Peer Reviewed LIS Journals
This list of peer-reviewed library and information science (LIS) journals is intended to help librarian and archivist researchers identify journals where they can submit manuscripts.
Open access titles are identified with the logo. Canadian titles are indicated with a maple leaf icon .
Most titles on this list are in English; some Canadian titles are bilingual and also accept submissions in French.
Only active titles are included; titles that have ceased publication are removed. Titles that have changed names are listed under the current name with previous names also provided.
The information about each title includes:
- Journal title (linked to the journal’s website)
- Country of Publication
- Publisher
- Society (if applicable)
- ISSN (print, online)
- First year of publication
The list is now also available as a viewable Google Sheet or a downloadable csv file, for easier filtering, sorting, searching, or other analysis. The Google Sheet currently includes tabs for the complete data, a count of journals in each category, and a count of open access and subscription access journals. Thanks to Tim Ribaric at Brock University for the suggestion and initial creation of this machine readable list.
This list was first created by Selinda Berg for use by the librarians and archivists at Western University and has been shared with CARL Librarians' Research Institute participants since its first iteration. Kristin Hoffmann from Western updated this list and it is current to January 2024. Kristin and Selinda feel that this list is most useful when shared widely, so C-EBLIP is happy to host this list here.
Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship / Revue canadienne de bibliothéconomie universitaire. Canada. Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians. ISSN: 2369-937X. 2015
The journal publishes articles on topics related to academic librarians and the profession of academic librarianship. It is open to all disciplines and methodologies. Submissions must present substantive analysis of a topic. Articles need not have a geographical focus; however, if they do, the focus should be on Canada or have a strong connection to Canada. Submissions are accepted and published in English and French.
College & Research Libraries. United States. Association of College and Research Libraries. ISSN: 0010-0870. 1939
The journal includes articles in all fields of interest and concern to academic and research libraries. The focus is on reports of original research; submissions may also include descriptive narratives of successful and unsuccessful ventures, thoughtful discussions of issues in librarianship, and other suitable subjects.
College & Undergraduate Libraries. United States. Haworth Information Press. ISSN: 1069-1316. 1994
The journal highlights undergraduate learning through libraries along with collaborations and connections both on and off campus. It publishes research-based articles, case studies, reports of best practices, occasional literature or product reviews, and columns or special issues devoted to current topics.
Community & Junior College Libraries: the journal for learning resources centers. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0276-3915, 1545-2522. 1982
The journal specifically targets issues concerning community college libraries and learning resource centers. It publishes theoretical research and practical studies dealing with delivery of information resources to lower division undergraduate students. Book reviews, editorials, letters to the editor, and ongoing columns with specific focus are also included.
Journal of Academic Librarianship. United Kingdom. Elsevier. ISSN: 0099-1333. 1975
The journal publishes articles that focus on problems and issues germane to college and university libraries. Authors may present research findings and, where applicable, their practical applications and significance; analyze policies, practices, issues, and trends; speculate about the future of academic librarianship; present analytical bibliographic essays and philosophical treatises. The journal also includes book reviews, information on technology issues, digests of special reports, and a guide to sources and analysis of library metrics.
New Review of Academic Librarianship, The. United Kingdom. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1361-4533. 1740-7834. 1986
The journal publishes reviews, research, critiques, and case studies on a range of topics that are of interest to those providing library and information services to academic communities. The journal emphasizes the relevance and applicability of theory or research for the academic library practitioner. A wide range of topics are of interest.
portal: Libraries and the Academy. United States. The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISSN: 1531-2542, 1530-7131. 2001
The journal focuses on research about the role of academic libraries and librarianship. It also features commentary on issues in technology and publishing. Articles may focus on any aspect of librarianship, knowledge management, and information services and studies within higher education.
Practical Academic Librarianship: The International Journal of the SLA Academic Division. United States. SLA: Special Libraries Association ISSN: 1947-0037. 2011
The journal audience includes all academic librarians and information professionals serving academic departments or affiliated institutions including centers, institutes, specialized collections, and special units within or related to academic units. The journal publishes original research, papers about new initiatives and best practices, analysis of issues and trends, descriptive narratives, and papers that examine libraries’ role in meeting specialized client needs. A wide range of topics are of interest.
Public Services Quarterly. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1522-8959, 1522-9114. 2002
Previous title: Public & Access Services Quarterly (1995-2001).
The journal covers a range of public service issues in academic libraries. It publishes research-based and theoretical articles as well as case studies, practice-based articles, and columns on resources and key themes in the field. It aims to present practical strategies for implementing new initiatives and research-based insights into effective practices.
American Archivist. United States. Society of American Archivists. ISSN: 0360-9081. 1938
The journal provides a forum for discussion of trends and issues in archival theory and practice both in the United States and abroad. It publishes research articles, case studies, perspectives, and international scene pieces, as well as reviews of professional literature, archival technologies, and resources.
Archival Issues. United States. Midwest Archives Conference. ISSN: 1067-4993. 1976
The journal publishes articles and book reviews on archival theory and practice. Article topics can cover the full range of archival activity. The journal particularly encourages submissions from archivists who have not published previously.
Archival Practice. United States. 2014
The journal publishes research articles, case studies, position pieces, and “From the Field” submissions related to all aspects of modern archival practice. It provides a scholarly forum for discussion of real-world application of archival theories and practices.
Archival Science: International journal on recorded information. Netherlands. Springer Netherlands. ISSN: 1389-0166. 2000
The journal aims to promote archival science as an autonomous scientific discipline. Its primary audience is researchers and educators in archival science. Its approach is integrated, interdisciplinary, and intercultural.
Archivaria. Canada. Association of Canadian Archivists. ISSN: 0318-6954. 1975
The journal publishes articles that contribute to the scholarly investigation of archives in Canada and internationally. It welcomes submissions that explore the history, nature, and theory of archives and the use of archives, from both practitioners and academics. While it is primarily an English-language journal, it will publish articles in French, and articles have both English and French abstracts.
Archives and Manuscripts. Australia. Taylor & Francis. Australian Society of Archivists Inc.. ISSN: 0157-6895, 2164-6058. 1955
The journal publishes original articles, reflection articles, and book reviews about the theory and practice of archives and recordkeeping in Australasia and around the world.
Fonds d’Archives. Canada. Archives Society of Alberta. ISSN: 2561-0465. 2017
The journal explores all aspects of archival practice. Submissions that explore archival issues from practical, working-level perspectives or theoretical explorations with demonstrated praxis are particularly encouraged. The journal welcomes submissions from students, new professionals and working archivists who may not have published before.
Journal of Archival Organization. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1533-2748, 1533-2756. 2002
Incorporates Library & Archival Security
The journal covers all aspects of the arrangement, description, and provision of access to all forms of archival materials. Articles addressing academic, public and special/corporate libraries, museums and governmental agencies are all welcome.
Libraries: Culture, History, and Society United States. Penn State University Press for the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association. ISSN: 2473-0343, 2473-036X. 2017
The journal publishes work on libraries within their broader historical, humanistic, and social contexts. It promotes library history as its own field of scholarship, while promoting cross-disciplinary research on libraries’ relationships with their unique environments. The journal encourages papers that present interdisciplinary perspectives, and welcomes authors from outside library science.
Library and Information History. United Kingdom. Taylor & Francis. Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals. ISSN: 1758-3489, 1759-3497. 2009
Previous title: Library History (1967-2008)
This British journal publishes articles on all subjects and periods relating to the history of libraries and librarianship and to the history of information, in its broadest sense. The journal publishes articles as well as book reviews, occasional surveys of recent publications, and guides to relevant sources.
The Library: the transactions of the Bibliographical Society. United Kingdom. Oxford University Press. ISSN: 0024-2160. 18??
The journal is for the study of bibliography and of the role of the book in history. Its scope includes all aspects of descriptive, analytical, textual and historical bibliography. As well as articles and notes, each issue includes book reviews and lists of recent books and periodicals in the field.
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada. Canada. The Bibliographical Society of Canada. ISSN: 0067-6896, 2562-8941. 1962
The journal publishes original articles and notes in the field of bibliography and/or the history of the book, a field broadly construed to include printing and publishing history, studies of authorship, print culture studies, digital humanities, copyright history, the history of reading, textual studies, scholarly editing, library history, historical bibliography, descriptive/analytic bibliography, communications studies, media history, and any literary or historical research that takes particular account of the material forms of texts. The journal does not publish enumerative bibliographies (lists of publications on specialized topics).
RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage. United States. Association of College and Research Libraries. ISSN: 1529-6407, 1529-668X. 1986
The journal covers topics related to special collections libraries and cultural heritage institutions. Themes of interest to the journal include how we cope with emerging technologies, new economic models for collecting, the creation of strategic partnerships, and the ways in which people experience the "authentic."
Collection and Curation. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISSN: 2514-9326. 2018
Previous title: Collection Building (1978-2017)
Collection and Curation provides well-researched and authoritative information on the rapidly-changing conceptions of what collection development is in libraries, archives, museums and galleries. Topics include but are not limited to collection management of files and data, curriculum mapping, collection assessment, technological innovations, cultural heritage artefacts, public libraries and civic engagement, and use of space in collections.
Collection Management. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0146-2679, 1545-2549. 1975
The journal publishes articles about building, administering, preserving, assessing, and organizing library collections. It also publishes reviews of relevant books, technological resources, and software.
Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1941-126X, 1941-1278. 2008
Previous title: The Acquisitions Librarian (1989-2008)
The journal publishes current research, work-related processes and procedures, and news on topics related to electronic resources and issues surrounding the changes in collections, acquisitions and services in libraries in the digital age.
Serials Librarian, The. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0361-526X, 1541-1095. 1976
The journal focuses on scholarly communication and all aspects of serials, e-books, monographic series, databases, etc. Articles may be theoretical or practical in nature. Submissions may also address related concerns such as peer review, cataloging, or resource discovery.
Serials Review. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0098-7913, 1879-095X. 1975
The journal publishes articles on all aspects of serials management, such as format considerations, publishing models, statistical studies, collection analysis, collaborative efforst, reference and access issues, cataloging and acquisitions, people who have shaped the serials community, and topical bibliographic studies.
Ariadne: Web Magazine for Information Professionals. United Kingdom. Loughborough University Library. ISSN: 1361-3200. 1996
Primarily practice-oriented articles on a variety of topics. Target audience is librarians, museum curators, archivists and associated technical staff & managers. Guidelines recommend submitting an article proposal/outline in advance of the article.
Aslib Journal of Information Management. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing. ISSN: 2050-3806, 2014
Previous title: Aslib Proceedings: new information perspectives (1949-2013)
Focuses on current international developments in the research and practice of information management and information science. Areas of interest include social media, data protection, search engines, information retrieval, digital libraries, information behaviour, intellectual property and copyright, information industry, digital repositories and information policy and governance. The journal covers economic, behavioural, social, ethical, technological, international, business-related, political and management-oriented factors.
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0163-9374, 1544-4554. 1980
The journal publishes articles in the field of bibliographic organization. It considers the full spectrum of creation, content, management, use, and usability of bibliographic records. Articles may deal with historical settings as well as contemporary, and with theory and scholarly research as well as practical applications.
The Electronic Library: Digital Information Organisation and Use. Emerald Group Publishing. ISSN: 0264-0473. 1983
The Indexer: The international journal of indexing. United Kingdom. Society of Indexers. ISSN: 0019-4131, 1756-0632. 1958
Covers full range of subjects about indexing, including new techniques, practical applications of tools, and the history of indexing. Reviews cover print and electronic material including websites, hardware, and software. Also has an "Indexes Reviewed" section that highlights best and worst examples of indexing.
Information Discovery and Delivery. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing. ISSN: 2398-6247. 2017
Previous titles: Interlending Review (1979-1983), Interlending & Document Supply (1984-2016).
The journal publishes research and practice which explores the digital information supply chain; that is, transport, flows, tracking, exchange and sharing, including within and between libraries. It is also interested in digital information capture, packaging and storage by ‘collectors’ of all kinds.
Information Resources Management Journal. United States. IGI Global. ISSN: 1040-1628, 1533-7979. 1988
The journal publishes research articles containing applied research on topics that demonstrate the theory and practice of how information technology drives and improves organizational function. Articles may discuss managerial and organizational facets of information technology resources management, as well as issues concerning usage, failure, success, policies, strategies, and applications of information technology in organizations.
Information Services & Use. Netherlands. I O S Press. ISSN: 0167-5265, 1875-8789. 1981
The journal is an information and information technology oriented publication with a wide scope of subject matters such as: online systems, offline systems, electronic publishing, library automation, education and training, word processing and telecommunications.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management. United States. Informing Science Institute. ISSN: 1555-1229, 1555-1237. 2006
The journal publishes articles on the use of information technology to enhance organizational performance. Articles with a sound underpinning of information and knowledge principles/theories on information and knowledge management are also welcome. The journal publishes conceptual, theoretical and empirical papers.
International Journal of Information Management. United Kingdom. Elsevier. ISSN: 0268-4012. 1980
The journal publishes on a wide array of topics including: information management in learning organizations, business intelligence, knowledge management, information design and delivery, legal and regulatory issues, philosophical and methodological approaches, new and emerging research agendas, and reflective accounts of professional practice. It publishes research papers, case studies, and reviews. It encourages submissions from diverse areas of practice and settings.
Journal of Access Services. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1536-7967, 1536-7975. 2002
The journal publishes research, theory, and practice papers relevant to the access services in libraries and archives of all types. It covers all the services that provide, facilitate, and manage the access of patrons to the information resources acquired or made available by libraries or archives. The journal looks for best practices and new insights of access services that may be based on research, studies, and experiences.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. United States. John Wiley & Sons. Association for Information Science and Technology. ISSN: 1532-2882, 2330-1643. 1938-1942 (suspended); resumed 1950
JASIST publishes original research that focuses on the production, discovery, recording, storage, representation, retrieval, presentation, manipulation, dissemination, use, and evaluation of information and on the tools and techniques associated with these processes. The journal welcomes rigorous work of an empirical, experimental, ethnographic, conceptual, historical, socio-technical, policy-analytic, or critical-theoretical nature.
Journal of Classification. United States. Springer. ISSN: 0176-4268, 1432-1343. 1984
The journal presents work in the field of classification, broadly defined. Areas of interest include supervised classification, unsupervised classification (clustering), semi-supervised classification, statistical computing, statistical learning, numerical taxonomy, multivariate statistics, and machine learning. The principal discipline represented is statistics, but information retrieval and many other disciplines are also represented.
Journal of Documentation. United Kingdom. Emerald Publishing. ISSN: 0022-0418. 1945
The journal publishes research papers in all information-related disciplines. They welcome submissions exploring topics where concepts and models in LIS overlap with those in cognate disciplines such as communication and media studies, psychology, sociology, or publishing. The journal aims to provide a link between research, scholarship, and reflective professional practice.
Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Supply & Electronic Reserve. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1072-303X, 1540-3572. 2005
Previous titles: Journal of Interlibrary Loan & Information Supply (1990 - 1993), Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Information Supply (1993 - 2004). Incorporates Resource Sharing & Information Networks (2010-).
The journal publishes on all topics related to library resource sharing, including but not limited to: interlibrary loan, shared storage facilities, shared virtual services, cooperative training, electronic reserves, and collection development. It provides a forum for pure and applied research results, discussions of best practices, and literature reviews.
Library Resources & Technical Services. United States. Association for Library Collections Technical Services, American Library Association. 1957-2020; Core: Leadership, Infrastructure, Futures, 2020- ISSN: 2159-9610. 1957
LRTS publishes papers that present research or that discuss operational issues related to collections, scholarly communication, preservation and digitization, acquisitions, continuing resources, and cataloging.
Records Management Journal. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISSN: 0956-5698. 1989
The journal publishes research and practice on the people, process, and systems/technology aspects of managing records and information in organizations. It covers records/information creation and capture, organization and access, preservation and disposal, systems design, information governance, and risk. It welcomes contributions from interdisciplinary perspectives.
Technical Services Quarterly. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0731-7131, 1555-3337. 1983
The journal publishes work about current developments and future trends in research, developments, and practical implementation of systems and applications of traditional and non-traditional technical services. It accepts articles that present original research, theory, or implementation.
Ethics and Information Technology. Netherlands. Springer. ISSN: 1388-1957, 1572-8439. 1999
The journal promotes analyses of ethical, social and political questions associated with the adoption, use, and development of information and communication technology (ICT). Reflections on the history of ideas and ICT are also encouraged, as are analyses of ethical ICT issues within the context of technology assessment, cultural studies, public policy analysis and public administration, cognitive science, social and anthropological studies in technology, mass-communication, and legal studies. It includes original articles and book reviews.
The International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion (IJIDI) United States. University of Maryland Library. ISSN: 2574-3430. 2016
The journal presents multidisciplinary perspectives on the intersection of equity, social justice, and information, and encourages authors and readers to think about diversity and inclusion in broad terms. It invites submissions from the LIS community and other disciplines.
International Journal of Information Ethics. Germany. International Center for Information Ethics. ISSN: 1614-1687. (also known as International Review of Information Ethics) 2004
The journal focuses on the ethical impacts of information technology on human practices and thinking, social interaction, other areas of science and research and the society itself. An international or intercultural perspective is encouraged.
Library Diversity and Residency Studies. United States. University of North Carolina Greensboro. 2020
LDRS publishes articles that are engaged in the social justice project of increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the library profession and in LIS curricula. The journal is committed to providing a platform for work that might otherwise be marginalized from dominant discourses. They are committed to working with authors during the submission and review process.
Communications in Information Literacy. United States. Communications in Information Literacy. ISSN: 1933-5954. 2007
CIL is devoted to advancing research, theory, and practice in the area of information literacy in higher education. The editors of CIL are committed to the exploration and investigation of the various models of information literacy throughout the world, and they are faithful to unpolluted principles of open access for academic research.
Education for Information. Netherlands. I O S Press. ISSN: 0167-8329, 1875-8649. 1983
This journal publishes fundamental and applied research in the interdisciplinary field of the information studies. Topics of interest include but are not limited to education, pedagogy and learning in the iFields; information seeking and use; information policy and ethics; information retrieval; digital humanities; documentation theory and practice; data science; gender studies in the iFields, etc. The journal also welcomes historical and foundational research in the iFields, including works that bridge the iFields with other fields, such as science and technology studies or the philosophy of technology, Philosophy, Media Studies.
Information and Learning Sciences. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing. ISSN: 2398-5348. 2017
Previous titles: Library World (1989-1970), New Library World (1971-2016), incorporated Asian Libraries (1991-2000)
The journal advances interdisciplinary research that explores the scholarly intersection of information science and the learning / education sciences, especially as related to design and uses of information and e-learning systems innovations. Topics may include e-learning perspectives on information seeking, design and use of learning management systems or search systems, social and ethical issues in e-learning contexts, and much more.
Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning. United States. Informing Science Institute. ISSN: 2375-2084, 2375-2092. 2005
Previous title: Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects
IJELL’s mission is the promotion of innovative scholarly research covering aspects of online, browsing, big data, analytics and other pertinent technologies for adult learners’ literacies and e-skills. It publishes scholarly articles on the development of e-skills and lifelong learning, covering conceptual, theoretical and empirical papers. Articles with a sound underpinning of pedagogical principles and design science on the development of e-skills using information technology are also welcome.
Journal of Information Literacy. United Kingdom. CILIP Information Literacy Group. ISSN: 1750-5968, 1533-2918. 2007
JIL aims to investigate information literacy in all its forms to address the interests of diverse IL communities of practice. To this end it publishes articles from both established and new authors in this field. JIL welcomes contributions that push the boundaries of IL beyond the educational setting and examine this phenomenon as a continuum between those involved in its development and delivery and those benefiting from its provision.
Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1533-290X. 2004
The journal accepts original research, theoretical papers, substantive articles, essays, book and literature reviews, and research reports that cover programs and innovations related to the field of distance education. It also addresses a wide variety of subjects that are vital to the field, including but not limited to: collection development strategies, faculty/librarian partnerships or collaborations, cutting edge instruction and reference techniques, document delivery, remote access, evaluation, etc.
Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science. Canada. University of Western Ontario, Western Libraries. ISSN: 1195-096X, 1920-7239. 1976
The journal serves as a forum for discussion of theory and research in library and information science. It publishes in English and French. The journal welcomes submissions in all areas of library and information science research. It has published research on such topics as information behaviour, information retrieval, professional issues, information organization, scholarly communication, information policy, research methods, and educational issues.
Collaborative Librarianship. United States. University of Denver. ISSN: 1943-7528. 2009
The journal is dedicated to highlighting all forms of collaboration - within libraries, between libraries, with non-library partners, and with consortia. It publishes From the Field Reports as well as scholarly peer-reviewed articles. Scholarly articles may approach the topic of collaboration in a variety of ways, including historically, quantitatively, qualitatively, analytically, theoretically, philosophically, or practically. The articles can take local, regional, national, or international perspectives.
Endnotes: The Journal of the New Members Round Table. United States. ALA. ISSN: 2159-0591. 2010
The journal welcomes submissions that address issues faced by new librarians. It accepts research and practitioner-based articles as well as web site reviews and scholarly book reviews. The journal aims to work with new authors to produce quality scholarly articles.
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice. Canada. University of Alberta Library. ISSN: 1715-720X. 2006
The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for librarians and other information professionals to discover research that may contribute to decision making in professional practice. EBLIP publishes original research and commentary on the topic of evidence based library and information practice, as well as reviews of previously published research (evidence summaries) on a wide number of topics.
Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. ISSN: 2514-9342. 2018
Previous Title: Library Review (1927-2017).
The journal is concerned with innovation and developments in digital information, as they relate to global knowledge, communication and world memory. It covers the creation, management, dissemination and use of the full range of information objects.
IFLA Journal. United Kingdom. SAGE Publications. ISSN 0340-0352. 1969
The journal publishes articles on library and information services and the social, political and economic issues that impact access to information through libraries. It is published four times per year (January, June, October, December) and includes research, case studies and essays that reflect the broad spectrum of the profession internationally.
Information & Culture. United States. University of Texas Press, Journals Division. ISSN: 2164-8034, 2166-3033, 2013.
Previous titles: Libraries & the Cultural Record (2007-2012), Libraries & Culture (1989-2006), The Journal of Library History (1975-1988), Journal of Library History, Philosophy, and Comparative Librarianship (1974), The Journal of Library History (1966-1973).
Information Research: An international electronic journal. Sweden. University of Borås. ISSN: 1368-1613. 1976
The journal publishes papers in the fields of information science, information management, information systems, information policy, archives and records management and librarianship. It is interested in papers that deal with these topics either in general, or with reference to a particular application area. For example, papers on health information management and information seeking in a health context, or on the relationship between media and information seeking or information management, or papers on the relationship between information behaviour and computer use.
Informing Science: The international journal of an emerging transdiscipline. United States. Informing Science Institute. ISSN: 1547-9684, 1521-4672. 1997
The journal welcomes papers that investigate better ways to inform, from diverse fields such as technology, psychology, brain science, and information science. It welcomes conceptual, theoretical, and empirical contributions.
InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies. United States. California Digital Library for UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies. ISSN: 1548-3320. 2004
The journal is committed to the promotion of interdisciplinary and inclusive scholarship. It encourages submissions that use inclusive and critical frameworks in politically engaged ways. Submissions may draw upon traditional areas of inquiry within the fields of education and information studies (e.g., public policy, systems design) or from newer interdisciplinary perspectives (e.g., queer studies, critical race theory, poststructuralism).
International Information and Library Review. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1057-2317, 1095-9297. 1969
The journal publishes papers based on a global perspective for library and information professionals and paraprofessionals in public, academic, special, government, and corporate environments. It welcomes papers on a broad range of topics related to library and information services.
International Journal of Librarianship. Published by the Chinese American Librarians Association. ISSN:2474-3542. 2016
The International Journal of Librarianship (IJoL), a peer-reviewed open access journal of research and discussion dealing with all aspects of libraries and librarianship, welcomes articles relating to academic, research, public, school and special libraries and other information institutes. The IJoL works to highlight a wide range of international perspectives on key subjects in librarianship, particularly in our frequent special topic issues.
International Journal of Library and Information Services. IGI Global. ISSN: 2475-997X. 2017
Previous title: International Journal of Digital Library Systems (2010-2016)
The journal publishes articles on a wide range of topics that cover the latest developments and technological advancements in library service innovation. The journal converted to open access in 2021 and charges a publication fee after the manuscript is accepted and before publication.
In the Library with the Lead Pipe. United States. ISSN: 1944-6195. 2008
The journal publishes articles by authors representing diverse perspectives. It aims to improve libraries, professional organizations, and their communities of practice by exploring new ideas, starting conversations, documenting our concerns, and arguing for solutions. The journal publishes original research; articles using autoethnography or other accounts of the author’s own experience to contribute new insights; articles arguing for a particular approach, strategy or development in librarianship; and transformative works with additional explanatory or interpretive context. The journal uses an open peer review process.
The Journal of Creative Library Practice. United States. ISSN: 2330-4227. 2013
The journal provides a place to document innovative approaches to our work as librarians. It publishes articles that are reflections on professional practice, reports on projects or experiments, research studies, critical approaches to library practice, or book reviews. It welcomes submissions from every type of library. Authors may opt for peer review.
Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies. United States. Litwin Press. ISSN: 2572-1364. 2017
The journal aims to showcase innovative research that queries and critiques current and prevailing paradigms in library and information studies, in theory and practice through critical approaches and perspectives that originate from across the humanities and social sciences. JCLIS is committed to supplying a platform for the publication of rigorous inter-/multi-/trans-disciplinary research that might be otherwise marginalized from dominant discourses.
Journal of Education for Library and Information Science. United States. Association for Library and Information Science Education. ISSN: 2328-2967. 1960
The journal supports scholarly inquiry in library and information science (LIS) education by serving as the primary venue for the publication of research articles, reviews, and brief communications about issues of interest to LIS educators.
Journal of Graduate Librarianship. United States. Charles C. Sherrod Library of East Tennessee State University. ISSN: 2995-9063. 2023
The journal is dedicated exclusively to matters pertaining to graduate librarianship. It is written, edited, adn governed by library practitioners who work with graduate students, faculty and programs. JGL publishes articles on all aspects and types of graduate librarianship, and seeks to advance the qualities contained in the acronym SHOP: Shared Honest Open Practice.
Journal of Information Science. United Kingdom. SAGE Publications Ltd. (for Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals). ISSN: 0165-5515, 1741-6485. 1979
The journal covers topics of interest to all those researching and working in the sciences of information and knowledge management. It welcomes submissions on any aspect of information science theory, policy, application or practice.
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. United Kingdom. SAGE Publications Ltd.. ISSN: 0961-0006, 1741-6477. 1969
The journal publishes research and practical developments, as well as discussion papers and viewpoints on topical concerns. It welcomes papers from practising librarians, information workers, and academics on all aspects of librarianship and information science.
Journal of Library Outreach and Engagement. United States. Illinois Open Publishing Network. ISSN: 2690-2672. 2020
The journal publishes research on public and community engagement initiatives in libraries of all types. It is interested in the methodological and epistemological issues that inform or emerge from such projects and programs. It also publishes “Idea Lab” and “Notes from the Field” columns, and book reviews.
Journal of New Librarianship. United States. ISSN: 2471-3880. 2016
The journal provides a forum for both traditional and disruptive forms of scholarly and professional communication that forge innovative paths in the way the LIS profession shares and leads. It aims to publish emerging and interdisciplinary scholarship that does not fit within the narrow subject specialization of existing journals.
Journal of Radical Librarianship. ISSN: 2399-956X. 2014
The journal publishes high quality, rigorously reviewed, and innovative scholarly work in the field of radical librarianship. It welcomes any work that contributes to a discourse around critical library and information theory and practice. It also publishes non-peer reviewed reports, commentary, and reviews.
Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association. Australia. Taylor & Francis (for the Australian Library and Information Association). ISSN: 2475-0158, 2475-0166. 2017
Previous titles: The Australian Library Journal (1951-2016), Australian Academic & Research Libraries (1970-2016)
The journal publishes research articles and other scholarly papers about, or relevant to, the Australian and Southern Asia Pacific regions.
LIBER Quarterly. LIBER, the Association of European Research Libraries. ISSN: 2213-056X. 1991
The journal covers all aspects of modern research librarianship and information delivery. It is intended to be a bridge between research and practice, and so publishes both theoretical papers and descriptions of examples of good practices. Contributions from outside of Europe are welcome as long as the topic is relevant for librarians and researchers in European research institutes. As of 2017, the journal moved to a continuous publication model; although the journal name still includes ‘quarterly,’ only one issue is published per year.
Library and Information Research. United Kingdom. Library and Information Research Group. CILIP. ISSN: 1756-1086 2003. Previous title: Library and Information Research News (1978-2002)
The journal publishes research articles and aims to encourage ‘research into practice.’ It is also interested in publishing practical case studies that illustrate best practice. Authors are asked to keep contributions as clear and practical as possible, and to explain how the research results should affect practice.
Library & Information Science Research. United Kingdom. Elsevier. ISSN: 0740-8188. 1979
The journal focuses on the research process in library and information science, especially demonstrations of innovative methods and theoretical frameworks or unusual extensions or applications of well-known methods and tools. It publishes research articles primarily from a social science perspective.
Library Philosophy and Practice. United States. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. ISSN: 1522-0222. 1999
The journal publishes articles exploring the connection between library practice and the philosophy and theory behind it. These include explorations of current, past, and emerging theories of librarianship and library practice, as well as reports of successful, innovative, or experimental library procedures, methods, or projects in all areas of librarianship, set in the context of applied research. It is an international journal that embraces the concept of World Englishes and International English; well-written articles in any variety of academic English are welcomed.
Library Quarterly. United States. University of Chicago Press. ISSN: 0024-2519, 1549-652X. 1931
The journal embraces a wide array of original research perspectives, approaches, and quantitative, qualitative, evaluative, analytic, and mixed methodology to assess the role of libraries in communities and in society. All content in the journal ties to contemporary issues impacting libraries and librarianship.
Library Trends. United States. The Johns Hopkins University Press. ISSN: 0024-2594, 1559-0682. 1952
Each issue of Library Trends covers a specific thematic topic, with submissions organized by guest editor(s) selected by the co editors-in-chief. Proposals should include the nature and scope of the proposed topic, the contributions of the articles to be included, and the names of potential authors. The journal does not accept single-article submissions.
Libres: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal. Singapore. Nanyang Technological University. ISSN: 1058-6768. 1990
The journal publishes research and scholarly articles in Library and Information Science/Service (LIS). It has a particular focus on research in emerging areas of LIS, synthesis of LIS research areas, and on novel perspectives and conceptions that advance theory and practice. It publishes research papers, synthesis papers that survey an area of LIS, and opinion/perspectives papers.
LIBRI: International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies. Germany. De Gruyter Saur. ISSN: 0024-2667, 1950
The journal publishes papers about the functions of libraries and information services from both a historical and present-day perspective, including current trends in librarianship. This also includes analysis of the role of information in cultural, organizational, national and international developments.
Marketing Libraries Journal. United States. ISSN: 2475-8116. 2017
The journal publishes research in library marketing and its components (public relations, publicity, outreach, advocacy, and marketing communications). It is open to all libraries: public, academic, and social. It invites submissions from librarians and library professional working in marketing positions. It publishes research-driven articles that present results of original scholarship and practical articles that focus on best practices and advice.
Open Information Science. Germany. De Gruyter. ISSN: 2451-1781, 2020
The journal publishes research on all areas of library and information sciences. It is cross-disciplinary and single-blind peer-reviewed.
Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research. Canada. The Partnership: Provincial and Territorial Library Associations of Canada. ISSN: 1911-9593. 2006
The journal publishes articles about libraries, librarianship, and information science from practitioners across all library sectors. Its sections include Innovations in Practice, for articles that describe and evaluate new library initiatives; Theory and Research, for research articles that can be quantitative or qualitative; and Features.
Pathfinder: A Canadian Journal for Information Science Students and Early Career Professionals. Canada. University of Alberta Libraries. ISSN: 2563-2493. 2020
The journal is student-led and dedicated to promoting the scholarly work of LIS and library tech students and early career information professionals from across Canada. It publishes original scholarship in the fields of library science, information studies, and archives.
Performance Measurement and Metrics: The international journal of library assessment, value and impact. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISSN: 1467-8047. 2000
The journal publishes work that aims to help libraries, museums, and archives to assess their performance, value and impact. Relevant topics include: new approaches to performance measurement and assessment; frameworks for value, assessment, or performance measurement; developments in analytics; ethical issues in performance management; user experience research, and case studies.
Philippine Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. Philippines. University of the Philippines School of Library and Information Studies. ISSN: 2719-0471. 2019
Previous title: Journal of Philippine Librarianship (1968-2018)
This semi-annual journal publishes articles from all fields in the area of librarianship and information studies.
up//root. United States. We Here collective. 2020
up//root is a publishing collective that provides a space for Black and Indigenous folks, and People of Color (BIPOC) to share their research and meditations on their knowledge, experiences, and ways of being in libraries and archives. The publication welcomes experimentation to produce, cultivate, and share knowledge in order to strengthen BIPOC communities and/or inspire action.
Urban Library Journal. United States. Library Association of the City University of New York. ISSN: 1944-9674, 1944-9682. 1998
The journal publishes work that addresses urban libraries and librarianship in relation to city environments. It welcomes submissions that speak to urban librarianship as it relates to topics in urban studies, higher education (with emphasis on public higher education), public and academic library collaboration, community outreach and programming, social justice, critical race studies, gender and work, sexuality and identity within librarianship, technology and privacy issues, or other topics.
Journal of Library Administration. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0193-0826, 1540-3564. 1980
The journal publishes research, current developments, and trends related to the leadership and management of libraries. Its content is related to public, academic, special, and corporate environments.
Library Leadership & Management. United States. Library Leadership and Management Association, American Library Association. ISSN: 1945-886X. 2009
Previous Title: Library Administration and Management (1988-2009)
The journal of the Library Leadership and Management Association, LL&M focuses on assisting library administrators and managers at all levels as they deal with day-to-day challenges. The journal publishes in-depth articles, interviews, and columns with practical advice on managing libraries.
Library Management. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISSN: 0143-5124. 1979
The journal publishes articles of interest to senior library managers and academics, reflecting the latest research undertaken in academic, government and corporate institutions. It also explores practical implications for those involved in teaching and practice.
Reference and User Services Quarterly. United States. American Library Association. ISSN: 1094-9054. 1960
The journal publishes content of interest to reference librarians, information specialists, and other professionals involved in user-oriented library services. The scope of the journal includes all aspects of library services to adults in all types of libraries. Its peer-reviewed articles include empirical (quantitative and qualitative), theoretical and historical research, and essays.
Reference Librarian, The. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0276-3877, 1541-1117. 1981
The journal publishes articles about all aspects of the reference process, both research-based and applied. It welcomes content on current trends or traditional questions, new electronic tools and resources, best practices in instruction and reference service, analysis of marketing of services, and effectiveness studies.
Reference Services Review. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISSN: 0090-7324. 1973
The journal focuses on the advancement of reference knowledge and the improvement of professional practice. Its articles range from case studies to conceptual papers, and cover all aspects of reference and library user services.
Insights: the UKSG journal. United Kingdom. UKSG in association with Ubiquity Press. ISSN: 2048-7754. 2012
Previous title: Serials: The Journal for the Serials Community (1988 to 2011)
The journal aims to encourage the exchange of ideas on scholarly communication; their editorial policy is to inform and stimulate debate about issues. They publish articles written by librarians, publishers, vendors, academics and other industry experts, and invite submissions of research articles and case studies. They also commission content such as conference reviews, editorial comment, and features on people in the global knowledge community.
International Journal of Open Educational Resources. United States. Policy Studies Organization. ISSN: 2641-5488. 2018
IJOER publishes research on Open Educational Resources in teaching, learning, scholarship, and policy. Articles focus on topics based upon the Open Educational Research Hub’s 11 hypotheses, which relate to student performance, openness, access to education, student retention, critical reflection by educators, financial benefits, indicators for selecting OER, support for learning, transition to formal education, policy change, and means of assessment.
Journal of Altmetrics. United States. Levy Library Press. ISSN: 2577-5685. 2018
The journal focuses on alternative metrics (i.e., altmetrics) and welcomes submissions on any aspect of altmetrics or studies that use altmetric data, including papers that explore attitudes towards or use of altmetrics. The journal also encourages student work.
Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship. United States. Clemson University Press. ISSN: 2473-8336. 2016
The journal publishes original articles, reviews, and case studies that analyze or describe the strategies, partnerships, and impact of copyright law on public, school, academic, and digital libraries, archives, museums, and research institutions and their educational initiatives. The journal welcomes original research and practitioner experience papers, legal analysis, as well as submissions in alternative formats.
Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication. United States. Pacific University Library. ISSN: 2162-3309. 2012
The journal is interested in scholarly communication, particularly the intersection of librarianship and publishing. Authors are encouraged to emphasize the practical applications of their knowledge and findings. Discussions of theoretical models/frameworks, when accompanied by practice-oriented recommendations or examples, are also encouraged. The journal also welcomes articles that include substantive discussion of the impact of library services on scholarly communication, that describe best practices, or that otherwise provide methods of demonstrating the value of library involvement in these activities.
Digital Library Perspectives. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. ISSN: 2059-5816. 2016
Previous titles: OCLC Systems & Services (1994-2016); OCLC Micro (1984-1993).
The journal’s focus is digital content collections, publishing research related to the curation and web-based delivery of digital objects, including those in digital libraries and digital repositories.
First Monday. United States. University of Illinois at Chicago. ISSN: 1396-0466. 1996
First Monday is one of the first openly accessible, peer-reviewed journals on the Internet, solely devoted to the Internet. It publishes original research about the Internet and related technologies.
Code4Lib Journal. United States. Code4Lib. ISSN: 1940-5758. 2007
The journal exists to foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future. It aims to help engender collective understanding and the necessary support for improving library technology and digital services. Submissions may come in the form of a complete draft or a proposal in the form of an abstract. Submissions are generally reviewed with an editorial process rather than a blind review process.
IASSIST Quarterly. Published by the International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST). ISSN: 0739-1137. 1977
The IASSIST Quarterly is a peer-reviewed, indexed, open access quarterly publication of articles dealing with social science information and data services.
Information Technology and Libraries. United States. Library & Information Technology Association, American Library Association. ISSN: 2163-5226. 1968
The journal publishes original material related to all aspects of information technology in all types of libraries.
Information Technology and People. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. ISSN: 0959-3845 1982-1989; resumed 1992
The journal publishes work that is dedicated to understanding the implications of information technology as a tool, resource, and format for people in society as much as in their daily work in organizations. It is open to multiple paradigms of research including most forms of mainstream empirical work. It aims to be an outlet for international, qualitative and critical research in information systems and particularly welcomes cultural and geographic diversity in studies of new and old technologies.
International Journal on Digital Libraries. Germany. Springer-Verlag. ISSN: 1432-5012, 1432-1300. 1997
The journal examines the theory and practice of acquisition, definition, organization, management, and dissemination of digital information via global networking.
Journal of Critical Digital Librarianship United States. Louisiana State University Libraries. ISSN: 2771-4918. 2021
The journal publishes papers on digital library work, especially critical approaches to topics such as: selection for digitization, metadata remediation, digital humanities, collections as data, and digital library technology. They are particularly interested in work that integrates feminist, antiracist, anticolonial, queer, and other critical frameworks. The journal uses an open peer review process.
Journal of Information Technology. United Kingdom. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.. ISSN: 0268-3962, 1466-4437. 1986
The journal focuses on new research that addresses technology and the management of IT. It publishes work from all disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological perspectives.
Journal of Web Librarianship. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1932-2909, 1932-2917. 2007
The journal focuses on all aspects of librarianship as practiced on the World Wide Web, including both existing and emerging roles and activities of information professionals. It publishes original, scholarly research, including empirical studies and case studies, and practical communications.
Library Hi Tech. United Kingdom. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.. ISSN: 0737-8831. 1983
The journal publishes empirical, conceptual and methodological contributions on any topics relevant to the broad disciplines of information and communication technologies. It welcomes research that applies a broad array of approaches and epistemologies, including any mix of qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods, action, participatory, evaluation, design, development or other established methodologies.
Preservation, Digital Technology & Culture Germany. De Gruyter. ISSN: 2195-2957, 2195-2965. 2013.
Previous titles: Microform Review (1972-1996), Microform and Imaging Review (1997-2010), Microform and Digitization Review (2011-2013).
The journal publishes articles about preserving digital content from various perspectives, including technological, social, economic, political, and user. It publishes refereed articles, news, and field notes, and welcomes reports on digital preservation projects and research in progress. It welcomes articles that engage theoretical and practical perspectives, from a wide variety of analytic frameworks and methodologies, including empirical, critical, and case study approaches.
Weave: Journal of Library User Experience. United States. Michigan Publishing. ISSN: 2333-3316. 2014
The journal features articles on user experience (UX) for librarians and professionals in related fields. Its primary aim is to improve the practice of UX in libraries, and in the process, to help libraries be better, more relevant, more useful, more accessible places.
Art & Music
Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America. United States. University of Chicago Press for ARLIS/NA. ISSN: 0730-7187, 2161-9417. 1981.
Previous titles: CAA Slides & Photographs Newsletter (1972-1973), ARLIS/NA Newsletter (1974-1980)
The journal publishes articles of interest to librarians working in art history, art criticism, the history of architecture, archaeology, and similar areas. It is a forum for issues relating to both the documentation of art and the practice and theory of art librarianship and visual resources curatorship.
Art Libraries Journal. United Kingdom. Cambridge University Press, for ARLIS/UK & Ireland. ISSN: 0307-4722, 2059-7525. 1976
The journal covers the role of art libraries today, from the impacts on art documentation in a changing research environment, the internet and digital technologies, to themed issues about artists, books, ephemera and online repositories. It welcomes contributions from specialists in art librarianship, archivists, and museum curators.
CAML Review. Canada. Canadian Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (CAML). ISSN: 1708-6701
Published twice a year, the journal includes research articles as well as reports, news, essays, and reviews, with particular focus on music in Canada, music librarianship and archival management, and bibliography. Submissions may also take the form of creative works such as first-person narratives, interviews, memoirs, photo essays, or poetry.
Fontis Artis Musicae. United States. A-R Editions for the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres. ISSN: 0015-6191, 2471-156X. 1954
The journal publishes articles in the area of international music librarianship and documentation, bibliography, audio-visual materials, and musicology.
Music Reference Services Quarterly. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1058-8167, 1540-9503. 1992
The journal covers all aspects of the management and use of music collections and services in academic, orchestra, public, conservatory, and performing/fine arts libraries, as well as archives and museums. It publishes conceptual papers, literature reviews, practical case studies, and opinion pieces.
Notes: The Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association. United States. Music Library Association. ISSN: 0027-4380, 1534-150X. 1934
The journal publishes articles in the areas of music librarianship, music bibliography and discography, the music trade, and on certain aspects of music history.
Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0896-3568, 1547-0644. 1990
The journal covers topics related to business information and business researchers. The focus of the journal is practice-oriented articles, but it also provides an outlet for new empirical studies.
Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review. Academic Business Library Directors. ISSN: 2369-9779. 2015
The journal publishes original research, commentary, conference reports, case studies, renovation profiles, stories of innovation, articles on library management and best practices, and evidence-based pieces. In addition, the journal features examples of translational research -- instances where academic business libraries have implemented faculty research findings on management best practices (i.e., collaboration, work-around techniques, staff motivation, space redesign, vendor negotiations, etc.).
Education Libraries. United States. Special Library Association, Education Division. ISSN: 0148-1061. 1975
The journal publishes articles that present new and challenging ideas in education, and library and information science. It also explores the effect of new technologies on the library profession and library and information curriculum. Articles should be on topics of interest to the education information professional, and may present research studies or descriptive narratives.
Government Documents
Government Information Quarterly. United Kingdom. Elsevier Ltd. ISSN: 0740-624X. 1995
Previous title: Government Publications Review (1980-1994), Incorporated the Journal of Government Information (1994-2004).
The journal publishes articles that examine the intersection of policy, information technology, government, and the public. It publishes scholarly research and viewpoint articles that inform both researchers and practitioners. It seeks submissions drawn from various disciplines, including but not limited to information science, public policy, political science, communications, computer science, and public health.
Health and Medical
Health Information and Libraries Journal. United Kingdom. Wiley. ISSN: 1471-1842. 1984
The journal publishes case studies, evaluation and research reports of successful practice. Authors should highlight why their research is relevant for health knowledge services, and health information and library services workers, specifically. It welcomes submissions on topics related to health information behaviour, information retrieval, education and training of health library and information workers, research support services, and more.
Health Information Management Journal. Australia. SAGE Publications for the Health Information Management Association of Australia. ISSN: 1833-3583, 1833-3575. 1971
The journal provides a forum for the dissemination of original research and opinions related to the management and communication of health information. Papers will be of interest to researchers, policy makers and governments, health practitioners, teachers, consumers and others with an interest in improving health service delivery and health outcomes for patients and the community.
Journal of Hospital Librarianship. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1532-3269, 1532-3277. 2001
The journal focuses on issues that are of vital interest and concern to hospital librarians. The journal provides a forum for research strategies and reporting research results and quality improvement projects in hospital library settings, discussions of technological challenges and solutions, and articles on health care administration issues which have implications for hospital librarians such as managed care health care economics, hospital mergers, as well as patient safety and consumer health information. Editorial Board members mentor new authors to produce a publishable manuscript.
Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association. Canada. Canadian Health Libraries Assocation. ISSN: 1708-6892. 2004
Previous title: Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana (1979-2003)
The journal is dedicated to providing a voice for issues and interests shared by Canadian health science librarians and health libraries. Submissions on a wide range of topics will be considered.
Journal of the Medical Library Association. United States. Medical Library Association. ISSN: 1558-6439. 1911
The journal publishes articles that seek to improve the practice of health sciences librarianship; to extend the knowledgebase on the organization, delivery, use, and impact of information on health care, biomedical research, and health professionals’ education; or to describe important developments in or the history of the health sciences library profession and related fields.
Medical Reference Services Quarterly. United States. Haworth Information Press. ISSN: 0276-3869, 1540-9597. 1982
The journal covers topics of current interest and practical value for professionals who provide reference and public services to health sciences personnel in clinical, educational, or research settings. It publishes brief practice-oriented articles relating to medical reference services, with an emphasis on user education, database searching, and electronic information. It also publishes research articles in which practical application is analyzed and clearly presented.
The Canadian Law Library Review/Revue canadienne des bibliothèques de droit. Canada. Canadian Association of Law Libraries. ISSN: 1180-176X. 1970
The journal publishes news, developments, articles, reports and reviews of interest to members of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries. Items should be relevant to the field of law librarianship.
Journal of Law, Information & Science. Australia. University of Tasmania, Faculty of Law. ISSN: 0729-1485. 2005 Previous title: Journal of Law and Information Science (1981-2004)
The journal is devoted to scholarly research, dialogue and debate about the intersection of law, science and technology. Examples of topics include articles on law and: artificial intelligence/expert systems; computers; intellectual property; genomics; nanotechnology; privacy; bioethics; electronic commerce. It also welcomes articles describing the use of technologies for legal practice or teaching.
Law Library Journal. United States. American Association of Law Libraries. ISSN: 0023-9283. 1908
The journal publishes scholarly articles on law, legal materials, and librarianship. It also includes practice-oriented articles and historical records of the profession of law librarianship. Submissions aimed at all types of law libraries and all areas of library operations are encouraged. Full-issue pdfs are freely available from the journal’s website; enhanced pdfs are available through HeinOnline to subscribers or AALL members.
Legal Reference Services Quarterly. United States. Haworth Press, Inc.. ISSN: 0270-319X, 1540-949X. 1981
The journal publishes articles relevant to law librarians and members of the legal profession. Articles may be serious, humorous, critical, or simply helpful to the working librarian. It publishes annotated subject bibliographies, overviews of legal literature, reviews of commonly used tools, and reference problems unique to corporate law libraries, judicial libraries, and academic collections.
Life and Physical Science
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. United States. Association of College and Research Libraries, Science and Technology Section. ISSN: 1092-1206. 1991
The journal publishes substantive content of interest to science and technology librarians. It serves as a vehicle for sci-tech librarians to share successful initiatives and innovative ideas, and to publish peer-reviewed or board-accepted papers, including case studies, practical applications, theoretical essays, web/bibliographies, and research papers relevant to the functions and operations of science and technology libraries in all settings.
Journal of eScience Librarianship. United States. University of Massachusetts Medical School. ISSN: 2161-3974. 2011
The journal publishes articles on the theory and practice of librarianship focusing on services related to data-driven research in science, technology, engineering, math, social sciences, medicine, and public health. It explores the many roles of librarians in supporting eScience and welcomes articles by contributors from all areas of the globe related to education, outreach, collaborations, policy, tools, and best practices. Submissions covering both theoretical and practical applications are welcomed.
Science & Technology Libraries. United Kingdom. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 0194-262X. 1981
The journal covers all aspects of librarianship for librarians who serve science, engineering, clinical investigation, and agriculture. Its content includes original research articles and reports of best practices that further the understanding and management of information resources.
Social Sciences and Humanities
Catholic Library World. Catholic Library Association. ISSN: 0008-820X. 1929
The journal is intended for an audience that is interested in the broad role and impact of various types of libraries. Topics of interest include: academic libraries, high school and children’s libraries, parish and community libraries, archives, and library education. While it is a Catholic publication, it welcomes relevant articles from a variety of religious traditions.
Journal of Map & Geography Libraries: Advances in Geospatial Information, Collections, and Archives. United States. Taylor & Francis. ISSN: 1542-0353, 1541-0361. 2004
The journal publishes international research on the collecting, organization, and utilization of geographic and cartographic materials and information. It encourages national and international submissions across all disciplines that use geospatial data, collections, and services.
Judaica Librarianship. Association of Jewish Libraries. ISSN: 2330-2976. 2014
Previous title: AJL Bulletin (1983-2013)
The journal provides a forum for scholarship on all theoretical or practical aspects of Jewish Studies librarianship and cultural stewardship in the digital age; bibliographical, bibliometric and comprehensive studies related to Jewish booklore; historical studies or current surveys of noteworthy collections; and extensive reviews of reference works and other resources, including electronic databases and informational websites.