There are 2,387 titles that begin with the letter L
- Library Computing: Internet & Software Applications for Information Professionals (ISSN: 1527-1161)
- Library connect (ISSN: 1549-3733,EISSN: 1549-3725)
- Library consortium management (ISSN: 1466-2760,EISSN: 1466-2752)
- Library Hi Tech (ISSN: 0737-8831,EISSN: 2054-166X)
- Library Hi Tech News (ISSN: 0741-9058,EISSN: 2054-1678)
- Library History (ISSN: 0024-2306,EISSN: 1745-8161)
- Library Ideas (ISSN: 1860-7950)
- The Library imagination paper (ISSN: 0197-5587)
- Library Instruction Round Table news (ISSN: 0270-6792,EISSN: 2161-6426)
- Library Journal (ISSN: 0363-0277)
- Library juice (ISSN: 1544-9378)
- Library Leadership & Management (ISSN: 1945-8851,EISSN: 1945-886X)
- Library Management (ISSN: 0143-5124,EISSN: 1758-7921)
- Library Media Connection (ISSN: 1542-4715)
- Library Mosaics (ISSN: 1054-9676)
- Library of Congress Information Bulletin (ISSN: 0041-7904,EISSN: 1082-6580)
- Library of Congress magazine (Online) (ISSN: 2169-0863,EISSN: 2169-0855)
- Library of Economic History (ISSN: 1512-6412,EISSN: 2233-0070)
- Library of Progress: Library Science, Information Technology & Computer (ISSN: 0970-1052)
- Library Philosophy & Practice (ISSN: 1522-0222)
- Library Quarterly (ISSN: 0024-2519,EISSN: 1549-652X)
- Library Resources & Technical Services (ISSN: 0024-2527,EISSN: 2159-9610)
- Library Review (ISSN: 0024-2535,EISSN: 1758-793X)
- Library Software Review (ISSN: 0742-5759,EISSN: 2378-9247)
- Library Talk (ISSN: 1043-237X)
- Library technology newsletter (EISSN: 2771-5426)
- Library Technology Reports (ISSN: 0024-2586,EISSN: 1945-4538)
- Library Trends (ISSN: 0024-2594,EISSN: 1559-0682)
- Library worklife (ISSN: 1550-3534)
- Library workstation and PC report (ISSN: 0894-9158,EISSN: 2688-9811)
- Library workstation report (ISSN: 1041-7923,EISSN: 2575-565X)
- Libre parole
- LIBRES: Library & Information Science Research Electronic Journal (ISSN: 1058-6768)
- LiBRI : Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation (ISSN: 2068-0627)
- Libri e riviste d'Italia (ISSN: 0024-2683)
- Libri Oncologici (ISSN: 0300-8142,EISSN: 2584-3826)
- Libris-meddelanden (ISSN: 0348-1891)
- LIBRIS-nytt (ISSN: 1403-3488)
- Libros de la (ISSN: 1989-6425)
- Librínsula: La Isla de los Libros (EISSN: 1810-4479)
- Libya Country Monitor
- Libya Country Report (ISSN: 1054-5719)
- Libya Defence & Security Report (ISSN: 1749-1517)
- Libya Infrastructure Report (ISSN: 1752-783X,EISSN: 2396-2917)
- The Libyan journal of agriculture (ISSN: 1010-3740,EISSN: 2708-6127)
- Libyan Journal of Medicine (ISSN: 1993-2820,EISSN: 1819-6357)
- Libyan Studies (ISSN: 0263-7189,EISSN: 2052-6148)
- LIC of India MarketLine Company Profile
- License! Global (ISSN: 1936-4989,EISSN: 1936-5047)
- Licensed victuallers' gazette
- Licensing Journal (ISSN: 1040-4023)
- Licensing Letter (ISSN: 8755-6235)
- Licensure exchange (ISSN: 1093-541X)
- Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research (ISSN: 2094-1064,EISSN: 2244-0437)
- Licere (ISSN: 1516-2168)
- Lichenologist (ISSN: 0024-2829,EISSN: 1096-1135)
- Lichnosti
- Licht: Die Salesianische Zeitschrift
- Licnoe Delo (Formerly Za Celoveka)
- LICT Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
- LID Dossier
- LID Mediendienst
- LiDCO Group Plc MarketLine Company Profile
- Lidil (ISSN: 1146-6480,EISSN: 1960-6052)
- Lidl Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG MarketLine Company Profile
- Lidové noviny. Orgán strany lidové na Moravě
- Lidé města (ISSN: 1212-8112,EISSN: 2571-0958)
- Lieberman Variant Talmud Texts
- Liebherr-International AG MarketLine Company Profile
- Liebigs Annalen (ISSN: 0947-3440)
- Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG MarketLine Company Profile
- Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture (ISSN: 1619-0548)
- Lieken AG MarketLine Company Profile
- Lien Social et Politiques (ISSN: 1204-3206,EISSN: 1703-9665)
- Lietuvių Kalba (EISSN: 1822-525X)
- Lietuvos Chirurgija (ISSN: 1392-0995,EISSN: 1648-9942)
- Lietuvos Dujos AB MarketLine Company Profile
- Lietuvos energijos gamyba AB MarketLine Company Profile
- Lietuvos etnologija (ISSN: 1392-4028)
- Lietuvos istorijos metraštis (ISSN: 0202-3342,EISSN: 2538-6549)
- Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos (ISSN: 1392-0448,EISSN: 1648-9101)
- Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys (ISSN: 0132-2818)
- Lietuvos Respublikos mokejimu balansas (ISSN: 1392-3161,EISSN: 1648-9829)
- Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo ... posėdžiai (ISSN: 1392-0111)
- Lietuvos Rytas (ISSN: 1392-2351)
- Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai. Psichologija (ISSN: 0202-3318)
- Life (ISSN: 0024-3019,EISSN: 2169-1576)
- Life & Style Weekly (ISSN: 1550-6247)
- Life - Basel (EISSN: 2075-1729)
- Life association news (ISSN: 0024-3078)
- Life boat
- Life Care Centers of America, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering (ISSN: 2520-1352,EISSN: 2520-1360)
- Life echoes
- Life Extension (ISSN: 1524-198X)
- Life insurance fact book (ISSN: 0075-9406)
- Life Insurance International (ISSN: 0956-327X)
- Life Insurance Selling (ISSN: 0024-3140)