0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


There are 2,612 titles that begin with the letter D


  1. Dānish va pizhuhish dar ravānʹshināsī-i kārburdī. (ISSN: 2676-3303, 2676-5128)
  2. Dānishnāmah-i Ṣārim dar ṭibb-i bāvarī (ISSN: 2251-8215, 2476-3470)
  3. Dārūhā-yi giyāhī = Journal of herbal drugs. (ISSN: 2008-8884, 2476-5392)
  4. DB Breweries Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  5. DBA Telecommunication (Asia) Holdings Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile
  6. DBS Business Review (ISSN: 2565-5272, 2565-5280)
  7. DBS Group Holdings Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  8. DC velocity : logistics solutions for distribution center management. (ISSN: 1543-3587)
  9. DCC plc MarketLine Company Profile
  10. DCI. (ISSN: 1096-4819)
  11. DCP Midstream, LLC. MarketLine Company Profile
  12. DCT Industrial Trust Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  13. DCW Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  14. DDR Corp. MarketLine Company Profile
  15. The "de luxe" magazine.
  16. De'Longhi S.p.A. MarketLine Company Profile
  17. De-Bug : elektronische Lebensaspekte ; Monatszeitung
  18. De-bug: Magazin für elektronische Lebensaspekte
  19. The Dead Horse Corner Gazette.
  20. Dead Sea discoveries : a journal of current research on the scrolls and related literature. (ISSN: 0929-0761, 1568-5179)
  21. Deadly Vibe (ISSN: 1446-9421)
  22. Deafness & education international : the journal of the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf. (ISSN: 1464-3154, 1557-069X)
  23. DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG MarketLine Company Profile
  24. Deakin law review. (ISSN: 1321-3660, 1835-9264)
  25. The Deakin review of children's literature. (ISSN: 1927-1484)
  26. The deal.com. (ISSN: 1545-830X, 1545-8318)
  27. Dealer magazine. (ISSN: 1537-6141)
  28. Dealernews. (ISSN: 0893-2522, 1939-1870)
  29. Dealerscope. (ISSN: 1534-4711)
  30. Dealertrack Technologies, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  31. DealerWorld (ISSN: 1135-3805)
  32. Dealing with Technology (ISSN: 1744-0416, 1744-0424)
  33. Dean & provost. (ISSN: 1527-6562, 1943-7587)
  34. Dean Foods Company MarketLine Company Profile
  35. Dean's Notes (National Student Nurses Association)
  36. Dean's notes. (ISSN: 2643-1114)
  37. The Deanery magazine
  38. Dear Habermas
  39. The death penalty in ... year end report
  40. Death penalty reporter. (ISSN: 0272-7617)
  41. Death profiles by zip code California.
  42. Death Row U.S.A. Reporter
  43. Death Row USA
  44. Death studies. (ISSN: 0748-1187, 1091-7683)
  45. Debate feminista. (ISSN: 0188-9478, 2594-066X)
  46. Debater a Europa. (ISSN: 1647-6336)
  47. Debates and proceedings of the House of Assembly of Prince Edward Island
  48. Debates and proceedings of the Senate of Canada
  49. Debates de coyuntura económica y social
  50. Debates de coyuntura económica. (ISSN: 0120-8969)
  51. Debates do NER : publicação do Núcleo de Estudos da Religião do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. (ISSN: 1519-843X, 1982-8136)
  52. Debates em Educação : Revista do PPGE (ISSN: 2175-6600)
  53. Debates em psiquiatria. (ISSN: 2236-918X, 2763-9037)
  54. Debates en sociología. (ISSN: 0254-9220, 2304-4284)
  55. Debates IESA. (ISSN: 1316-1296)
  56. Debates of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada
  57. Debates of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory, weekly Hansard (ISSN: 1833-6825, 1833-6833)
  58. Debates of the Senate
  59. Debates por la historia (ISSN: 2594-2956)
  60. Debates Sinpro Guarulhos. (ISSN: 2316-4069)
  61. Debats : revista de cultura, poder i societat. (ISSN: 0212-0585, 2530-3074)
  62. Debenhams plc MarketLine Company Profile
  63. Debreceni jogi műhely (ISSN: 1786-5158)
  64. Debreceni Katolikus Figyelő : a debreceni római katolikus egyházközségek értesítõje
  65. Debt Resolve, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  66. Debt³. (ISSN: 1554-883X)
  67. Decent Work Issues in Poverty Reduction Strategies & National Development Frameworks: A Seminar Report 15-17 December 2008 International Training Centre Turin
  68. Deceuninck NV MarketLine Company Profile
  69. Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC MarketLine Company Profile
  70. Decimonónica : revista de producción cultural hispánica decimonónica. (ISSN: 1554-6535)
  71. Decision : Ireland's Business Review (ISSN: 1393-2993)
  72. Decision analysis. (ISSN: 1545-8490, 1545-8504)
  73. Decision analytics journal. (ISSN: 2772-6622)
  74. Decision analytics. (ISSN: 2193-8636)
  75. Decision line. (ISSN: 0732-6823, 2158-057X)
  76. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering. (ISSN: 2560-6018, 2620-0104)
  77. Decision science letters. (ISSN: 1929-5804, 1929-5812)
  78. Decision sciences journal of innovative education. (ISSN: 1540-4595, 1540-4609)
  79. Decision sciences. (ISSN: 0011-7315, 1540-5915)
  80. Decision support systems (ISSN: 0167-9236, 1873-5797)
  81. Decision. (ISSN: 0304-0941, 2197-1722)
  82. Decisionmaking in Operation Iraqi Freedom : removing Saddam Hussein by force
  83. Decisionmaking in Operation Iraqi Freedom : the strategic shift of 2007
  84. Decisions in economics and finance. (ISSN: 1593-8883, 1129-6569)
  85. Decisions of the Roman Rota. (ISSN: 2835-9127, 2835-9143)
  86. Deckers Outdoor Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
  87. Decolonization : indigeneity, education & society. (ISSN: 1929-8692)
  88. Decomp : a literary magazine. (ISSN: 1947-0436)
  89. Decubitus. (ISSN: 0898-1655, 2331-4214)
  90. Dedans dehors (ISSN: 1276-6038)
  92. DEDPS (ISSN: 1367-0964)
  93. Dee Valley Group Plc MarketLine Company Profile
  94. Deep Brain Stimulation (ISSN: 2949-6691)
  95. Deep sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers (ISSN: 0967-0637, 1879-0119)
  96. Deep sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography. (ISSN: 0967-0645, 1879-0100)
  97. Deep underground science and engineering. (ISSN: 2097-0668, 2770-1328)
  98. Deep-sea research (ISSN: 0146-6291, 1878-2485)
  99. Deep-sea research and oceanographic abstracts. (ISSN: 0011-7471, 1878-2493)
  100. Deep-sea research. (ISSN: 0146-6313, 1878-2507)