There are 101 titles the category Tourism - Periodicals
- Acta economica et turistica. (ISSN: 1849-8469, 1849-921X)
- African journal of hospitality, tourism and leisure. (ISSN: 2223-814X)
- Almatourism : journal of tourism, culture, and territorial development. (ISSN: 2036-5195)
- Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. (ISSN: 1303-2917, 2156-6909)
- Annals of tourism research. (ISSN: 0160-7383, 1873-7722)
- Applied tourism. (ISSN: 2448-3524)
- Bizinfo (ISSN: 2217-2769, 2406-2324)
- Cactus : tourism journal for research, education, culture and soul. (ISSN: 2247-3297)
- Caderno virtual de turismo. (ISSN: 1677-6976)
- Conference & incentive travel. (ISSN: 0965-125X)
- Consumer behavior in tourism and hospitality. (ISSN: 2752-6666, 2752-6674)
- Cuadernos de turismo. (ISSN: 1139-7861, 1989-4635)
- Czech journal of tourism. (ISSN: 1805-3580, 1805-9767)
- Deturope. (ISSN: 1821-2506)
- Dimensiones turísticas. (ISSN: 2594-2069)
- Ege akademik bakış (ISSN: 1303-099X)
- Ekonomiczne problemy turystyki (ISSN: 1644-0501, 2353-3188)
- Enlightening tourism : a pathmaking journal. (ISSN: 2174-548X)
- Ereview of tourism research. (ISSN: 1941-5842)
- European journal of tourism, hospitality and recreation. (ISSN: 1647-9254, 2182-4924)
- Gardishgarī-i farhang. (ISSN: 2717-2627, 2717-2635)
- GeoJournal of tourism and geosites. (ISSN: 2065-0817, 2065-1198)
- Information technology & tourism. (ISSN: 1098-3058, 1943-4294)
- International journal of culture, tourism and hospitality research. (ISSN: 1750-6182, 1750-6190)
- International journal of sport management, recreation & tourism. (ISSN: 1791-874X)
- International journal of tourism cities. (ISSN: 2056-5607, 2056-5615)
- International journal of tourism management. (ISSN: 0143-2516, 1878-4070)
- International journal of tourism research. (ISSN: 1099-2340, 1522-1970)
- Investigaciones turísticas. (ISSN: 2174-5609)
- Journal of environmental and tourism analyses. (ISSN: 2286-3745, 2286-2838)
- Journal of environmental management & tourism. (ISSN: 2068-7729)
- Journal of hospitality & tourism cases. (ISSN: 2164-9987)
- Journal of hospitality and tourism insights. (ISSN: 2514-9792, 2514-9806)
- Journal of hospitality and tourism technology. (ISSN: 1757-9880, 1757-9899)
- Journal of Indonesian tourism and development studies. (ISSN: 2355-3979, 2338-1647)
- Journal of outdoor recreation and tourism : Research Planning and Management (ISSN: 2213-0780, 2213-0799)
- Journal of tourism futures. (ISSN: 2055-5911, 2055-592X)
- Journal of tourism, leisure and hospitality. (ISSN: 2687-3737)
- Journal of tourism, sustainability and well-being. (ISSN: 2795-5044)
- Journal of tourismology. (ISSN: 2459-1939)
- Journal of travel research. (ISSN: 0047-2875, 1552-6763)
- Journal of Yaşar University. (ISSN: 1305-970X)
- Journal on tourism & sustainability. (ISSN: 2515-6780)
- Jurnal master pariwisata : JUMPA. (ISSN: 2406-9116, 2502-8022)
- Leisure travel news. TTG North America. (ISSN: 1098-5344)
- Luxury travel advisor. (ISSN: 2472-0380, 2472-0399)
- Matkailututkimus. (ISSN: 2490-2039)
- Mobilities. (ISSN: 1745-0101, 1745-011X)
- Mondes du tourisme : revue pluridisciplinaire de recherche. (ISSN: 2109-5671, 2492-7503)
- OECD tourism trends and policies. (ISSN: 2076-7765, 2076-7773)