There are 6,219 titles that begin with the letter R

  1. Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University (ISSN: 0032-843X,EISSN: 2325-7644)
  2. The Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York (ISSN: 0004-5837)
  3. Record of the Museum of Historic Art, Princeton University (ISSN: 0899-0603,EISSN: 2325-7652)
  4. The record-union (ISSN: 2151-3929)
  5. Recordati S.p.A. MarketLine Company Profile
  6. Recorde (EISSN: 1982-8985)
  7. Recorded crime, Australia (ISSN: 1329-203X)
  8. Recorder (ISSN: 0832-0322)
  9. The Recorder & Times (Brockville)
  10. Recorder magazine (ISSN: 0961-3544)
  11. Recording industry piracy report
  12. RecordKeeping Magazine
  13. Records Management Journal (ISSN: 0956-5698,EISSN: 1758-7689)
  14. Records Management Quarterly (ISSN: 1050-2343)
  15. Records of agricultural and food chemistry (Online) (EISSN: 2792-0763)
  16. Records of Early English Drama (ISSN: 0700-9283,EISSN: 2369-6877)
  17. Records of Natural Products (ISSN: 1307-6167)
  18. Records of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (ISSN: 2536-9857,EISSN: 2535-2091)
  19. Records of the Academy (American Academy of Arts and Sciences) (ISSN: 0065-6844,EISSN: 2325-9191)
  20. Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia (ISSN: 0002-7790,EISSN: 2573-9778)
  21. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum (ISSN: 0067-0464)
  22. Records of the Auckland Museum (ISSN: 1174-9202,EISSN: 2422-8567)
  23. Records of the Australian Museum (ISSN: 0067-1975,EISSN: 2201-4349)
  24. Records of the Australian Museum. Supplement (ISSN: 0812-7387)
  25. Records of the Canterbury Museum (ISSN: 0370-3878,EISSN: 2381-9707)
  26. Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C (ISSN: 0897-9049,EISSN: 2328-7179)
  27. Records of the Victorian Archaeological Survey (ISSN: 0158-9679)
  28. Records of the Western Australian Museum. Supplements (ISSN: 0313-122X)
  29. Records of the Zoological Survey of India (ISSN: 0375-1511,EISSN: 2581-8686)
  30. Recreation and Society in Africa, Asia and Latin America (ISSN: 1916-7873)
  31. Recreation and Society in Africa, Asia and Latin America
  32. Recreation management (ISSN: 1536-2124)
  33. Recreational Mathematics Magazine (ISSN: 2182-1976)
  34. Recreational Sports Journal (ISSN: 1558-8661,EISSN: 1558-867X)
  35. Recruiter (ISSN: 1475-7478)
  36. Recruiter Online
  37. Recruiting & Retaining Adult Learners (ISSN: 2155-644X,EISSN: 2155-6458)
  38. Recruiting Immigrant Workers (ISSN: 2225-7950,EISSN: 2225-7969)
  39. Recruitment and retention in higher education (ISSN: 0891-012X)
  40. Recruitment of Pakistani Workers for Overseas Employment: Mechanisms, Exploitation & Vulnerabilities
  41. Rect@ (ISSN: 1575-605X)
  42. Recticel S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
  43. Recto verso (ISSN: 1296-624X)
  44. Rector's annual report
  45. Recueil de documents pour le clergé du Diocèse de Valleyfield
  46. Recueil des arrêts et décisions (ISSN: 1682-7449)
  47. Recueil des notices et mémoires de la Société Archéologique du Département de Constantine (ISSN: 2195-9331)
  48. Recueil des travaux de la Société d'agriculture, sciences et arts d'Agen (ISSN: 1158-2561,EISSN: 2419-3372)
  49. Recueil international de législation sanitaire (ISSN: 0250-8583)
  50. Recueil littéraire
  51. Recueil officiel des lois fédérales (ISSN: 1013-6320,EISSN: 1013-6312)
  52. Recueil Periodique et Critique
  53. Recueil périodique d'observations de médecine, chirurgie, pharmacie (ISSN: 1153-9577)
  54. Recueils de la Societe Internationale de Droit Penal Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre
  55. Recull Normatiu. Consell de Treball Econòmic i Social de Catalunya
  56. Recursos Rurais (ISSN: 1885-5547,EISSN: 2255-5994)
  57. RECUS (EISSN: 2528-8075)
  58. Recusant history (ISSN: 0034-1932,EISSN: 2516-1881)
  59. Recyclable Catalysis (EISSN: 2084-7629)
  60. Recycling (EISSN: 2313-4321)
  61. Recycling International (ISSN: 1387-8700)
  62. Recycling M@gazine (Recycling Magazine)
  63. Recycling Today (ISSN: 1096-6323)
  64. Recylex SA MarketLine Company Profile
  65. Red Apple News
  66. RED BEST THINGS IN LIFE (ISSN: 1461-1317)
  67. Red Bull GmbH MarketLine Company Profile
  68. Red Cedar Review (ISSN: 0034-1967,EISSN: 1554-6721)
  69. Red Cross, Red Crescent (ISSN: 1019-9349)
  70. Red digital : revista de tecnologías de la información y comunicación educativas (ISSN: 1698-2541)
  71. Red Electrica Corporacion, S.A. MarketLine Company Profile
  72. Red Feather Journal (ISSN: 2150-5381)
  73. Red Flag
  74. RED HAT, INC. MarketLine Company Profile
  75. Red Herring (ISSN: 1080-076X)
  76. Red Lake news. (Red Lake, Minn.) 1912-1921 (ISSN: 2168-0108,EISSN: 2768-4199)
  77. Red Lion Hotels Corporation MarketLine Company Profile
  78. Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile
  79. Red U (ISSN: 1887-4592)
  80. Red U.Revista de Docencia Universitaria (ISSN: 1696-1412)
  81. RED. Revista de Educación a Distancia (ISSN: 1578-7680)
  82. Redacción : periódico de prácticas del Instituto de Periodismo del Estudio General de Navarra (ISSN: 1136-8713)
  83. Redai dili (ISSN: 1001-5221)
  84. Redbook (ISSN: 0034-2106)
  85. Reddy Ice Holdings, Inc MarketLine Company Profile
  86. Redeemer's University Nigeria Journal of Jurisprudence and International Law (ISSN: 2814-0486)
  87. Redefine International P.L.C. MarketLine Company Profile
  88. Reden und Gedenkworte (ISSN: 0473-145X)
  89. REDER (EISSN: 0719-8477)
  90. Redes (ISSN: 1982-6745,EISSN: 1414-7106)
  91. Redes (Canoas) (EISSN: 2318-8081)
  92. Redes de Ingeniería (ISSN: 2248-762X)
  93. Redes de investigación en medicamentos (ISSN: 1699-2687)
  94. REDES: Revista Hispana para el Análisis de Redes Sociales (ISSN: 2385-4626)
  95. Redescriptions (ISSN: 2308-0914,EISSN: 2308-0906)
  96. Redia-Journal of Zoology (ISSN: 0370-4327,EISSN: 2035-6382)
  97. Redieluz (EISSN: 2244-7334)
  98. REDIMAT : Journal of Research in Mathematics Education (ISSN: 2014-3621)
  99. ReDiPE (EISSN: 2675-2271)
  100. Redis (ISSN: 2183-3958)