There are 2,386 titles that begin with the letter L
- Latvian Journal of Chemistry
- Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences (Online) (ISSN: 2255-8896)
- Latvian Literature (ISSN: 1407-9267)
- Latvian Shipping Company MarketLine Company Profile
- Latvijas demogrāfijas gadagrāmata (ISSN: 1407-0723,EISSN: 2501-0034)
- Latvijas maksājumu bilance (ISSN: 1407-0642)
- Latvijas Zinātn̦u akadēmijas gadagrāmata (ISSN: 1407-0413)
- Laughing bear (ISSN: 0363-2164)
- Launch Tech Company Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- Laura Ashley Holdings Plc MarketLine Company Profile
- Laura Standard and Crystal Brook Courier
- Laureate Education, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Laurent-Perrier SA MarketLine Company Profile
- Laurentian Bank of Canada MarketLine Company Profile
- Laval théologique et philosophique (ISSN: 0023-9054,EISSN: 1703-8804)
- Lavell & Co's Royal Canadian almanac and family recipe book
- Lavender review (ISSN: 2168-5371)
- Lavender vision (ISSN: 2574-3228,EISSN: 2574-3236)
- Lavender Woman
- Lavendon Group plc MarketLine Company Profile
- Lavipharm S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
- Law & ethics of human rights (ISSN: 1938-2545,EISSN: 2194-6531)
- Law & housing journal (ISSN: 0193-8290)
- Law & inequality (ISSN: 0737-089X,EISSN: 2573-0037)
- Law & justice (ISSN: 0269-817X)
- Law & Order (ISSN: 0023-9194,EISSN: 0023-9195)
- Law & Policy (ISSN: 0265-8240,EISSN: 1467-9930)
- Law & policy quarterly (ISSN: 0164-0267)
- Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (ISSN: 1569-1853,EISSN: 1571-8034)
- Law & sexuality (ISSN: 1062-0680)
- Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian and Gay Legal Issues
- Law & Society Review (ISSN: 0023-9216,EISSN: 1540-5893)
- Law (Saint Louis, Mo.)
- Law - Magazine for Lawyers and Laymen
- Law Advertiser
- Law and Administration in Postsoviet Europe (EISSN: 2391-5544)
- Law and Bank Bulletin
- Law and Business (EISSN: 2720-1279)
- Law and Business Review of the Americas (ISSN: 1571-9537)
- Law and Commerce
- Law and Contemporary Problems (ISSN: 0023-9186,EISSN: 1945-2322)
- Law and Critique (ISSN: 0957-8536,EISSN: 1572-8617)
- Law and development review (ISSN: 1943-3867,EISSN: 2194-6523)
- Law and Equity
- Law and Equity Reporter
- Law and financial markets review (ISSN: 1752-1440,EISSN: 1752-1459)
- Law and History Review (ISSN: 0738-2480,EISSN: 1939-9022)
- Law and housing newsletter (ISSN: 0197-4793,EISSN: 0197-4798)
- Law and Human Behavior (ISSN: 0147-7307,EISSN: 1573-661X)
- Law and humanities (ISSN: 1752-1483,EISSN: 1752-1491)
- Law and Innovative Society (ISSN: 2309-9275)
- Law and Justice (EISSN: 2549-8282)
- Law and justice journal (ISSN: 1445-6230,EISSN: 1445-6249)
- Law and Labor
- Law and Literature (ISSN: 1535-685X,EISSN: 1541-2601)
- Law and Method (EISSN: 2352-7927)
- Law and Philosophy (ISSN: 0167-5249,EISSN: 1573-0522)
- Law and Policy in International Business (ISSN: 0023-9208)
- Law and Political Science Section news (ISSN: 0885-7342)
- Law and politics book review (ISSN: 1062-7421)
- Law and Psychology Review (ISSN: 0098-5961)
- Law and Social Inquiry-Journal of the American Bar Foundation (ISSN: 0897-6546,EISSN: 1747-4469)
- Law and Social Justice Review (ISSN: 2564-7290)
- Law and society journal at the University of California, Santa Barbara (ISSN: 1942-3152)
- Law and society review at the University of California, Santa Barbara (ISSN: 1544-8754,EISSN: 1544-8746)
- Law and Society Students' Journal (ISSN: 2959-6289,EISSN: 2959-6297)
- Law and the social order (ISSN: 0023-9224)
- Law Annals from Titu Maiorescu University (ISSN: 1584-4781)
- Law Book News: A Monthly Review Current Legal Literature and Journal of Legal Bibliography
- Law Bulletin of the State University of Iowa (ISSN: 2642-522X,EISSN: 2642-5238)
- Law Chronicle (Dundee)
- Law Chronicle (London)
- Law Chronicle and Law Students' Magazine
- Law Chronicle and Professional Advertiser
- The law clerk
- Law Clerk and Municipal Assistant
- Law Coach
- Law Department of the Western University, the London Law School
- Law enforcement executive forum (ISSN: 1552-9908)
- Law Enforcement Product News (ISSN: 1060-5126,EISSN: 2150-4644)
- Law enforcement quarterly (ISSN: 0192-3528)
- Law Enforcement Technology (ISSN: 0747-3680,EISSN: 1948-5689)
- Law Essentials Journal (ISSN: 2582-6735)
- Law Examination Journal and Law Student's Magazine
- The law handbook (ISSN: 1031-8569)
- Law in Context (ISSN: 0811-5796,EISSN: 1839-4183)
- Law in Transition Quarterly (ISSN: 0458-8606)
- Law Journal
- Law Journal
- Law Journal Notes of Cases
- Law Journal of the Student Bar Association, Ohio State University
- Law Journal Reports
- The law library (ISSN: 1543-3161)
- Law Library Journal (ISSN: 0023-9283,EISSN: 2831-8048)
- Law library lights (ISSN: 0457-2483)
- Law Library Resource Xchange
- Law magazine and law review (ISSN: 0951-9440)
- Law magazine and review (ISSN: 0951-9459)
- Law Magazine: Or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence
- Law Magazine: Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence