSN: 2223-4594, 2949-110X)
- Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics. (ISSN: 1364-985X, 1467-8489)
- Borneo journal of resource science and technology. (ISSN: 2229-9769, 0128-2972)
- La Calera. (ISSN: 1998-7846)
- Chinese journal of population resources and environment. (ISSN: 2325-4262, 2096-9589)
- Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy. (ISSN: 2772-8013)
- Colombia forestal. (ISSN: 0120-0739, 2256-201X)
- Conservation directory. (ISSN: 0069-911X)
- Environmental and resource economics. (ISSN: 0924-6460, 1573-1502)
- Frontiers of forestry in China : selected publications from Chinese universities. (ISSN: 1673-3517, 1673-3630)
- Gender, poverty, and environmental indicators on African countries. (ISSN: 1563-437X)
- Giannini Foundation monograph. (ISSN: 0575-4208)
- Indian journal of natural products and resources. (ISSN: 0976-0504, 0976-0512)
- Journal of agricultural and resource economics. (ISSN: 1068-5502, 2327-8285)
- Journal of bioresources and bioproducts. (ISSN: 2097-2415, 2369-9698)
- Journal of Iran's Economic Essays : Journal of Iran's Economic Essays. (ISSN: 1735-3300, 2588-5812)
- Journal of natural resources and development. (ISSN: 0719-2452)
- Journal of research in forestry, wildlife and environment. (ISSN: 2141-1778)
- Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. (ISSN: 2333-5955, 2333-5963)
- Jurnal pengelolaan sumberdaya alam dan lingkungan (ISSN: 2086-4639, 2460-5824)
- Kuawäi : revista arbitrada del Departamento Hombre y Ambiente. (ISSN: 1856-8726)
- Letras verdes. (ISSN: 1390-6631)
- Louisiana conservationist. (ISSN: 0024-6778)
- Majallah-i ʻulūm va funūn-i kishāvarzī va manābiʻ-i ṭabīʻī (ISSN: 1028-7655)
- Multequina. (ISSN: 0327-9375, 1852-7329)
- Northeastern journal of agricultural and resource economics. (ISSN: 0899-367X, 2398-4643)
- Northern perspectives (ISSN: 0380-5522)
- Planet earth. (ISSN: 1479-2605)
- Q open. (ISSN: 2633-9048)
- Resource notes (ISSN: 1049-524X)
- Resources. (ISSN: 0048-7376, 1930-9449)
- Resources. (ISSN: 2079-9276)
- Revista Latinoamericana de recursos naturales. (ISSN: 1870-0667, 2594-0384)
- Revue de Géographie Tropicale et d’Environnement : Géotrope. (ISSN: 1817-5589, 2960-2084)
- Tropical resources : the bulletin of the Yale Tropical Resources Institute. (ISSN: 2158-5253)
- Wisconsin natural resources. (ISSN: 0736-2277)
- World resources : a report by the World Resources Institute and the International Institute for Environment and Development. (ISSN: 0887-0403)
- Wārasān singwǣtlō̜m læ sapphayākō̜n thammachāt = Environment and natural resources journal. (ISSN: 1686-5456, 2408-2384)