There are 6,045 titles that begin with the letter R
- Riyāḍaẗ al-muʿāṣiraẗ (Online) (al-) (ISSN: 1992-0091)
- Rize ilahiyat dergisi (Online) (ISSN: 2980-0331)
- Rizoma freireano (ISSN: 1989-0605)
- Rizoma. (ISSN: 2318-406X)
- RKUV : Kranken- und Unfallversicherung / RAMA : Assurance-maladie et accidents
- RKW-Magazin. (ISSN: 1619-7372)
- RLE progress report. (ISSN: 0163-9218)
- RLG diginews. (ISSN: 1093-5371)
- RLG focus. (ISSN: 1523-8296, 1542-0779)
- RLI Corp. MarketLine Company Profile
- RLICC Newsletter
- RM plc MarketLine Company Profile
- The RMA journal. (ISSN: 1531-0558)
- RMAP working papers (ISSN: 1444-187X)
- RMB Holdings Limited MarketLine Company Profile
- RMIT Business working paper series
- RMLE online : research in middle level education. (ISSN: 1940-4476)
- RMN Newsletter. (ISSN: 2324-0636, 1799-4497)
- RMS: Research in mathematics & statistics. (ISSN: 2765-8449)
- RMZh "Klinicheskai͡a oftalʹmologii͡a". (ISSN: 2311-7729, 2619-1571)
- RMZh. Matʹ i diti͡a. (ISSN: 2618-8430, 2686-7184)
- Ārmān-i pardāzish : faṣlnāmah-i takhaṣṣuṣ-i fannāvarī-i iṭṭilāʻāt va irtibāṭāt. (ISSN: 2783-1361, 2783-4549)
- RN Idaho. (ISSN: 0192-298X)
- RN Update
- RNA & disease. (ISSN: 2375-2467)
- RNA biology. (ISSN: 1547-6286, 1555-8584)
- RNA. (ISSN: 1355-8382 (impresa), 1469-9001)
- Şırnak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi dergisi. (ISSN: 2146-4901, 2667-6575)
- Road & transport research : a journal of Australian and New Zealand research and practice. (ISSN: 1037-5783)
- Road Accidents Japan
- Road and track. (ISSN: 0035-7189)
- Road bike action. (ISSN: 1069-2649)
- Road Safety Vision. Update (ISSN: 1498-3540)
- Road to East Asia : A Journal on Contemporary East Asian Literature in English (ISSN: 1205-3597)
- Road to Emmaus. (ISSN: 1544-4856)
- Road. (ISSN: 1557-1041)
- Roads & Bridges News
- Roads & bridges. (ISSN: 8750-9229, 2168-2526)
- Roads & Infrastructure Australia
- The Roanoke daily times. (ISSN: 2166-7950)
- Roanoke daily times. (ISSN: 2166-7934)
- The Roanoke times. (ISSN: 2166-7969)
- Robbins & Myers, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Robeco Groep N.V. MarketLine Company Profile
- Robert Bosch GmbH MarketLine Company Profile
- The Robert Frost review. (ISSN: 1062-6999)
- Robert H. Cogswell's abridgement of the nautical almanac
- Robert Stark's Canadian almanac and receipt book for the year ...
- Robert Walters plc MarketLine Company Profile
- The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation annual report. (ISSN: 0163-0865)
- Roberts' royal Canadian almanac and family recipe book
- Robertson & Cook's Toronto city directory for ...
- Robertson's Canadian railway and steam navigation guide.
- RobinAge
- Robochyi narod = The Working people
- ROBOMECH journal. (ISSN: 2197-4225)
- Robotic surgery : research and reviews. (ISSN: 2324-5344)
- Robotica & management. (ISSN: 1453-2069, 2359-9855)
- Robotica. (ISSN: 0263-5747, 1469-8668)
- Robotics and autonomous systems. (ISSN: 1872-793X, 0921-8890)
- Robotics and biomimetics. (ISSN: 2197-3768)
- Robotics and computer-integrated manufacturing. (ISSN: 0736-5845, 1879-2537)
- Robotics today. (ISSN: 1544-8290)
- Robotics today. (ISSN: 0193-6913)
- Robotics world. (ISSN: 0737-7908)
- Robotics. (ISSN: 2218-6581)
- Roca : revista científico-educacional de la provincia Granma (ISSN: 2074-0735)
- Roca Sanitario S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
- A Rocha international review
- Rochester History. (ISSN: 0035-7413)
- Rock & gem. (ISSN: 0048-8453)
- Rock and Folk (ISSN: 0750-7852)
- Rock and Soil Mechanics (ISSN: 1000-7598)
- Rock art research : the journal of the Australian Rock Art Research Association (AURA). (ISSN: 0813-0426)
- Rock garden quarterly : bulletin of the North American Rock Garden Society. (ISSN: 1081-0765)
- Rock mechanics : journal of the International Society for Rock Mechanics = Felsmechanik. (ISSN: 0035-7448)
- Rock mechanics and rock engineering. (ISSN: 0723-2632, 1434-453X)
- Rock Mechanics Bulletin (ISSN: 2097-4671, 2773-2304)
- Rock products : devoted to the production and sale of rock and clay products. (ISSN: 0035-7464)
- Rock products. (ISSN: 0747-3605, 2161-9700)
- Rock to road : Canada's aggregates & roadbuilding magazine. (ISSN: 2293-7862)
- Rock-Tenn Company MarketLine Company Profile
- Rockefeller Archive Center newsletter. (ISSN: 1041-6862)
- Rockford Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
- Rockline Industries, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Rockstalgías
- Rockwall County Herald-Banner (Greenville, TX)
- Rockwell Automation, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Rockwell Collins, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Rockwood Holdings, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- The Rockwood review.
- Rockwool International A/S MarketLine Company Profile
- Rocky Brands, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
- Rocky Mountain construction. (ISSN: 0192-3943)
- Rocky Mountain geology. (ISSN: 1555-7332, 1555-7340)
- Rocky Mountain journal of mathematics. (ISSN: 0035-7596, 1945-3795)
- Rocky Mountain law journal. (ISSN: 2332-5003)
- Rocky Mountain Law Review
- Rocky Mountain review of language and literature. (ISSN: 0361-1299)