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Updated Sept. 29, 2003
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Thursday, April 11, 2002

SASKATOON - The Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform will be in Regina on Monday, April 15 and Tuesday, April 16 for the first in a series of dialogues with community members in all regions of Saskatchewan.

The Justice Reform Commission, which is chaired by Willie Littlechild, and includes commissioners Hugh Harradence, Joe Quewezance, Glenda Cooney and Irene Fraser, has been invited to meet with Street Culture Kidz Project Inc. on Monday and will follow with a dialogue at Regina Friendship Centre on Tuesday.

"The Commissioners are anxious to begin our dialogue with the people of Saskatchewan and this is a very appropriate setting for our first meetings," said Littlechild. "We believe these dialogues will set the tone for the Commission as it begins its work."

The Justice Reform Commission expects to schedule approximately 40 dialogues in communities throughout the province over the next year. Details of these meetings will be revealed as dates and locations are confirmed.

"Our mandate is to create environments where participants, volunteers and mentors can choose to strengthen their personal support networks, advance personal skills and abilities and contribute to the community," says Kim Sutherland of Street Culture Kids Project.

Sutherland will facilitate the dialogue, which will include as many as seven young people speaking about issues relating to the justice system. This portion of the dialogue will be closed to the media.

"Since we are the guests of Street Culture Kidz, we are respecting our host's wish to allow the youth to speak from their hearts," Littlechild explained.

Mr. Littlechild and other commissioners will be available to meet the media prior to the dialogue. They will join Mr. Sutherland for a news conference at 2:00 p.m. at Street Culture Kidz.

Street Culture Kidz Project is located at 1422 Scarth Street.

On Tuesday, the Regina Friendship Centre is hosting a roundtable at St. Andrews Church gymnasium located at 1475 Athol Street.

The Justice Review Commission will hear from a number of guest presenters as well as from the public and other interested parties.

The roundtable begins at 9:30 a.m.

For further information contact

Warren Goulding
Director of Communications
Commission on First Nations and Métis People and Justice Reform
(306) 964-1212

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