There are 5,197 titles that begin with the letter B

  1. Birdlife Cyprus monthly newsletter (ISSN: 1450-3026)
  2. Birds (EISSN: 2673-6004)
  3. Birds & Blooms
  4. Birds in Wales (ISSN: 2045-6263)
  5. Birdscope (ISSN: 1041-6676)
  6. Birdwatch
  7. Birkbeck Law Review (ISSN: 2052-1308,EISSN: 2052-1316)
  8. Birkbeck Working Papers in Economics and Finance / School of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics, Birkbeck College (ISSN: 1745-8587)
  9. Birks Group Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  10. Birks year book
  11. Birla Corporation Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  12. Birmingham Business Journal (ISSN: 0889-2237,EISSN: 1930-207X)
  13. Birmingham Egyptology journal (EISSN: 2053-3586)
  14. Birth (ISSN: 0520-2183)
  15. Birth anomalies series
  16. Birth defects research [Birth Defects Res] NLMUID (EISSN: 2472-1727)
  17. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology (ISSN: 1542-0752,EISSN: 1542-0760)
  18. Birth Defects Research Part B: Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology (ISSN: 1542-9733,EISSN: 1542-9741)
  19. Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews (ISSN: 1542-975X,EISSN: 1542-9768)
  20. Birth profiles by zip code, California
  21. Birth statistics (ISSN: 1469-2767)
  22. Birth-Issues in Perinatal Care (ISSN: 0730-7659,EISSN: 1523-536X)
  23. The Birthkit (ISSN: 1075-4733)
  24. BIS : das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen (ISSN: 1866-0665)
  25. BIS Basel (ISSN: 1609-0381,EISSN: 1682-7651)
  26. BIS quarterly review (ISSN: 1683-0121)
  27. BIS working papers (ISSN: 1020-0959,EISSN: 1682-7678)
  28. BISAL: Birbeck Studies in Applied Linguistics (ISSN: 1754-5366)
  29. Bisanzio e l'Occidente
  30. Bisbee daily review. (Bisbee, Ariz.) 1901-1971 (ISSN: 2157-3255,EISSN: 2766-9270)
  31. BISE : Bulletin d'information en santé environnementale
  32. Bishop Museum bulletin in entomology (ISSN: 0893-3146,EISSN: 2376-3124)
  33. Bishop Museum occasional papers (ISSN: 0893-1348,EISSN: 2376-3191)
  34. Bismarck-Album des Kladderadatsch
  35. Bisnis & Birokrasi: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi dan Organisasi (International Journal of Administrative Sciences & Organization) (ISSN: 0854-3844,EISSN: 2355-7826)
  36. BiSON Mitteilungen
  37. Bissea (ISSN: 1998-4189)
  38. Bissea (ISSN: 1999-2637,EISSN: 1999-2955)
  39. Bistoury
  40. BIT : Magazin für Geschäftsprozess- und Output-Management (ISSN: 1617-9757)
  41. BIT International Newsletter
  42. Bit Numerical Mathematics (ISSN: 0006-3835,EISSN: 1572-9125)
  43. Bit-isle Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  44. Bitch (ISSN: 1524-5314,EISSN: 2162-5352)
  45. Bite, The (ISSN: 1177-388X,EISSN: 1177-6145)
  46. Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science and Technology (ISSN: 2146-7706)
  47. Bitros Holding S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
  48. Bitumen (ISSN: 0006-3916)
  49. Bitácora Urbano Territorial (ISSN: 0124-7913,EISSN: 2027-145X)
  50. Bitácora-e: Revista Electrónica Latinoamericana de estudios Sociales, Históricos y Culturales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología
  51. Biuletyn = Bulletin / Niemiecki Instytut Historyczny w Warszawie, Deutsches Historisches Institut Warschau
  52. Biuletyn Informacyjny Biblioteki Narodowej (ISSN: 0006-3983,EISSN: 1689-3190)
  53. Biuletyn Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej (ISSN: 1641-9561)
  54. Biuletyn Kryminologiczny (EISSN: 2719-440X)
  55. Biuletyn Polskiej Misji Historycznej (ISSN: 2391-792X,EISSN: 2083-7755)
  56. Biuletyn Szadkowski (ISSN: 1643-0700,EISSN: 2449-8351)
  57. Biuletyn Uniejowski (ISSN: 2299-8403,EISSN: 2449-8319)
  58. Biuletyn Wojskowej Akademii Technicznej (ISSN: 1234-5865,EISSN: 2957-0646)
  59. Biyumikānīk-i varzishī (ISSN: 2476-4906,EISSN: 2476-5937)
  60. Biyutichnuluzhī va biyushīmī-i ghallāt (EISSN: 2783-5170)
  61. Biz
  62. Biz of Baseball, The (web site)
  63. The Biz of Basketball
  64. The Biz of Football
  65. The Biz of Hockey
  66. Bizarre Städte / Bizarre Städte - Dresden / Bizarre Städte - Sonderheft
  68. BizEd (ISSN: 1537-338X,EISSN: 2161-8380)
  69. BizInfo (ISSN: 2217-2769,EISSN: 2406-2324)
  70. BizWest (EISSN: 2334-5721)
  71. Le Bièvre (ISSN: 0223-7741)
  72. BJ's Restaurants, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  73. BJA CEPD reviews (ISSN: 1472-2615,EISSN: 1477-4518)
  74. BJA education (ISSN: 2058-5349,EISSN: 2058-5357)
  75. BJA Open (EISSN: 2772-6096)
  76. BJC Reports (EISSN: 2731-9377)
  77. BJGP Open (ISSN: 2398-3795)
  78. BJHS Themes (ISSN: 2058-850X,EISSN: 2056-354X)
  79. Bjog-An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISSN: 1470-0328,EISSN: 1471-0528)
  80. BJPsych Advances (ISSN: 2056-4678,EISSN: 2056-4686)
  81. BJPsych Bulletin (ISSN: 2056-4694,EISSN: 2056-4708)
  82. BJPsych International (ISSN: 2056-4740,EISSN: 2058-6264)
  83. Bjpsych Open (EISSN: 2056-4724)
  84. BJR|case reports (ISSN: 2055-7159)
  85. BJR|open (ISSN: 2513-9878)
  86. Bjs Open (ISSN: 2474-9842)
  87. Bju International (ISSN: 1464-4096,EISSN: 1464-410X)
  88. BJUI Compass (EISSN: 2688-4526)
  89. BK Asset Management [BLOG]
  90. BKW Inc MarketLine Company Profile
  91. Blacfax (ISSN: 0882-6595)
  92. Black & Veatch Holding Company MarketLine Company Profile
  93. Black American Literature Forum (ISSN: 0148-6179,EISSN: 2326-1536)
  94. Black Americans for Democracy News
  95. Black ball (ISSN: 1939-8484,EISSN: 1939-8379)
  96. Black Belt (ISSN: 0277-3066)
  97. Black Belt Woman
  98. Black Book (EISSN: 2184-8653)
  99. Black Book - Aerospace & Defense: Commercial & Defense Cycles Align for Growth
  100. Black Book - Celgene & Onyx Race to Front Line - 2013 MM Survey Shows Ample Growth For