There are 9,372 titles that begin with the letter J
- Journalism & mass communication educator. (ISSN: 1077-6958, 2161-4326)
- Journalism & mass communication quarterly. (ISSN: 1077-6990, 2161-430X)
- Journalism : theory, practice, and criticism. (ISSN: 1464-8849, 1741-3001)
- Journalism and Media (ISSN: 2673-5172)
- Journalism Asia. (ISSN: 1655-2458)
- Journalism Education – the journal of the Association for Journalism Education (ISSN: 2050-3903)
- The journalism educator. (ISSN: 0022-5517)
- The journalism quarterly. (ISSN: 0196-3031, 0022-5533)
- Journalisten. (ISSN: 0447-9661)
- Journalistica. (ISSN: 1901-6220, 1904-7967)
- Journalistik : Journalistik-Journal
- journalMED
- The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. (ISSN: 1079-5006, 1758-535X)
- Journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. (ISSN: 1079-5014, 1758-5368)
- Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada
- Journals of the House of Commons.
- Journals of the House of Lords.
- Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada
- Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of New Brunswick. (ISSN: 0706-0629, 0319-9223)
- Journals of the Legislative Council of British Columbia
- Journals of the Legislative Council of the Island of Newfoundland
- Journals of the Legislative Council of the Province of Canada
- Journals of the Legislative Council of the province of Lower Canada
- Journals of the Senate of Canada
- Journals of the Special Council of the province of Lower Canada
- Journaux de l'Assemblée législatif de la Province du Canada
- Journaux de la Chambre des communes de la puissance du Canada
- Journaux du Conseil législatif de la Province du Canada
- Journaux du Conseil spécial de la province du Bas-Canada
- Journaux du Sénat du Canada
- Journeys : the international journal of travel and travel writing. (ISSN: 1465-2609, 1752-2358)
- Journée Annuelle / Société Mathématique de France
- Journées de la recherche porcine en France. (ISSN: 0767-9874)
- Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles (ISSN: 0752-0360, 2118-9366)
- Jouvert : a journal of postcolonial studies. (ISSN: 1098-6944)
- JoVE - Journal of Visualized Experiments. Genetics
- JoVE science education. Advanced biology
- Jove Science Education. Basic Biology
- Jove: Journal of Visualized Experiments (ISSN: 1940-087X)
- Jovian Capital Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
- Joy Global Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Joyce studies annual. (ISSN: 1049-0809, 1538-4241)
- Joyce studies in Italy. (ISSN: 2281-373X)
- JP (Jurnal Pendidikan) : teori dan praktik. (ISSN: 2527-6891)
- JP-BSI : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. (ISSN: 2477-5932, 2477-846X)
- JPAIR Multidisciplinary Journal (ISSN: 2012-3981, 2244-0445)
- JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia). (ISSN: 2442-3750, 2527-6204)
- JPDI : jurnal pendidikan dasar Indonesia. (ISSN: 2477-5940, 2477-8435)
- JPEN, Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition. (ISSN: 0148-6071, 1941-2444)
- JPFT (Jurnal pendidikan fisika dan teknologi). (ISSN: 2614-5618, 2407-6902)
- JPGN reports. (ISSN: 2691-171X)
- JPHE : Journal of praxis in higher education. (ISSN: 2003-3605)
- JPhys Energy (ISSN: 2515-7655)
- JPhys materials. (ISSN: 2515-7639)
- JPhys photonics (ISSN: 2515-7647)
- JPIB : jurnal psikologi Islam dan budaya. (ISSN: 2615-8191, 2615-8183)
- JPMI : jurnal pendidikan matematika Indonesia. (ISSN: 2477-5967, 2477-8443)
- JPMorgan Chase & Co. MarketLine Company Profile
- JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust plc MarketLine Company Profile
- JPNIC news letter
- JPPPF : jurnal penelitian dan pengembangan pendidikan fisika. (ISSN: 2461-0933, 2461-1433)
- JPRAS open. (ISSN: 2352-5878)
- JRAMB : jurnal riset akuntansi Mercu Buana. (ISSN: 2460-1233, 2548-4338)
- JRSM cardiovascular disease. (ISSN: 2048-0040)
- JRSM open. (ISSN: 2054-2704)
- JRSM short reports. (ISSN: 2042-5333)
- JRSM Shorts
- JS Cable Co., Ltd MarketLine Company Profile
- JSAE review. (ISSN: 0389-4304, 1879-0976)
- JSAMS plus. (ISSN: 2772-6967)
- JSAP international.
- JSC Acron MarketLine Company Profile
- JSC Aeroflot MarketLine Company Profile
- JSC Gazprom Neft MarketLine Company Profile
- JSC Kazakhtelecom MarketLine Company Profile
- JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration Production MarketLine Company Profile
- JSC Latvijas Gaze MarketLine Company Profile
- JSC RusHydro MarketLine Company Profile
- JSC Russian Grids MarketLine Company Profile
- JSC Third Generation Company of the Wholesale Electricity Market MarketLine Company Profile
- JSES international : open access : a publication of the Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery (ISSN: 2666-6383)
- JSES Open Access. (ISSN: 2468-6026)
- JSES reviews, reports, and techniques. (ISSN: 2666-6391)
- JSFA reports. (ISSN: 2573-5098)
- JSiI (Jurnal Sistem Informasi) (ISSN: 2406-7768, 2581-2181)
- JSLS (ISSN: 1086-8089, 1938-3797)
- JSM (Jurnal Seni Musik) (ISSN: 2301-4091, 2503-2860)
- JSP : jurnal ilmu sosial & ilmu politik. (ISSN: 1410-4946, 2502-7883)
- JSPS quarterly
- JSR Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
- JSW : (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo). (ISSN: 2503-3166, 2503-3182)
- JSW Ispat Steel Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- JSW Steel Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- JT Group Ltd MarketLine Company Profile
- JTCVS open. (ISSN: 2666-2736)
- JTCVS techniques. (ISSN: 2666-2507)
- JTEKT Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
- JTO clinical and research reports. (ISSN: 2666-3643)
- JU open plus. (ISSN: 2771-554X)
- Juara. (ISSN: 2443-1117, 2655-1896)