0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
There are 6,035 titles that begin with the letter R
  1. Retos de la dirección (ISSN: 1997-3837, 2306-9155)
  2. Retos turísticos. (ISSN: 1681-9713)
  3. Retos. (ISSN: 1390-6291, 1390-8618)
  4. Retratos : a revista do IBGE
  5. RETROMOTIVE (ISSN: 2209-0533)
  6. Retrovirology : research and treatment. (ISSN: 1178-1238)
  7. Retrovirology. (ISSN: 1742-4690)
  8. Retrovirus-Bulletin
  9. Retslægerådets årsberetning (ISSN: 1902-6595)
  10. Reumatismo. (ISSN: 0048-7449, 2240-2683)
  11. Reumatologia. (ISSN: 0034-6233, 2084-9834)
  12. Reumatología clinica. (ISSN: 2173-5743)
  13. Reumatología clinica. (ISSN: 1699-258X, 1885-1398)
  14. Reuna : revista de economia da UNA. (ISSN: 1518-3025, 2179-8834)
  15. Reunina. (ISSN: 2675-9721)
  16. REUSAM (Online) (ISSN: 2338-4735, 2722-5100)
  17. Reuters hedgeworld. (ISSN: 2331-1568)
  18. Rev IISE : revista de ciencas sociales editada por el Instituto de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas. (ISSN: 1852-6586, 2250-5555)
  19. REV SEN. (ISSN: 2953-6448)
  20. Rev. RENE. (ISSN: 1517-3852, 2175-6783)
  21. REVCOM : revista científica de la REDCOM. (ISSN: 2451-7836)
  22. Reveille
  23. Revell : revista de estudos literários da UEMS. (ISSN: 2179-4456)
  24. Revelstoke Times Review (Revelstoke, British Columbia)
  25. Revenue : jurnal manajemen bisnis Islam (ISSN: 2715-825X, 2829-2944)
  26. Revenue law journal. (ISSN: 1034-7747, 2202-4859)
  27. Revenue statistics = Statistiques des recettes publiques. (ISSN: 1560-3660, 1996-3726)
  28. Revenue, Judicial, and Police Journal
  29. Reverse shot. (ISSN: 1198-2837)
  30. REVES - Revista Relações Sociais. (ISSN: 2595-4490)
  31. REVESCO : revista de estudios cooperativos (ISSN: 1135-6618, 1885-8031)
  32. Revibec : Revista iberoamericana de economía ecológica. (ISSN: 1390-2776)
  33. Review (ISSN: 1744-0815)
  34. Review (ISSN: 0014-9187, 2163-4505)
  35. Review (ISSN: 1443-9018)
  36. Review (ISSN: 0147-9032, 2327-445X)
  37. Review (Keremeos, BC)
  38. The Review - Imperial Oil Limited. (ISSN: 0700-5156)
  39. Review : the newsletter of the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas. (ISSN: 2157-1007)
  40. Review americana. (ISSN: 1559-3711)
  41. Review and expositor. (ISSN: 0034-6373, 2052-9449)
  42. Review journal of autism and developmental disorders. (ISSN: 2195-7177, 2195-7185)
  43. Review journal of chemistry. (ISSN: 2079-9780, 2079-9799)
  44. Review of accounting & finance. (ISSN: 1475-7702, 1758-7700)
  45. Review of accounting studies. (ISSN: 1380-6653, 1573-7136)
  46. Review of adult learning and literacy. (ISSN: 1930-854X)
  47. Review of African political economy. (ISSN: 0305-6244, 1740-1720)
  48. Review of agricultural economics. (ISSN: 1058-7195, 1467-9353)
  49. Review of agricultural, food and environmental studies. (ISSN: 2425-6870, 2425-6897)
  50. Review of Applied Economics (ISSN: 0973-1687)
  51. Review of Armenian studies. (ISSN: 1303-5304, 2667-6923)
  52. Review of artistic education. (ISSN: 2069-7554, 2501-238X)
  53. Review of asset pricing studies. (ISSN: 2045-9920, 2045-9939)
  54. The review of Austrian economics. (ISSN: 0889-3047, 1573-7128)
  55. Review of behavioral finance. (ISSN: 1940-5979, 1940-5987)
  56. Review of biblical literature (ISSN: 1099-0046, 1099-0321)
  57. The Review of Black political economy. (ISSN: 0034-6446, 1936-4814)
  58. Review of business and economics studies (ISSN: 2308-944X, 2311-0279)
  59. The review of business information systems. (ISSN: 1534-665X, 2157-9547)
  60. Review of business. (ISSN: 0034-6454)
  61. Review of Central and East European law. (ISSN: 0925-9880, 1573-0352)
  62. Review of communication research. (ISSN: 2255-4165)
  63. Review of constitutional studies. (ISSN: 1192-8034)
  64. Review of Contact Lenses
  65. Review of contemporary fiction. (ISSN: 0276-0045)
  66. The review of corporate finance studies. (ISSN: 2046-9128, 2046-9136)
  67. Review of derivatives research. (ISSN: 1380-6645, 1573-7144)
  68. Review of development & change. (ISSN: 0972-2661, 2632-055X)
  69. Review of development economics. (ISSN: 1363-6669, 1467-9361)
  70. Review of development finance. (ISSN: 1879-9337)
  71. The review of diabetic studies. (ISSN: 1613-6071, 1614-0575)
  72. The review of disability studies. (ISSN: 1553-3697, 1552-9215)
  73. Review of economic analysis. (ISSN: 1973-3909)
  74. Review of economic conditions in Italy. (ISSN: 0034-6799)
  75. Review of economic design : RED. (ISSN: 1434-4742, 1434-4750)
  76. Review of economic dynamics. (ISSN: 1094-2025, 1096-6099)
  77. Review of economic research on copyright issues. (ISSN: 1698-1359, 1698-1367)
  78. Review of economic studies & research Virgil Madgearu : = Revista de studii şi cercetări economice Virgil Madgearu (ISSN: 2069-0606)
  79. The review of economic studies. (ISSN: 0034-6527, 1467-937X)
  80. Review of economics & political science : REPS. (ISSN: 2356-9980, 2631-3561)
  81. Review of economics and development studies (ISSN: 2519-9692, 2519-9706)
  82. The review of economics and statistics. (ISSN: 0034-6535, 1530-9142)
  83. Review of economics of the household. (ISSN: 1569-5239, 1573-7152)
  84. Review of economics. (ISSN: 0948-5139, 2366-035X)
  85. Review of ecumenical studies (ISSN: 2359-8093, 2359-8107)
  86. Review of education : an international journal of major studies in education. (ISSN: 2049-6613)
  87. The Review of education, pedagogy, & cultural studies. (ISSN: 1071-4413, 1556-3022)
  88. Review of educational research. (ISSN: 0034-6543, 1935-1046)
  89. The review of English studies. (ISSN: 0034-6551, 1471-6968)
  90. Review of environmental economics and policy. (ISSN: 1750-6816, 1750-6824)
  91. Review of European administrative law. (ISSN: 1874-7981, 1874-7973)
  92. Review of European and comparative law. (ISSN: 0860-8156, 2545-384X)
  93. Review of European and Russian affairs. (ISSN: 1718-4835)
  94. Review of European and transatlantic affairs. (ISSN: 2378-2641)
  95. Review of European Community & international environmental law. (ISSN: 0962-8797, 1467-9388)
  96. Review of European studies (ISSN: 1918-7173, 1918-7181)
  97. Review of European, comparative & international environmental law. (ISSN: 2050-0386, 2050-0394)
  98. Review of evolutionary political economy. (ISSN: 2662-6136, 2662-6144)
  99. The review of faith & international affairs. (ISSN: 1557-0274, 1931-7743)
  100. Review of finance. (ISSN: 1572-3097, 1875-824X)