Aboriginal Authors A-Z List: Non-Fiction
Works of non-fiction written by First Nations, Métis and Inuit authors (who have a connection to Canada) can be found here. Use the A-Z links for a list of names; all authors cited are represented in the University Library holdings. Clicking on an individual name will take you to that author’s U of S Library catalogue page. Use your back button to return to the Aboriginal Research Resources site.
This page will be updated regularly.
We acknowledge the work of Library and Archives Canada for creating an initial list of authors.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Ace, Barry
Adams, Howard
Acoose, Janice
Akiwenzie-Damm, Kateri
Agger, Helen
Ahenakew, Freda
Alfred, Taiaiake
Alia, Valerie
Altamirano-Jiménez, Isabel
Andersen, Chris
Anderson, Anne
Anderson, Kim
Archibald, Jo-Ann
Armstrong, Jeannette
Arnott, Joanne
Arthurson, Wayne
Atleo, Eugene Richard
Augustine, Stephen J.
Baikie, Margaret
Baillargeon, Morgan
Bartleman, James
Battiste, Marie
Beatty, Bonita
Beaver, George
Beavon, Daniel J.K.
Beaucage, Marjorie : filmmaker
Belanger, Yale
Belmore, Rebecca : filmmaker
Birchwater, Sage
Bird, Louis
Bird-Wilson, Lisa
Blackstock, Cindy
Blondin, John
Borrows, John
Bouchard, Dave (David)
Bouvier, Rita
Brant, Beth
Brant, Jennifer
Brascoupe, Simon
Brass, Eleanor
Brooks, Lisa
Bussidor, Ila
Calliou, Brian
Campbell, Lydia
Campbell, Maria
Cardinal, Douglas
Cardinal, Gil : filmmaker
Cardinal, Harold
Cardinal Schubert, Joane
Cariou, Warren
Castellano, Marlene Brant
Chacaby, Ma-Nee
Chartrand, Paul
Chrisjohn, Roland
Claxtion, Dana - Filmmaker
Clutesi, George
Cole, Peter
Copway, George
Corntassel, Jeff
Coulthard, Glen
Couture, Joseph E.
Couture, Yvon H.
Coyes, Greg : filmmaker
Crey, Ernie
Culleton Mosionier, Beatrice
Daum Shanks, Signa
Deer, Frank
Deer, Tracey : Filmmaker
DePasquale, Paul
Devine, Bonnie : filmmaker
Devine, Heather
Dewar, Jonathan
Dickason, Olive
Dorion, Leah
Dyck, Lillian
Fagan, Kristina
Faries, Emily Jane
Farrell-Racette, Sherry
Ferguson, Leah
Flett, Leonard G.
Fontaine, Phil
Forsyth, Janice
Fortune, Len
Fournier, Suzanne
Freeman, Bonnie
Freeman, Minnie Aodla
French, Alice
Gehl, Lynn
Gohier, Maxime
Gonzales, Tirso
Goodleaf, Donna
Goodwill, Jean
Gotfriedson, Garry
Goudie, Elizabeth
Goulet, Keith
Grant, Agnes
Gray, Viviane
Green, Joyce
Greene, Alma
Hampton, Eber
Hansen, John George
Hare, Jan
Harper, Anita Olsen
Harper, Elijah
Harris, Heather
Hébert, Yvonne M
Henderson, James Sakej Youngblood
Henderson, Sakej
Highway, Tomson
Hill, Barbara-Helen
Hill, Gord
Hill, Greg A. (1967)
Hodgins, Bruce
Hodgson, Heather
Hogan, Michelle
Hubbard, Tasha : filmmaker
Hungry Wolf, Beverly
Jacobs, Beverley
Jaine, Linda
Joe, Donna
Johnson, E. Pauline
Johnson, Harold
Johnston, Basil
Jones, Peter (Kahkewaquonaby)
Josie, Edith
Justice, Daniel Heath
Kalluak, Mark
Katsak, Rhoda Kaukjak
Katsak, Sandra Pikujak
Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore
Kimmerer, Robin Wall
King, Cecil O. (1932)
Kinew, Kathi
Kinew, Wab
Kirkness, Verna
Knockwood, Isabelle
Kovach, Margaret
Kruger, Leanne Flett
Kuptana, Rosemarie
Ladner, Kiera
Laforme, Harry
Laliberte, Ron F.
LaRocque, Emma
Lavell-Harvard, D. Memee
Lawrence, Bonita
Lawrence, Mary
Lee, Deborah
LeRat, Harold
Littlechild, Wilton
Little Bear, Leroy
Longman, Mary 1953
Longman, Mary (1964)
Louis, Shirley
Loutit, Ernie
Lovelace, Robert
Lyons, Oren
Macdougall, Brenda
MacKay, Gail
Maggo, Paulus
Manuel, Arthur
Manuel, George
Maracle, Brian
Maracle, Lee
Martin, Lee-Ann
Mattes, Catherine
Mayer, Lorraine
McAdam, Sylvia
McBride, Carol
McCall, Sophie
McCallum, Mary Jane
McCaslin, Wanda
McGregor Deborah
McGuire, Patricia
McInnes, Brian
McKay, Celeste
McKegney, Sam
McLeod Brenda
McLeod, Heather
McLeod, Neal
McMaster, Gerald
McMillan, Leslie Jane
McPherson, Dennis
Mercredi, Ovide
Metatawabin, Edmund
Mesher, Dorothy
Michell, Herman
Montgomery, H. Monty
Monture, Kate
Moses, Daniel David
Moses, Ted
Monture, Patricia (Trish)
Monture, Rick
Nadjiwon, Roland
Nahwegahbow, David
Napoleon, Art
Napoleon, Val
Neel, David
Newhouse, David
Noël, Michel
Nungak, Zebedee
Palmater, Pamela
Paul, Daniel
Pelletier, Wilfred
Pinette, Gilles
Pitseolak, Peter
Point, Susan
Ponting, Rick
Porter, Tom (Sakokwenionkwas)
Proulx-Turner, Sharron
Redbird, Duke
Reder, Deanna
Regan, Paulette
Reid, Martine J.
Rendon, Marcie
Rice, Ryan
Roberts, Rose
Robertson, Carmen
Rowe, J. Spencer
Ruffo, Armand Garnet
Sam, Lillian
Sapp, Allen
Scofield, Gregory
Scudeler, June
Seale, Doris
Sellars, Bev
Settee, Priscilla
Sidney, Angela
Simpson, Leanne
Sinclair, Niigaanwewidam James
Sinclair, Raven
Sioui, Georges E.
Snow, John (1933)
St. Denis, Verna
Sterling, Shirley
Stonechild, Blair
Stout, Madeleine Dion
Stump, Sarain (Marion)
Sunseri Lina
Suzack, Cheryl
Tamez, Margo
Tait, Caroline
Taylor, Drew Hayden
Tehanetorens (Ray Fadden)
Thompson, Ruth (1952)
Thrasher, Anthony Apakark
Thrush, Coll
Todd, Loretta : filmmaker
Turpel-Lafond, Mary Ellen
Tyman, James
Valaskakis, Gail Guthrie
Venne, Sharon Helen
Vickers, Roy Henry
Vizina, Yvonne
Vowel, Chelsea
Voyageur, Cora
Wagamese, Richard
Warrior, Emma Lee
Watchman, Renae
Watt-Cloutier, Sheila
Wheeler, Bernelda
Wheeler, Jordan
Wheeler, Winona
White, Ellen
William, Gerry
Williamson, Karla Jessen
Wilson, Stan
Wilson, Alex
Wilson, Lisa
Wood, Morgan
Wright-McLeod, Brian