There are 2,387 titles that begin with the letter L

  1. Library Computing: Internet & Software Applications for Information Professionals (ISSN: 1527-1161)
  2. Library connect (ISSN: 1549-3733,EISSN: 1549-3725)
  3. Library consortium management (ISSN: 1466-2760,EISSN: 1466-2752)
  4. Library Hi Tech (ISSN: 0737-8831,EISSN: 2054-166X)
  5. Library Hi Tech News (ISSN: 0741-9058,EISSN: 2054-1678)
  6. Library History (ISSN: 0024-2306,EISSN: 1745-8161)
  7. Library Ideas (ISSN: 1860-7950)
  8. The Library imagination paper (ISSN: 0197-5587)
  9. Library Instruction Round Table news (ISSN: 0270-6792,EISSN: 2161-6426)
  10. Library Journal (ISSN: 0363-0277)
  11. Library juice (ISSN: 1544-9378)
  12. Library Leadership & Management (ISSN: 1945-8851,EISSN: 1945-886X)
  13. Library Management (ISSN: 0143-5124,EISSN: 1758-7921)
  14. Library Media Connection (ISSN: 1542-4715)
  15. Library Mosaics (ISSN: 1054-9676)
  16. Library of Congress Information Bulletin (ISSN: 0041-7904,EISSN: 1082-6580)
  17. Library of Congress magazine (Online) (ISSN: 2169-0863,EISSN: 2169-0855)
  18. Library of Economic History (ISSN: 1512-6412,EISSN: 2233-0070)
  19. Library of Progress: Library Science, Information Technology & Computer (ISSN: 0970-1052)
  20. Library Philosophy & Practice (ISSN: 1522-0222)
  21. Library Quarterly (ISSN: 0024-2519,EISSN: 1549-652X)
  22. Library Resources & Technical Services (ISSN: 0024-2527,EISSN: 2159-9610)
  23. Library Review (ISSN: 0024-2535,EISSN: 1758-793X)
  24. Library Software Review (ISSN: 0742-5759,EISSN: 2378-9247)
  25. Library Talk (ISSN: 1043-237X)
  26. Library technology newsletter (EISSN: 2771-5426)
  27. Library Technology Reports (ISSN: 0024-2586,EISSN: 1945-4538)
  28. Library Trends (ISSN: 0024-2594,EISSN: 1559-0682)
  29. Library worklife (ISSN: 1550-3534)
  30. Library workstation and PC report (ISSN: 0894-9158,EISSN: 2688-9811)
  31. Library workstation report (ISSN: 1041-7923,EISSN: 2575-565X)
  32. Libre parole
  33. LIBRES: Library & Information Science Research Electronic Journal (ISSN: 1058-6768)
  34. LiBRI : Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovation (ISSN: 2068-0627)
  35. Libri e riviste d'Italia (ISSN: 0024-2683)
  36. Libri Oncologici (ISSN: 0300-8142,EISSN: 2584-3826)
  37. Libris-meddelanden (ISSN: 0348-1891)
  38. LIBRIS-nytt (ISSN: 1403-3488)
  39. Libros de la (ISSN: 1989-6425)
  40. Librínsula: La Isla de los Libros (EISSN: 1810-4479)
  41. Libya Country Monitor
  42. Libya Country Report (ISSN: 1054-5719)
  43. Libya Defence & Security Report (ISSN: 1749-1517)
  44. Libya Infrastructure Report (ISSN: 1752-783X,EISSN: 2396-2917)
  45. The Libyan journal of agriculture (ISSN: 1010-3740,EISSN: 2708-6127)
  46. Libyan Journal of Medicine (ISSN: 1993-2820,EISSN: 1819-6357)
  47. Libyan Studies (ISSN: 0263-7189,EISSN: 2052-6148)
  48. LIC of India MarketLine Company Profile
  49. License! Global (ISSN: 1936-4989,EISSN: 1936-5047)
  50. Licensed victuallers' gazette
  51. Licensing Journal (ISSN: 1040-4023)
  52. Licensing Letter (ISSN: 8755-6235)
  53. Licensure exchange (ISSN: 1093-541X)
  54. Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research (ISSN: 2094-1064,EISSN: 2244-0437)
  55. Licere (ISSN: 1516-2168)
  56. Lichenologist (ISSN: 0024-2829,EISSN: 1096-1135)
  57. Lichnosti
  59. Licht: Die Salesianische Zeitschrift
  61. Licnoe Delo (Formerly Za Celoveka)
  62. LICT Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
  63. LID Dossier
  64. LID Mediendienst
  65. LiDCO Group Plc MarketLine Company Profile
  66. Lidil (ISSN: 1146-6480,EISSN: 1960-6052)
  67. Lidl Dienstleistung GmbH & Co. KG MarketLine Company Profile
  68. Lidové noviny. Orgán strany lidové na Moravě
  69. Lidé města (ISSN: 1212-8112,EISSN: 2571-0958)
  70. Lieberman Variant Talmud Texts
  71. Liebherr-International AG MarketLine Company Profile
  72. Liebigs Annalen (ISSN: 0947-3440)
  73. Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG MarketLine Company Profile
  74. Lied und populäre Kultur / Song and Popular Culture (ISSN: 1619-0548)
  75. Lieken AG MarketLine Company Profile
  76. Lien Social et Politiques (ISSN: 1204-3206,EISSN: 1703-9665)
  77. Lietuvių Kalba (EISSN: 1822-525X)
  78. Lietuvos Chirurgija (ISSN: 1392-0995,EISSN: 1648-9942)
  79. Lietuvos Dujos AB MarketLine Company Profile
  80. Lietuvos energijos gamyba AB MarketLine Company Profile
  81. Lietuvos etnologija (ISSN: 1392-4028)
  82. Lietuvos istorijos metraštis (ISSN: 0202-3342,EISSN: 2538-6549)
  83. Lietuvos Istorijos Studijos (ISSN: 1392-0448,EISSN: 1648-9101)
  84. Lietuvos Matematikos Rinkinys (ISSN: 0132-2818)
  85. Lietuvos Respublikos mokejimu balansas (ISSN: 1392-3161,EISSN: 1648-9829)
  86. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo ... posėdžiai (ISSN: 1392-0111)
  87. Lietuvos Rytas (ISSN: 1392-2351)
  88. Lietuvos TSR aukštųjų mokyklų mokslo darbai. Psichologija (ISSN: 0202-3318)
  89. Life (ISSN: 0024-3019,EISSN: 2169-1576)
  90. Life & Style Weekly (ISSN: 1550-6247)
  91. Life - Basel (EISSN: 2075-1729)
  92. Life association news (ISSN: 0024-3078)
  93. Life boat
  94. Life Care Centers of America, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  95. Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering (ISSN: 2520-1352,EISSN: 2520-1360)
  96. Life echoes
  97. Life Extension (ISSN: 1524-198X)
  98. Life insurance fact book (ISSN: 0075-9406)
  99. Life Insurance International (ISSN: 0956-327X)
  100. Life Insurance Selling (ISSN: 0024-3140)