There are 2,389 titles that begin with the letter L

  1. Livestock production science (ISSN: 0301-6226,EISSN: 1872-6070)
  2. Livestock research for rural development (ISSN: 0121-3784,EISSN: 2521-9952)
  3. Livestock Science (ISSN: 1871-1413,EISSN: 1878-0490)
  4. Living (ISSN: 1538-1420,EISSN: 2326-408X)
  5. Living bird (ISSN: 1059-521X)
  6. Living Etc (ISSN: 1461-9180)
  7. Living France (ISSN: 0960-5444)
  8. Living Hand
  9. Living laborer
  10. Living Luxe (ISSN: 2563-6340)
  11. Living on Earth
  12. Living Past: A Challenge for a Better Archaeology (ISSN: 1453-9446)
  13. The Living pulpit (ISSN: 1059-2733,EISSN: 1946-1771)
  14. Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics (ISSN: 2367-3621,EISSN: 2365-0524)
  15. Living Reviews in Democracy (ISSN: 1663-0165)
  16. Living reviews in European governance (ISSN: 1813-856X)
  17. Living Reviews in Landscape Research (ISSN: 1863-7329)
  18. Living Reviews in Relativity (ISSN: 2367-3613,EISSN: 1433-8351)
  19. Living Reviews in Solar Physics (ISSN: 2367-3648,EISSN: 1614-4961)
  20. Living Tradition: Organ of the Roman Theological Forum
  21. Livingston's Monthly Law Magazine
  22. Livraisons d’histoire de l’architecture (ISSN: 1627-4970,EISSN: 1960-5994)
  23. Les Livres d'e-Spania (EISSN: 2109-8972)
  24. Livsmedelsverkets författningssamling (ISSN: 1651-3533)
  25. LIXIL Group Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
  26. Lizhong Wheel Group Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile
  27. LJ Book Reviews
  28. LJ: Library Journal (ISSN: 0360-3113)
  29. Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada (ISSN: 1846-5412)
  30. LKQ Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
  31. LL Journal (ISSN: 1930-1693)
  32. Llanelli Star
  33. Llapanchikpaq: Justicia (EISSN: 2709-6491)
  34. Állattani közlemények (ISSN: 0002-5658)
  35. Llengua & Literatura (ISSN: 0213-6554,EISSN: 2013-9527)
  36. Llengua i ús (ISSN: 1134-7724,EISSN: 2013-052X)
  37. Llengua, Societat i Comunicació : Language, Society and Communication (ISSN: 1697-5928)
  38. Lletra: Espai Virtual de Literatura Catalana
  39. LLF-Berichte (ISSN: 0945-294X)
  40. The LLI review (ISSN: 1932-7625,EISSN: 1932-7633)
  41. Lligall (ISSN: 1130-5398,EISSN: 2696-7545)
  42. Lloyd's Law Reports Plus
  43. Lloyd's of London MarketLine Company Profile
  44. Lloyds Banking Group plc MarketLine Company Profile
  45. Lloyds Pharmacy Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  46. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching (ISSN: 1410-7201,EISSN: 2579-9533)
  47. Llull (ISSN: 0210-8615)
  48. Llumanera de Nova York: Revista Catalana de Novas y Gresca
  49. LMD (ISSN: 1391-135X)
  50. LMS journal of computation and mathematics (ISSN: 1461-1570)
  51. LNB Bancorp, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  52. LNG Wire
  53. LNG Wire
  54. LNG world shipping journal (ISSN: 2051-0616,EISSN: 1746-0603)
  55. Lo Rat-Penat: Periódich Lliterari Quincenal
  56. LO SCALPELLO - OTODI Educational (ISSN: 0390-5276,EISSN: 1970-6812)
  57. Loading...
  58. Loading… The Official Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association (ISSN: 1923-2691)
  59. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics (ISSN: 1995-0802,EISSN: 1818-9962)
  60. Lobbyists' Code of Conduct, annual report for the year ended (ISSN: 1700-5833)
  61. Loblaw Companies Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  62. The Local
  63. Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), IEEE Workshop on (ISSN: 1944-0367,EISSN: 1944-0375)
  64. Local and Regional Anesthesia (ISSN: 1178-7112)
  65. Local climatological data. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Monthly summary (ISSN: 0198-5752)
  66. Local Computer Networks (LCN), Conference on (EISSN: 2832-1421)
  67. Local Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
  68. Local courts' and municipal gazette (ISSN: 1495-2165)
  69. Local courts' and municipal gazette
  70. Local Economic & Infrastructure Development of SEE in the Context of EU Accession
  71. Local Economy (ISSN: 0269-0942,EISSN: 1470-9325)
  72. Local Environment (ISSN: 1354-9839,EISSN: 1469-6711)
  73. Local government financial statistics. England (ISSN: 1758-1788,EISSN: 1758-1796)
  74. Local government grant program performance and accounting annual report
  75. Local government law service letter (ISSN: 0459-6625)
  76. Local Government Studies (ISSN: 0300-3930,EISSN: 1743-9388)
  77. Local population studies (ISSN: 0143-2974,EISSN: 2515-7760)
  78. Local Real Estate
  79. Local Telecom Competition News (ISSN: 1067-6333)
  80. Local Wisdom (ISSN: 2086-3764,EISSN: 2615-4951)
  81. Locale: the Australasian-Pacific Journal of Regional Food Studies
  82. Location Based Services
  83. Location science (ISSN: 0966-8349,EISSN: 1879-0437)
  84. Locke studies (ISSN: 1476-0290,EISSN: 2561-925X)
  85. Lockheed Martin Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
  86. Lockheed Martin Information Systems & Global Solutions MarketLine Company Profile
  87. Lockman family sewing machine almanac for
  88. Locksmith Ledger International Magazine (ISSN: 1050-2254,EISSN: 2771-6317)
  90. Locomotive engineers journal (ISSN: 0894-3605)
  91. Locus (EISSN: 2665-914X)
  92. Locus (ISSN: 1413-3024,EISSN: 2594-8296)
  93. Locustella (ISSN: 1698-157X)
  94. Locvs Amoenvs (ISSN: 1135-9722,EISSN: 2014-8798)
  95. Lodestar Quarterly: An online Journal of the finest Gay, Lesbian and Queer Literature
  96. Lodging Hospitality (ISSN: 0148-0766)
  97. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics (ISSN: 1895-6106,EISSN: 1898-4436)
  98. Loess letter (ISSN: 0110-7658)
  99. Loewe Technologies GmbH MarketLine Company Profile
  100. Loews Corporation MarketLine Company Profile