There are 9,007 titles that begin with the letter C
- Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brésilien. (ISSN: 0008-0152, 2437-220X)
- Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique. (ISSN: 0008-0160)
- Cahiers du monde russe. (ISSN: 1252-6576, 1777-5388)
- Cahiers du mouvement ouvrier (ISSN: 1287-2598)
- Cahiers du RESIPROC. (ISSN: 2294-9844, 2953-1136)
- Les Cahiers du RMES (ISSN: 2030-0875)
- Cahiers du Séminaire d'économétrie. (ISSN: 0071-8343)
- Cahiers ERTA. (ISSN: 2300-4681)
- Cahiers élisabéthains. (ISSN: 0184-7678, 2054-4715)
- Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure (ISSN: 0068-516X)
- Cahiers Francis Ponge. (ISSN: 2646-0300, 2592-6829)
- Cahiers franco-canadiens de l'Ouest (ISSN: 0843-9559, 1916-7792)
- Cahiers internationaux de sociologie. (ISSN: 0008-0276, 1969-6787)
- Cahiers Isabelle de Charrière (ISSN: 1872-7832)
- Cahiers ISPOLE
- Cahiers Jean Cocteau. (ISSN: 0068-5178)
- Cahiers Jean Moulin. (ISSN: 2553-9221)
- Cahiers linguistiques d'Ottawa. (ISSN: 0315-3967, 0317-1434)
- Cahiers Louis Dumur. (ISSN: 2426-1866, 2427-8084)
- Cahiers mondes anciens. (ISSN: 2107-0199)
- Cahiers métiers d'art = Craft journal. (ISSN: 1718-9802)
- Cahiers nantais (ISSN: 0767-8436, 2557-048X)
- Cahiers pour l'analyse. (ISSN: 0008-0446)
- Cahiers pédagogiques : [pour l'enseignement du second degré]. (ISSN: 0008-042X, 2268-7963)
- Cahiers québécois de démographie. (ISSN: 0380-1721, 1705-1495)
- Les cahiers Russie. (ISSN: 1955-4397, 2116-7850)
- Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport (ISSN: 1150-8809, 2804-2107)
- Les cahiers Sirice. (ISSN: 1967-2713, 2118-0067)
- Cahiers société. (ISSN: 2562-5373, 2562-5381)
- Cahiers Tristan Corbière (ISSN: 2608-4031)
- Cahiers van de Stichting Bio-Wetenschappen en Maatschappij. (ISSN: 0921-3457)
- Cahiers victoriens & édouardiens. (ISSN: 0220-5610, 2271-6149)
- Cahiers Vilfredo Pareto (ISSN: 0008-0497)
- Cahiers Virtuels
- CAI International, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Caiana. (ISSN: 2313-9242)
- Caiete de drept penal : = Criminal law writings (ISSN: 1841-6047)
- Caietele Echinox (ISSN: 1582-960X)
- Caietele Lucian Blaga. (ISSN: 2601-7776)
- CAIMS SCMAI Newsletter
- Cairn Energy PLC MarketLine Company Profile
- Cairn India Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- The Cairo bulletin. (ISSN: 2163-4572, 2769-7339)
- Cairo Communication S.p.A. MarketLine Company Profile
- The Cairo daily bulletin. (ISSN: 2163-713X, 2769-7347)
- The Cairo evening bulletin. (ISSN: 2163-7180, 2769-738X)
- Cairo Papers in Social Science (ISSN: 1110-659X)
- CAISE Journal (ISSN: 2305-1930, 2305-1922)
- Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec MarketLine Company Profile
- Caisse Francaise de Financement Local MarketLine Company Profile
- Caixa Geral de Depositos, SA MarketLine Company Profile
- CaixaBank, S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
- Cake & cockhorse. (ISSN: 0008-0535)
- Cakradonya dental journal (ISSN: 2085-546X, 2622-4720)
- Cakrawala : jurnal pendidikan. (ISSN: 1858-4497, 2549-9300)
- Cakrawala dini. (ISSN: 2087-1317, 2621-8321)
- Cakrawala pendidikan : CP. (ISSN: 0216-1370, 2442-8620)
- Cal law : trends and developments.
- Cal Poly Pomona Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, The
- The Cal Poly Pomona journal of interdisciplinary studies. (ISSN: 1548-2235)
- Cal State L.A. today
- Cal-Comp Electronics (Thailand) Public Company Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- CAL-laborate : a collaborative publication on the use of computer aided learning for tertiary level physical sciences (ISSN: 1443-4482, 1443-4490)
- CAL-laborate international (ISSN: 2200-4270)
- CAL-laborate international (ISSN: 1836-0858, 1836-0866)
- Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Cal/OSHA pocket guide for the construction industry
- Calabash : a journal of Caribbean arts and letters. (ISSN: 1531-6661)
- Calamos Asset Management, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- CalAmp Corp. MarketLine Company Profile
- Calamus : revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Estudios Medievales (ISSN: 2545-627X)
- Calamus renascens : revista de humanismo y tradición clásica. (ISSN: 1576-3471)
- Calandrier [sic] du peuple
- Calavo Growers, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- CALBEE, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Calcified tissue international. (ISSN: 0171-967X, 1432-0827)
- Calcified tissue research. (ISSN: 0008-0594)
- Calcolo. (ISSN: 0008-0624, 1126-5434)
- Calculus of variations and partial differential equations. (ISSN: 0944-2669, 1432-0835)
- The Calcutta chronicle, and, General advertiser,
- The Calcutta chronicle, and, General advertiser,
- The Calcutta chronicle, and, General advertiser,
- The Calcutta chronicle, and, General advertiser,
- The Calcutta chronicle, and, General advertiser,
- The Calcutta Friday morning post, and, General adveritser,
- Calcutta gazette,
- Calcutta gazette,
- Calcutta gazette,
- The Calcutta gazette,
- The Calcutta gazette,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,
- The Calcutta gazette, or, Oriental advertiser,