There are 2,586 titles that begin with the letter H
- Human behavior and emerging technologies. (ISSN: 2578-1863)
- Human biology and public health : journal of the Auxological Society (ISSN: 2748-9957)
- Human biology. (ISSN: 0018-7143, 1534-6617)
- Human brain mapping. (ISSN: 1065-9471, 1097-0193)
- Human cell (ISSN: 0914-7470, 1749-0774)
- Human communication Canada = Communication humaine Canada. (ISSN: 0822-5486)
- Human communication research (ISSN: 0360-3989, 1468-2958)
- Human communication. Communication humaine. (ISSN: 0319-1419)
- Human computation. (ISSN: 2330-8001)
- Human development report. (ISSN: 0969-4501)
- Human development. (ISSN: 0018-716X, 1423-0054)
- Human dimensions of wildlife. (ISSN: 1087-1209, 1533-158X)
- Human ecology (ISSN: 1530-7069, 2163-520X)
- Human ecology forum. (ISSN: 0018-7178)
- Human ecology review. (ISSN: 1074-4827, 2204-0919)
- Human ecology. (ISSN: 0300-7839, 1572-9915)
- Human factors & aviation medicine (ISSN: 1057-5545)
- Human factors : the journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. (ISSN: 0018-7208, 1547-8181)
- Human factors and ergonomics in manufacturing. (ISSN: 1090-8471, 1520-6564)
- Human factors and mechanical engineering for defense and safety. (ISSN: 2509-8004, 2367-2544)
- Human Factors in Healthcare (ISSN: 2772-5014)
- Human fertility. (ISSN: 1464-7273, 1742-8149)
- Human genetics. (ISSN: 0340-6717, 1432-1203)
- Human genome news. (ISSN: 1050-6101)
- Human genome quarterly. (ISSN: 1044-0828)
- Human genome variation. (ISSN: 2054-345X)
- Human genomics and proteomics. (ISSN: 1757-4242)
- Human genomics. (ISSN: 1473-9542, 1479-7364)
- Human geographies : journal of studies and research in human geography. (ISSN: 1843-6587, 2067-2284)
- Human geography. (ISSN: 1942-7786, 2633-674X)
- Human heredity. (ISSN: 0001-5652, 1423-0062)
- Human immunology. (ISSN: 0198-8859, 1879-1166)
- Human intelligence : all humans, all minds, all the time
- Human IT : tidskrift för studier av IT ur ett humanvetenskapligt perspektiv. (ISSN: 1402-1501, 1402-151X)
- The human life review. (ISSN: 0097-9783, 2169-396X)
- Human Microbiome Journal (ISSN: 2452-2317)
- Human molecular genetics. (ISSN: 0964-6906, 1460-2083)
- Human movement science. (ISSN: 0167-9457, 1872-7646)
- Human movement. (ISSN: 1732-3991, 1899-1955)
- Human mutation. (ISSN: 1059-7794, 1098-1004)
- Human nature : an interdisciplinary biosocial perspective. (ISSN: 1045-6767, 1936-4776)
- Human nature review (ISSN: 1476-1084)
- Human nutrition & metabolism. (ISSN: 2666-1497)
- Human nutrition. Food sciences and nutrition. (ISSN: 0952-8954)
- Human organization : journal of the Society for Applied Anthropology. (ISSN: 0018-7259, 1938-3525)
- Human parasitic diseases. (ISSN: 1179-5700)
- Human pathology : case reports. (ISSN: 2214-3300)
- Human pathology reports. (ISSN: 2772-736X)
- Human pathology. (ISSN: 0046-8177, 1532-8392)
- Human performance in extreme environments. (ISSN: 1529-5168, 2327-2937)
- Human performance. (ISSN: 0895-9285, 1532-7043)
- Human physiology. (ISSN: 0362-1197, 1608-3164)
- Human power : the technical journal of the IHPVA. (ISSN: 0898-6908)
- Human Power Journal
- The human prospect : a neo-humanist perspective. (ISSN: 2166-630X, 2325-4939)
- Human psychopharmacology : clinical and experimental. (ISSN: 0885-6222, 1099-1077)
- Human relations. (ISSN: 0018-7267, 1741-282X)
- Human remains and violence : an interdisciplinary journal. (ISSN: 2054-2240)
- Human reproduction and genetic ethics. (ISSN: 1028-7825, 2043-0469)
- Human reproduction open (ISSN: 2399-3529)
- Human reproduction update. (ISSN: 1355-4786, 1460-2369)
- Human reproduction. (ISSN: 0268-1161, 1460-2350)
- Human resource development international. (ISSN: 1367-8868, 1469-8374)
- Human resource development quarterly (ISSN: 1044-8004, 1532-1096)
- Human resource development review : HRD review. (ISSN: 1534-4843, 1552-6712)
- Human resource management international digest. (ISSN: 0967-0734, 1758-7166)
- Human resource management journal. (ISSN: 0954-5395, 1748-8583)
- Human resource management review. (ISSN: 1053-4822, 1873-7889)
- Human resource management. (ISSN: 0090-4848, 1099-050X)
- Human resource planning : HR. (ISSN: 0199-8986)
- Human resources for health. (ISSN: 1478-4491)
- Human Resources Legislative Update [BLOG]
- Human resources outsourcing today. (ISSN: 1541-356X, 1541-3551)
- Human resources. (ISSN: 0964-8380)
- Human Rights
- Human rights & globalization law review.
- Human rights & human welfare : an international review of books and other publications. (ISSN: 1533-0834)
- Human rights & international legal discourse. (ISSN: 1783-7014)
- Human rights : China's first magazine on human rights = Ren quan. (ISSN: 1671-4016)
- Human rights : journal of the Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities. (ISSN: 0046-8185, 2162-8483)
- Human Rights Brief (ISSN: 1932-4081)
- Human rights brief. (ISSN: 1932-4073, 1932-4081)
- Human rights case digest. (ISSN: 0965-934X, 1571-8131)
- Human rights defender (ISSN: 1039-2637)
- Human rights dialogue. (ISSN: 1540-0123, 1540-0166)
- Human rights digest. (ISSN: 1492-0719)
- Human rights education review. (ISSN: 2535-5406)
- Human rights fact sheet. (ISSN: 1014-5567, 1564-8974)
- Human rights forum. (ISSN: 0117-5521)
- Human rights herald
- Human rights in the global south. (ISSN: 2962-5556)
- Human rights law review. (ISSN: 1461-7781, 1744-1021)
- Human rights monitor. (ISSN: 1607-5501)
- Human rights quarterly. (ISSN: 0275-0392, 1085-794X)
- Human rights review. (ISSN: 1524-8879, 1874-6306)
- Human rights solidarity. (ISSN: 1682-4148, 1682-4156)
- Human Rights Watch world report. (ISSN: 1054-948X)
- Human Rights Watch. D (ISSN: 1552-7042)
- Human security report. (ISSN: 1557-914X, 2152-548X)
- Human service organizations, management, leadership & governance. (ISSN: 2330-3131, 2330-314X)