There are 37 titles the category Sex Role

  1. Akdeniz kadın çalışmaları ve toplumsal cinsiyet dergisi (ISSN: 2636-7998)
  2. Cadernos PAGU. (ISSN: 0104-8333, 1809-4449)
  3. DePaul journal of women, gender & the law. (ISSN: 2167-0560)
  4. 婦研縱橫 [[Fu Yen Tsung Heng]]. (ISSN: 1727-592X)
  5. Gender & history. (ISSN: 0953-5233, 1468-0424)
  6. Gender & society : official publication of Sociologists for Women in Society. (ISSN: 0891-2432, 1552-3977)
  7. Gender and education. (ISSN: 0954-0253, 1360-0516)
  8. Gender issues. (ISSN: 1098-092X, 1936-4717)
  9. Gender studies. (ISSN: 1583-980X, 2286-0134)
  10. Gender/sexuality/Italy. (ISSN: 2470-2684)
  11. Gendered perspectives on international development. (ISSN: 1947-4768, 1947-4776)
  12. Genre & histoire. (ISSN: 2102-5886)
  13. Genus : gender in modern culture. (ISSN: 1568-1602)
  14. Géneros : multidisciplinary journal of gender studies. (ISSN: 2014-3613)
  15. Gênero. (ISSN: 1517-9699, 2316-1108)
  16. Hawwa : journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world. (ISSN: 1569-2078, 1569-2086)
  17. International feminist journal of politics. (ISSN: 1461-6742, 1468-4470)
  18. Journal of gender studies. (ISSN: 0958-9236, 1465-3869)
  19. Journal of research in gender studies. (ISSN: 2164-0262, 2378-3524)
  20. Maxim. (ISSN: 1092-9789)
  21. Nan nü : men, women, and gender in early and Imperial China. (ISSN: 1387-6805, 1568-5268)
  22. New working paper series (ISSN: 1470-8515)
  23. Nin : journal of gender studies in antiquities. (ISSN: 1567-8474, 1570-7768)
  24. Nomadías. (ISSN: 0717-2761, 0719-0905)
  25. Pakistan journal of gender studies. (ISSN: 2072-0394, 2663-8886)
  26. Punto género (ISSN: 0719-0417, 2735-7473)
  27. Quest : a feminist quarterly. (ISSN: 0098-955X, 2470-3893)
  28. Race, gender & class. (ISSN: 1082-8354)
  29. Race, sex & class : an interdisciplinary journal. (ISSN: 1075-8925)
  30. Revista Internacional de Culturas y Literaturas (ISSN: 1885-3625)
  31. Sex roles. (ISSN: 0360-0025, 1573-2762)
  32. Sexualidad, salud y sociedad : revista Latinoamericana. (ISSN: 1984-6487)
  33. Spaces for difference. (ISSN: 1945-8673)
  34. Sukupuolentutkimus = Genusforskning. (ISSN: 2342-0634, 2814-5232)
  35. Tidskrift för genusvetenskap. (ISSN: 1654-5443, 2001-1377)
  36. Undergraduate journal of gender and women's studies. (ISSN: 2373-812X)
  37. La ventana : revista de estudios de género. (ISSN: 1405-9436, 2448-7724)