There are 38 titles the category Statistik
- African statistical yearbook. Annuaire statistique pour l'Afrique. (ISSN: 0252-5488)
- Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. (ISSN: 0020-3157, 1572-9052)
- Annual statistical bulletin. (ISSN: 0475-0608)
- Australian & New Zealand journal of statistics. (ISSN: 1369-1473, 1467-842X)
- Boletín de estadísticas laborales. (ISSN: 0212-7180)
- Bulletin of statistics. (ISSN: 1996-8515)
- California statistical abstract. (ISSN: 0575-6200)
- Devisenkursstatistik (ISSN: 0943-8793, 1861-5880)
- Economic survey (ISSN: 0801-8324, 1503-1535)
- Einstellung von Lehrkräften. (ISSN: 1619-1811)
- Ertragslage Garten- und Weinbau (ISSN: 0178-2487)
- Hamburger Krebsdokumentation ... Hamburgisches Krebsregister (ISSN: 0173-8240)
- La Industria automotriz en México. (ISSN: 0187-4861)
- Informe España (ISSN: 1137-6228)
- INSEE première. (ISSN: 0997-3192, 1950-6252)
- International financial statistics (ISSN: 0020-6725)
- Investment company fact book. (ISSN: 1938-6729)
- Journal of applied statistics. (ISSN: 0266-4763, 1360-0532)
- Journal of population economics. (ISSN: 0933-1433, 1432-1475)
- Journal of statistical planning and inference. (ISSN: 0378-3758, 1873-1171)
- Kapitalmarktstatistik (ISSN: 0943-8769)
- Life insurers fact book (ISSN: 1553-8443)
- Nordic statistical yearbook = Nordisk statistisk årsbok. (ISSN: 1398-0017)
- Rabies bulletin Europe : information, surveillance, research ; rabies surveillance report (ISSN: 0257-8506)
- Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für Entwicklungspolitik. (ISSN: 1660-5926, 1663-9677)
- Statistica Sinica. (ISSN: 1017-0405, 1996-8507)
- Statistical bulletin (ISSN: 1451-6349, 1451-737X)
- Statistical papers = Statistische Hefte. (ISSN: 0932-5026, 1613-9798)
- Statistical year book of Maldives.
- Statistical yearbook for Asia and the Pacific (ISSN: 0252-3655)
- Statistical yearbook of the Republic of China. (ISSN: 0256-7857)
- Statistics on occupational wages and hours of work and on food prices : October inquiry results (ISSN: 1020-0134)
- Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja = Statistisk årsbok för Finland = Statistical yearbook of Finland. (ISSN: 0081-5063, 1798-5250)
- Taiwan statistical data book. (ISSN: 1016-2224)
- Teaching statistics. (ISSN: 0141-982X, 1467-9639)
- Technologische Dienstleistungen in der Zahlungsbilanz
- World oil trade. (ISSN: 0950-1029, 1467-9728)
- Yearbook of statistics: Singapore ... (ISSN: 0583-3655, 2591-7919)