University Authors

This database provides brief citations for articles, reports, chapters in books and books written by University faculty and staff on topics relating to Native / Indigenous Studies. “University authors” are defined as anyone employed by the University at some point during his/her career; the works themselves may have been written before or after, as well as during, that employment. Articles on the physical environment or exploration were only added if they included specific and direct connection to Indigenous culture and life.

The database may be searched by department or college, author, title, date, type of work (article, report, etc), or keyword.

This database will be updated regularly; we welcome information on authors or works not currently cited.

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Resource type article
Title Colonialist Apology and the Batoche National Historical Site Multi-Media Presentation
Journal/Book The Public Historian
Publisher University of California Press
Date 2008
Curatorial note This was a special edition on "Public History in Canada." The guest editor was Lyle Dyck.
Credits Carlson, Keith Thor (author); History
Biographical note Keith Thor Carlson is a professor of History and director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity.
Retrieval information University Library - Murray - HN1 .P97 and online
Database ID 59285