There are 4,822 titles that begin with the letter B
- Barrister
- The barrister. (ISSN: 0384-5729)
- Barrister. (ISSN: 0094-5277)
- The barrister.
- Barron's national business and financial weekly. (ISSN: 0005-6073)
- Barron's. (ISSN: 1077-8039)
- Barrow quarterly (ISSN: 1539-1914, 1539-1892)
- Barry Callebaut AG MarketLine Company Profile
- Barry law review.
- BARS bulletin & review. (ISSN: 0964-2447, 2049-7881)
- Barton Malow Company MarketLine Company Profile
- Bartonia; proceedings of the Philadelphia botanical club ... (ISSN: 0198-7356)
- Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi. (ISSN: 1308-7177)
- Bartın Üniversitesi İslami İlimler fakültesi dergisi (Online) (ISSN: 2148-3507, 2619-9343)
- Baru. (ISSN: 2448-0460)
- Barwon Health MarketLine Company Profile
- Barómetro Audiovisual de Andalucía
- Barʹrasī-i masāʼil-i iqtiṣād-i Īrān. (ISSN: 2509-8322, 2783-2317)
- Basal ganglia. (ISSN: 2210-5336, 2210-5344)
- Base ball. (ISSN: 1934-2802, 1934-3167)
- Base line : a newsletter of the Map and Geography Round Table. (ISSN: 0272-8532, 1943-6548)
- Baseball America. (ISSN: 0745-5372)
- Baseball digest. (ISSN: 0005-609X)
- Baseball magazine. (ISSN: 1057-235X)
- Baseball research journal. (ISSN: 0734-6891)
- The Baseline Scenario [BLOG]
- Baseline. (ISSN: 1541-3004)
- BASF Business Services Holding GmbH MarketLine Company Profile
- BASF SE MarketLine Company Profile
- Bashas' Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Bashaw Star (AB) (ISSN: 0710-3298)
- Basic & clinical cancer research. (ISSN: 2228-6527)
- Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology. (ISSN: 1742-7835, 1742-7843)
- Basic and Applied Dryland Research
- Basic and applied ecology. (ISSN: 1439-1791, 1618-0089)
- Basic and applied herpetology. (ISSN: 2255-1468, 2255-1476)
- Basic and applied myology : BAM. (ISSN: 1120-9992)
- Basic and applied pathology. (ISSN: 1755-9294)
- Basic and applied social psychology. (ISSN: 0197-3533, 1532-4834)
- Basic and clinical andrology. (ISSN: 2051-4190)
- Basic and clinical neuroscience. (ISSN: 2008-126X, 2228-7442)
- Basic Departmental Data / Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
- Basic Energy Services, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Basic House Co., Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile
- Basic income studies. (ISSN: 1932-0183, 2194-6094)
- BASIC news (ISSN: 1530-0870)
- Basic research in cardiology. (ISSN: 0300-8428, 1435-1803)
- Basic statistical returns of scheduled commercial banks in India.
- Basilíade : revista de filosofia (ISSN: 2596-092X)
- Basin Electric Power Cooperative MarketLine Company Profile
- Basin research. (ISSN: 0950-091X, 1365-2117)
- Basindo ; Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia, dan Pembelajarannya (ISSN: 2579-3799)
- Basis (Leiden) (ISSN: 1566-1342)
- BASIS brief
- Basketball digest. (ISSN: 0098-5988)
- Basler AG MarketLine Company Profile
- Basler Biechergugge
- Basler Kantonalbank AG MarketLine Company Profile
- Basler Schriften zur europäischen Integration
- Basler Schulblatt
- Basler Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Altertumskunde (ISSN: 0067-4540)
- Baspārish. (ISSN: 2252-0449, 2538-5445)
- Basrah journal of surgery. (ISSN: 1683-3589)
- Basrah Journal of Veterinary Research (ISSN: 1813-8497)
- Bass player. (ISSN: 1050-785X)
- Bass Pro Shops, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Bass Strait Oil Company Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile
- Bassett Furniture Industries, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Basta Ya!
- Basunen : tidsskrift for professionel musik i Midtjylland
- Basware Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
- Basīt. al-Basīṭ. (ISSN: 1138-8315, 0212-8632)
- Bata India Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- Batenburg Techniek NV MarketLine Company Profile
- Bath & Body Works Direct, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Bath & Kitchen Pro
- BATM Advanced Communications Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile
- Batna journal of medical sciences. (ISSN: 2437-0665)
- Battelle Memorial Institute MarketLine Company Profile
- Batten briefings. (ISSN: 1543-3579)
- Batteries & supercaps. (ISSN: 2566-6223)
- Batteries international. (ISSN: 0957-9249)
- Batteries. (ISSN: 2313-0105)
- Battery energy. (ISSN: 2768-1696, 2768-1688)
- Battle Acts
- Batulis civil law review (ISSN: 2722-4465, 2746-8151)
- Bau und Architektur (ISSN: 1660-0312)
- BAUAW newsletter
- Bauen & retten
- BAUEN IN STAHL (ISSN: 0255-3104)
- Bauer AG MarketLine Company Profile
- Bauhaus International (Holdings) Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- Bauhinia. (ISSN: 0067-4605, 2235-0284)
- Der Bauhütten-Brief (ISSN: 0405-0282)
- Bauindustriebrief (ISSN: 0343-7795)
- Bauphysik. (ISSN: 0171-5445, 1437-0980)
- Baurechtliche Blätter : BBL. (ISSN: 1434-1832, 1613-7612)
- Bauregelliste A, Bauregelliste B und Liste C. (ISSN: 1862-3077, 1862-3093)
- Bausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement : Empfehlungen und Erfahrungsberichte für die Praxis von Forschungsdaten Managerinnen und -managern (ISSN: 2626-7489)
- Baustelle Theologie : Fakultätszeitung der Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultät der Universität Innsbruck