There are 2,386 titles that begin with the letter L

  1. Legal ethics (ISSN: 1460-728X,EISSN: 1757-8450)
  2. Legal examiner
  3. Legal Examiner and Law Chronicle
  4. Legal fikri ve sinai haklar dergisi (ISSN: 1305-774X,EISSN: 2149-4177)
  5. Legal Gazette (ISSN: 2574-7673)
  6. Legal Guide
  7. Legal history (ISSN: 1833-7155,EISSN: 1833-7163)
  8. Legal Information Alert (ISSN: 0883-1297)
  9. Legal Information Management (BIALL) (ISSN: 1472-6696,EISSN: 1741-2021)
  10. Legal Innovation Blog
  11. Legal Issues in Collegiate Athletics (ISSN: 1527-4551)
  12. Legal Issues in High School Athletics
  13. Legal Issues in the Digital Age (ISSN: 2713-2749)
  14. Legal issues on Burma journal (ISSN: 1513-9174)
  15. Legal iş hukuku ve sosyal güvenlik hukuku dergisi (ISSN: 1304-5962,EISSN: 2149-4223)
  16. Legal Literature
  17. Legal Lock Journal (ISSN: 2583-0384)
  18. Legal mali hukuk dergisi (ISSN: 1305-4074)
  19. Legal mali hukuk dergisi (ISSN: 1303-9210,EISSN: 2149-4185)
  20. Legal Malpractice Law Review
  21. Legal medical quarterly (ISSN: 0703-1211)
  22. Legal Medicine (ISSN: 1344-6223,EISSN: 1873-4162)
  23. Legal Methods (ISSN: 2449-2795,EISSN: 2720-8656)
  24. Legal miscellanea
  25. Legal news
  26. Legal News
  27. Legal Notes on Local Government (EISSN: 2693-4299)
  28. Legal Observer and Solicitors' Journal
  29. Legal Observer, Digest, and Journal of Jurisprudence
  30. Legal Observer, or Journal of Jurisprudence
  31. The Legal observer, or Record of Jurisprudence
  32. Legal Opinion
  33. Legal Practice
  34. Legal Reference Services Quarterly (ISSN: 0270-319X,EISSN: 1540-949X)
  35. Legal report (ISSN: 1494-5088)
  36. The Legal reporter
  37. Legal review (ISSN: 0712-516X)
  38. Legal Science in China & Russia (ISSN: 2587-9723)
  39. Legal service bulletin (ISSN: 0817-3516)
  40. Legal Skill: A Magazine of Practice
  41. Legal Spectrum Journal (EISSN: 2582-9483)
  42. Legal Spirit (ISSN: 1978-2608,EISSN: 2621-9115)
  43. Legal Studies (ISSN: 0261-3875,EISSN: 1748-121X)
  44. The Legal studies forum (ISSN: 0894-5993)
  45. Legal Studies Undergraduate Journal (ISSN: 2371-5731,EISSN: 2371-574X)
  46. Legal Theory (ISSN: 1352-3252,EISSN: 1469-8048)
  47. Legal Week (ISSN: 1466-1489)
  48. Legal working paper series (ISSN: 1830-2688)
  49. Legal Working Paper Series / European Central Bank
  50. Legal Writing: The Journal of the Legal Writing Institute (ISSN: 2151-8033,EISSN: 2151-8041)
  51. Legal, municipal and educational pocket directory the judicial district of Simcoe for the year
  52. Legaldate (ISSN: 1034-229X,EISSN: 1835-5048)
  53. Legalities (ISSN: 2634-3770,EISSN: 2634-3789)
  54. Lege Ferenda
  55. Legea și Viața = Law and Life = Zakon i Žizn' (Online) (ISSN: 2587-4365,EISSN: 2587-4373)
  56. Legebiltzarreko Aldizkaria (EISSN: 2660-650X)
  57. Legemiddelforbruket i Norge ... (ISSN: 0332-6535)
  58. #Legend (ISSN: 2424-6048)
  59. Leges Anayasa ve İdare Hukuku Dergisi (ISSN: 2148-4422)
  60. Leges Bankacılık ve Finans Hukuku Dergisi (ISSN: 2148-4465)
  61. Leges Fikri ve Sınai Haklar Dergisi (ISSN: 2148-4473)
  62. Leges Mali Hukuk Dergisi (ISSN: 2148-4481)
  63. Leges Medeni Usül Hukuku Dergisi ve İcra İflas (ISSN: 2148-4457)
  64. Legg Mason, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  65. Leggett & Platt, Incorporated MarketLine Company Profile
  66. LEGICOM (ISSN: 1244-9288,EISSN: 2272-8090)
  67. Legislation and Policy Brief
  68. The legislation and policy roundtable (ISSN: 2157-4103)
  69. Legislative review (ISSN: 0300-7677)
  70. Legislative Studies Quarterly (ISSN: 0362-9805,EISSN: 1939-9162)
  71. Legislative summary
  72. LEGISLATOR (ISSN: 0024-0508)
  73. Legislazione penale (ISSN: 0393-134X)
  74. Legisprudence (ISSN: 1752-1467,EISSN: 1752-1475)
  75. Legist
  76. Legitima (Kediri.Online) (ISSN: 2655-4909,EISSN: 2656-565X)
  77. LEGO A/S MarketLine Company Profile
  78. Legon Journal of the Humanities (ISSN: 0855-0050,EISSN: 2458-746X)
  79. Legrand SA MarketLine Company Profile
  80. Legume Genomics and Genetics (ISSN: 1925-1580)
  81. Legume Research (ISSN: 0250-5371)
  82. Legume Science (EISSN: 2639-6181)
  83. Lehahayer (ISSN: 2082-6184,EISSN: 2449-870X)
  84. Lehigh Valley Law Reporter
  85. Lehrangebot / Carl-von-Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg
  86. Lehrer und Schule (ISSN: 1860-739X)
  87. Lehrerinfo
  88. Der Lehrerinnen-wart (ISSN: 1994-9588)
  89. Leibniz (ISSN: 1435-8239)
  90. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (ISSN: 1868-8969)
  91. The Leibniz review (ISSN: 1524-1556,EISSN: 2153-9162)
  92. Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems (EISSN: 2199-2002)
  93. Leica Camera AG MarketLine Company Profile
  94. Leica Geosystems AG MarketLine Company Profile
  95. Leida xuebao (ISSN: 2095-283X,EISSN: 2097-339X)
  96. Leiden Journal of International Law (ISSN: 0922-1565,EISSN: 1478-9698)
  97. Leidos Holdings, Inc. (formerly SAIC, Inc.) MarketLine Company Profile
  98. Leifheit AG MarketLine Company Profile
  99. Leighton Holdings Limited MarketLine Company Profile
  100. Leipziger Online-Beiträge zur Ur- und Frühgeschichtlichen Archäologie