There are 6,266 titles that begin with the letter P
- Perspectives on political science. (ISSN: 1045-7097, 1930-5478)
- Perspectives on politics. (ISSN: 1537-5927, 1541-0986)
- Perspectives on psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. (ISSN: 1745-6916, 1745-6924)
- Perspectives on public management and governance (ISSN: 2398-4910, 2398-4929)
- Perspectives on science : historical, philosophical, social. (ISSN: 1063-6145, 1530-9274)
- Perspectives on science and Christian faith : journal of the American Scientific Affiliation. (ISSN: 0892-2675)
- Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health. (ISSN: 1538-6341, 1931-2393)
- Perspectives on terrorism : a journal of the Terrorism Research Initiative
- Perspectives on terrorism. (ISSN: 2334-3745)
- Perspectives on Urban Education
- Perspectives online. (ISSN: 0743-7021, 1556-8563)
- Perspectives économiques de l'OCDE. (ISSN: 0304-3274, 1684-3436)
- Perspectives économiques et revue financière de l'Ontario. (ISSN: 1483-5983)
- Perspectives. (ISSN: 0831-7445)
- Perspectives: A Journal of Historical Inquiry
- Perspectives: A Newsletter for Faith Community Nurses
- Perspektif hukum. (ISSN: 1411-9536, 2460-3406)
- Perspektif. (ISSN: 2085-0328, 2684-9305)
- Perspektive : Hefte für zeitgenössische Literatur (ISSN: 1021-9242)
- Perspektive Kernenergie : Jahresbericht (ISSN: 1866-6752)
- Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik. (ISSN: 1465-6493, 1468-2516)
- Perspektiven ds (ISSN: 0939-3013)
- Perspektiven historischen Denkens und Lernens (ISSN: 1860-5753, 1864-1342)
- Perspektiven.
- Perspektiven: Christsein und Gemeinde Heute
- Perspektiven: Informationen und Impulse der deutschen Entsorgungswirtschaft
- Perspektivy : Sborník o Spolecnosti
- Perspektywy kultury. (ISSN: 2081-1446)
- Perspicuitas : Internet-Periodicum für Mediävistische Sprach-, Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft.
- Persuasions. (ISSN: 0821-0314)
- Persönlichkeitsstörungen (ISSN: 1433-6308)
- Pertanika journal of tropical agricultural science. (ISSN: 1511-3701, 2231-8542)
- Perth "Courier" illustrated almanac for
- Perth county gazetteer and business directory for
- Perth Courier (ISSN: 0834-6852)
- Perth courier annual illustrated almanac for
- Perthshire Advertiser (ISSN: 1462-7205)
- Pertsonak eta antolakunde publikoak kudeatzeko euskal aldizkaria = Revista vasca de gestión de personas y organizaciones públicas. (ISSN: 2173-6405, 2531-2103)
- Peru Agribusiness Report (ISSN: 2040-042X, 2057-6358)
- Peru Autos Report (ISSN: 1749-0073, 2057-8040)
- Peru Commercial Banking Report (ISSN: 2041-563X, 2396-0418)
- Peru Food & Drink Report (ISSN: 1749-2874, 2396-7897)
- Peru Freight Transport Report (ISSN: 1752-5985, 2396-1880)
- Peru Information Technology (ISSN: 1756-4778, 2396-233X)
- Peru Infrastructure Report (ISSN: 1750-5402, 2396-3018)
- Peru Mining Report (ISSN: 1755-8514, 2396-4286)
- Peru Oil & Gas Report (ISSN: 1748-4154, 2057-8709)
- Peru Petrochemicals Report (ISSN: 1749-2378, 2396-4669)
- Peru pharmaceuticals & healthcare report. (ISSN: 1748-2097, 2058-4067)
- Peru Power Report (ISSN: 2044-3609, 2396-5177)
- Peru Telecommunications Report (ISSN: 1748-4723, 2057-8253)
- Perusahaan Otomobil Kedua Sdn Bhd MarketLine Company Profile
- Perush : an online journal of Jewish scholarship and interpretation. (ISSN: 2159-4791)
- Peruvian journal of agronomy. (ISSN: 2616-4477)
- Pervasive and mobile computing. (ISSN: 1574-1192, 1873-1589)
- Perífrasis. (ISSN: 2145-8987, 2145-9045)
- Pesca internacional (ISSN: 1699-3691)
- Pescadora de Perlas. (ISSN: 2953-5093, 2953-4410)
- Peshawar journal of psychology and behavioral sciences. (ISSN: 2415-6779, 2518-4474)
- Pesquimat. (ISSN: 1609-8439, 1560-912X)
- Pesquisa
- Pesquisa agropecuária brasileira. (ISSN: 0100-204X, 1678-3921)
- Pesquisa agropecuária gaúcha (ISSN: 0104-9070, 2595-7686)
- Pesquisa agropecuária tropical (ISSN: 1517-6398, 1983-4063)
- Pesquisa Brasileira em ciência da informação e biblioteconomia : PBCIB (ISSN: 1981-0695)
- Pesquisa brasileira em odontopediatria e clínica integrada (ISSN: 1519-0501, 1983-4632)
- Pesquisa e Debate em Educação. (ISSN: 2237-9436, 2237-9444)
- Pesquisa e Ensino (ISSN: 2675-1933)
- Pesquisa e planejamento econômico. (ISSN: 0100-0551, 2237-2091)
- Pesquisa em arquitetura e construção : PARC (ISSN: 1980-6809)
- Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental. (ISSN: 1980-1165)
- Pesquisa em Foco (ISSN: 0103-5762, 2176-0136)
- Pesquisa florestal Brasileira. (ISSN: 1809-3647, 1983-2605)
- Pesquisa veterinária brasileira : revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal = Brazilian journal of veterinary research. (ISSN: 0100-736X, 1678-5150)
- Pesquisas e práticas psicossociais (ISSN: 1809-8908)
- Pesquisas em discurso pedagógico. (ISSN: 1980-9697)
- Pesquisas em geociências. (ISSN: 1518-2398, 1807-9806)
- Pesquisas. Botânica. (ISSN: 0373-840X, 2525-7412)
- Pessoa plural : revista de Estudos Pessoanos / a journal of Fernando Pessoa studies. (ISSN: 2212-4179)
- Pest Management Regulatory Agency - Annual Report
- Pest management science. (ISSN: 1526-498X, 1526-4998)
- Pesticidas revista técnico científica (ISSN: 0103-7277, 1983-9847)
- Pesticide & Chemical Policy
- Pesticide & toxic chemical news. (ISSN: 0146-0501)
- Pesticide biochemistry and physiology. (ISSN: 0048-3575, 1095-9939)
- Pesticide outlook. (ISSN: 0956-1250, 1465-8933)
- Pesticide science. (ISSN: 0031-613X, 1096-9063)
- Pesticides news : the newsletter of the Pesticides Trust. (ISSN: 0967-6597, 2514-5770)
- Pesticidi i fitomedicina. (ISSN: 1820-3949, 2406-1026)
- Pet behaviour science. (ISSN: 2445-2874)
- PET clinics. (ISSN: 1556-8598, 1879-9809)
- The pet philatelist
- Petaubun = Peep of day.
- Petco Animal Supplies, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Peter Gordon's Blog
- Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Peter Piper, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- The Peterboro' Review Canadian farmers' almanac for the year of Our Lord ...
- Peterborough review almanac for the year of our Lord ...
- The Peterborough Times illustrated family almanac for ...