0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


There are 2,607 titles that begin with the letter D


  1. Development report (ISSN: 1581-6907)
  2. Development southern Africa. (ISSN: 0376-835X, 1470-3637)
  3. Development studies research. (ISSN: 2166-5095)
  4. Development, Environment and Foresight (ISSN: 2336-6613, 2336-6621)
  5. Development, growth & differentiation. (ISSN: 0012-1592, 1440-169X)
  6. Development. (ISSN: 0888-6067)
  7. Development. (ISSN: 0950-1991, 1477-9129)
  8. Development. (ISSN: 1011-6370, 1461-7072)
  9. Developmental and comparative immunology. (ISSN: 0145-305X, 1879-0089)
  10. Developmental biology. (ISSN: 0012-1606, 1095-564X)
  11. Developmental cell. (ISSN: 1534-5807, 1878-1551)
  12. Developmental child welfare. (ISSN: 2516-1032, 2516-1040)
  13. Developmental Coaching Handbook
  14. Developmental cognitive neuroscience. (ISSN: 1878-9293, 1878-9307)
  15. Developmental disabilities bulletin. (ISSN: 1184-0412)
  16. Developmental disabilities network journal. (ISSN: 2694-1104)
  17. Developmental disabilities research reviews. (ISSN: 1940-5510, 1940-5529)
  18. Developmental Disabilities Special Interest Section quarterly (ISSN: 1093-7196)
  19. Developmental dynamics. (ISSN: 1058-8388, 1097-0177)
  20. Developmental genetics. (ISSN: 0192-253X, 1520-6408)
  21. Developmental immunology. (ISSN: 1044-6672, 1029-2357)
  22. Developmental medicine and child neurology. (ISSN: 0012-1622, 1469-8749)
  23. Developmental neurobiology. (ISSN: 1932-8451, 1932-846X)
  24. Developmental neuropsychology. (ISSN: 8756-5641, 1532-6942)
  25. Developmental neurorehabilitation. (ISSN: 1751-8423, 1751-8431)
  26. Developmental neuroscience. (ISSN: 0378-5866, 1421-9859)
  27. Developmental psychobiology. (ISSN: 0012-1630, 1098-2302)
  28. Developmental psychology. (ISSN: 0012-1649, 1939-0599)
  29. Developmental review : DR. (ISSN: 0273-2297, 1090-2406)
  30. Developmental science. (ISSN: 1363-755X, 1467-7687)
  31. Developments in administrative law and regulatory practice. (ISSN: 1543-1991)
  32. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing (ISSN: 0969-1855, 1747-3659)
  33. Developments in earth surface processes (ISSN: 0928-2025, 2213-588X)
  34. Developments in health sciences (ISSN: 2630-9378, 2630-936X)
  35. Developments in mental health law : a quarterly publication of the Institute of Law, Psychiatry & Public Policy at the University of Virginia. (ISSN: 1063-9977)
  36. Developments in steelmaking capacity of non-OECD countries = Les capacités de production d'acier dans les pays non OCDE. (ISSN: 1563-0927, 1999-1606)
  37. Developments in Structural Geology and Tectonics (ISSN: 2542-9000)
  38. Developments in the built environment. (ISSN: 2666-1659)
  39. Developments: The International Development Magazine
  41. Devenir : revista de estudios sobre patrimonio edificado. (ISSN: 2312-7562, 2616-4949)
  42. Devenir. (ISSN: 1015-8154, 2235-2090)
  43. Devernois S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
  44. Deviant behavior : an interdisciplinary journal. (ISSN: 0163-9625, 1521-0456)
  45. Devil's Lake. (ISSN: 2156-5821)
  46. Devir educação. (ISSN: 2526-849X)
  47. Devires : cinema e humanidades. (ISSN: 1679-8503)
  48. Devisenkursstatistik (ISSN: 0943-8793, 1861-5880)
  49. Devoir
  50. Le devoir. (ISSN: 0319-0722)
  51. Devon Energy Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
  52. Devoteam Group MarketLine Company Profile
  53. Devro PLC MarketLine Company Profile
  54. DeVry Education Group Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  55. Dew drops.
  56. Dewa Ruci : jurnal pengkajian dan penciptaan seni. (ISSN: 1412-4181, 2685-287X)
  57. DEX MEDIA, INC. MarketLine Company Profile
  58. Dexia Group MarketLine Company Profile
  59. Dexion Absolute Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  60. Dexion Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  61. DEXUS Property Group MarketLine Company Profile
  62. Deyaar Development PJSC MarketLine Company Profile
  63. Dezinfekt︠s︡ii︠a︡, antiseptika (ISSN: 2306-4269, 2520-2898)
  64. ˜Deœ Gracieuse
  65. ˜Deœ Helling : tijdschrift voor linkse politiek (ISSN: 0922-0119)
  66. ˜Deœ stijl : maandblad voor nieuwe kunst, wetenschap en kultur
  67. Değerler eğitimi dergisi. (ISSN: 1303-880X, 2667-7504)
  68. Décadrages : cinéma, à travers champs (ISSN: 2235-7823)
  69. Délibérations de la ... session annuelle du Congrès des métiers et du travail du Canada
  70. Dépendances : des réflexions, des pratiques autour du champ des drogues légales et illégales (ISSN: 1422-3368)
  71. Développement culturel : bulletin d'information du Service des Études et de la Recherche du Secrétariat d'État à la Culture (ISSN: 0294-8451)
  72. DF-revy (ISSN: 0106-0503, 1901-1903)
  73. DFC Global Corp. MarketLine Company Profile
  74. Dfdanse : le magazine de la danse actuelle à Montréal (ISSN: 1705-5083)
  75. DFDS A/S MarketLine Company Profile
  76. DFI aktuell : Actualités de l'Institut Franco-Allemand ŕ Ludwigsburg
  77. DFI aktuell : Informationen aus dem Deutsch-Französischen Institut Ludwigsburg
  78. DFN-Mitteilungen (ISSN: 0177-6894)
  79. DGaaE Nachrichten (ISSN: 0931-4873)
  80. DGAP Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Ad-hoc-Publizitat. Regulatory news
  81. DGAP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ad-hoc-Publizität. Corporate News
  82. DGAP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ad-hoc-Publizität. Corporate News
  83. DGAP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ad-hoc-Publizität. Corporate News
  84. DGAP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ad-hoc-Publizität. Regulatory News
  85. DGER News
  86. DGGS Newsletter Series
  87. DGGS Publications Series
  88. DGOS-Info: de nieuwsbrief van directie-generaal ontwikkelingssamenwerking
  89. DGSE Companies, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  90. The Dhaka University journal of pharmaceutical sciences. (ISSN: 1816-1839)
  91. The Dhaka University journal of science. (ISSN: 1022-2502)
  92. Dhaka University Studies Part F (ISSN: 2790-1807)
  93. Dhanlaxmi Bank Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  94. Dhanuka Agritech Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  95. Dharampal Satyapal Group MarketLine Company Profile
  96. Dharma raflesia : jurnal ilmiah pengembangan dan penerapan IPTEKS. (ISSN: 1693-8046, 2615-4544)
  97. Dharmashastra National Law University Law Review (DNLULR)
  98. Dharmashastra National Law University Student Law Journal / DNLU Student Law Journal
  99. Dharmasmṛti : jurnal ilmu agama & kebudayaan. (ISSN: 1693-0304, 2620-827X)
  100. Dhaulagiri journal of sociology and anthropology. (ISSN: 1994-2664, 1994-2672)