There are 18 titles the category Vocational Education - Periodicals

  1. Cadernos cajuína. (ISSN: 2448-0916)
  2. Empirical research in vocational education and training. (ISSN: 1877-6337, 1877-6345)
  3. Higher education, skills and work-based learning. (ISSN: 2042-3896, 2042-390X)
  4. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training. (ISSN: 2197-8638, 2197-8646)
  5. International journal of training research. (ISSN: 1448-0220)
  6. JIPTEK : jurnal ilmiah pendidikan teknik dan kejuruan. (ISSN: 1979-0031, 2598-6430)
  7. Journal of counseling and development. (ISSN: 0748-9633, 1556-6676)
  8. Jurnal pendidikan sains. (ISSN: 2338-9117, 2442-3904)
  9. Labor et educatio. (ISSN: 2353-4745, 2544-0179)
  10. NordYrk. (ISSN: 2242-458X)
  11. The Personnel and guidance journal. (ISSN: 0031-5737, 2164-4918)
  12. Scandinavian Journal of Vocations in Development = Skandinavisk tidsskrift for yrker og profesjoner i utvikling. (ISSN: 2464-4153)
  13. Tech directions. (ISSN: 1062-9351, 1940-3100)
  14. Techniques. (ISSN: 1091-0131)
  15. Techniques. (ISSN: 1527-1803)
  16. Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier. (ISSN: 2446-0273, 2446-0281)
  17. Vocational education journal. (ISSN: 0884-8009)
  18. Vocations and learning. (ISSN: 1874-785X, 1874-7868)