There are 4,842 titles that begin with the letter B
- Biociencias. (ISSN: 0124-0110, 2390-0512)
- Bioclimatologia de flora de Veracruz. (ISSN: 0188-4980)
- BioClinica, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Bioconjugate chemistry. (ISSN: 1043-1802, 1520-4812)
- Biocontrol science. (ISSN: 1342-4815, 1884-0205)
- BioControl. (ISSN: 1386-6141, 1573-8248)
- Biocoral, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- BioCosmos (ISSN: 2719-8634)
- BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Biocybernetics and biomedical engineering (ISSN: 0208-5216)
- BioCycle CONNECT
- BioCycle. (ISSN: 0276-5055)
- Biodata mining. (ISSN: 1756-0381)
- Biodegradation. (ISSN: 0923-9820, 1572-9729)
- BioDelivery Sciences International, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Biodemography and social biology. (ISSN: 1948-5565, 1948-5573)
- (ISSN: 2386-6594)
- Biodesign research. (ISSN: 2097-2237, 2693-1257)
- Biodiesel magazine. (ISSN: 1935-7621, 1949-1085)
- Biodiscovery. (ISSN: 2050-2966)
- Biodiverse : från Centrum för biologisk mångfald. (ISSN: 1401-5064)
- Biodiversidade Pampeana (ISSN: 1679-6179)
- Biodiversity and conservation. (ISSN: 0960-3115, 1572-9710)
- Biodiversity and natural history. (ISSN: 0719-4986)
- Biodiversity data journal (ISSN: 1314-2828, 1314-2836)
- Biodiversity Ireland (ISSN: 2009-0900)
- Biodiversity journal. (ISSN: 2039-0394, 2039-0408)
- Biodiversity letters. (ISSN: 0967-9952)
- Biodiversity news : the newsletter of the UK Biodiversity Steering Group (ISSN: 1360-1164)
- BioDiversity Perspectives (Alberta Edition)
- Biodiversity research and conservation. (ISSN: 1897-2810, 2080-945X)
- Biodiversität und Naturschutz in Ostösterreich
- La biodiversité mondiale. (ISSN: 1195-311X)
- BioDrugs : clinical immunotherapeutics, biopharmaceuticals, and gene therapy. (ISSN: 1173-8804, 1179-190X)
- BioEdu: Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi (ISSN: 2302-9528, 2685-9289)
- Bioeduca : journal of biology education (ISSN: 2714-8009, 2715-7490)
- Bioedukasi : Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UM Metro. (ISSN: 2086-4701, 2442-9805)
- Bioedukasi : jurnal pendidikan biologi. (ISSN: 1693-265X, 2549-0605)
- Bioekonomika ta ahrarnyĭ biznes. (ISSN: 2707-3823, 2707-3831)
- BioEksakta : jurnal ilmiah biologi unsoed. (ISSN: 2714-8564)
- Bioeksperimen. (ISSN: 2460-1365, 2527-2799)
- Bioelectricity. (ISSN: 2576-3105, 2576-3113)
- Bioelectrochemistry and bioenergetics. (ISSN: 0302-4598, 1872-8049)
- Bioelectrochemistry. (ISSN: 1567-5394, 1878-562X)
- Bioelectromagnetics. (ISSN: 0197-8462, 1521-186X)
- Bioelectronic medicine. (ISSN: 2332-8886)
- Bioenergy international (ISSN: 2254-0903, 2254-0911)
- BioEnergy research. (ISSN: 1939-1234, 1939-1242)
- Bioengineered. (ISSN: 2165-5979, 2165-5987)
- Bioengineering & translational medicine. (ISSN: 2380-6761)
- Bioengineering. (ISSN: 2306-5354)
- BioEssays. (ISSN: 0265-9247, 1521-1878)
- Bioethica forum. (ISSN: 1662-6001, 1662-601X)
- Bioethics in brief
- Bioethics Matters
- Bioethics quarterly. (ISSN: 0163-9803)
- Bioethics Update (ISSN: 2395-938X, 2448-7511)
- Bioethics. (ISSN: 0269-9702, 1467-8519)
- Biofabrication. (ISSN: 1758-5082, 1758-5090)
- BioFactors. (ISSN: 0951-6433, 1872-8081)
- Biofeedback and self-regulation. (ISSN: 0363-3586)
- Biofeedback. (ISSN: 1081-5937, 2158-348X)
- Biofilm journal (ISSN: 1360-3655)
- Biofilm. (ISSN: 2590-2075)
- BIOFIX scientific journal. (ISSN: 2525-9725)
- Biofizychnyĭ visnyk. (ISSN: 2075-3810, 2075-3829)
- BioFocus DPI Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- BioForum Europe
- BIOforum. (ISSN: 0940-0079)
- BioFuel Energy Corp. MarketLine Company Profile
- Biofuel research journal. (ISSN: 2292-8782)
- Biofuels Digest [BLOG]
- Biofuels Engineering. (ISSN: 2084-7181)
- Biofuels, bioproducts & biorefining : Biofpr. (ISSN: 1932-104X, 1932-1031)
- Biofunctional Materials (ISSN: 2959-0574, 2959-0582)
- Biogen Idec, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- BioGenex Laboratories Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Biogenic amines. (ISSN: 0168-8561, 1569-3910)
- Biogeochemistry. (ISSN: 0168-2563, 1573-515X)
- Biogeographia - the journal of integrative biogeography (ISSN: 1594-7629)
- Biogeosciences (BG)
- Biogeosciences. (ISSN: 1726-4170, 1726-4189)
- Biogerontology. (ISSN: 1389-5729, 1573-6768)
- Biografistyka Pedagogiczna (Online) (ISSN: 2543-6112, 2543-7399)
- Biographical memoirs of fellows of the British Academy
- Biographical memoirs of fellows of the Royal Society. (ISSN: 0080-4606, 1748-8494)
- Biographical memoirs. (ISSN: 0077-2933)
- Biographies for International Security
- Biographisches Taschenbuch deutscher Bühnen-Künstler und Künstlerinnen
- Biography. (ISSN: 1092-7891, 2167-9754)
- Biography. (ISSN: 0162-4962, 1529-1456)
- BioImpacts : BI. (ISSN: 2228-5652, 2228-5660)
- Bioinformatics advances. (ISSN: 2635-0041)
- Bioinformatics and biology insights. (ISSN: 1177-9322)
- Bioinformatics. (ISSN: 1367-4803, 1367-4811)
- Bioinformation. (ISSN: 0973-2063, 0973-8894)
- Bioingeniøren (ISSN: 0801-6828, 1890-1875)
- Bioinorganic chemistry and applications. (ISSN: 1565-3633, 1687-479X)
- Bioinorganic chemistry. (ISSN: 0006-3061, 1873-3190)
- Bioinspiration & biomimetics. (ISSN: 1748-3190)