Final Report
Volume One
Volume Two
Commission Members
Terms of Reference
Summaries of Roundtables
Friendship Centres of Saskatchewan - Directory of Services
The House of Justice
Dialogue Schedule
Updated Sept. 29, 2003
Dialogue Strategy
Media Releases
The Commission hosted a number of discussions or roundtables on the 8 topics which surfaced as critical areas throughout the numerous meetings, presentations and dialogues attended over the last 16 months. The roundtable topics were
  1. Youth Criminal Justice Act;
  2. research;
  3. racism;
  4. victims and violence;
  5. policing;
  6. restorative justice;
  7. crime prevention;
  8. governance and community development;
  9. business

We also hosted two roundtables with a group we called our "Stakeholders". This group was compiled from representatives throughout Saskatchewan with dealings in the justice area. From these two roundtables we discussed our direction and how to implement recommendations within Saskatchewan.

These summaries are just a general overview of the tone and discussion from each roundtable. As each discussion includes such detailed information these summaries cannot give the breadth or the detail of each participant’s contribution.

Each roundtable had guests that represented as many interested parties as possible, including provincial government politicians and/or technicians, federal government representatives, Northern municipal government representatives and Métis and First Nation governments, academics and people from communities. There were Elders and youth present at as many of the roundtables as possible. The discussions were rich, informative and always an opportunity for learning. We would like to thank all the participants for their input and their valuable contributions.


C O P Y R I G H T  2 0 0 3

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