
Attend a free online study skills workshop in the fall and winter terms on a range of topics including time management, note taking, and exam preparation. The workshops are facilitated by trained learning support peer mentors and are designed with an undergraduate student audience in mind.

Study skills resources

Enrich your learning and improve your academic performance by browsing our collection of online resources and tip sheets.

Online tutorials

JumpStart Your Learning New to university-level study? This tutorial focuses on the skills and strategies needed for transitioning to university. Topics include differences in high school and university expectations and environments, what those differences mean, and the skills needed to join and contribute to an academic community.

Remote Learning Readiness
Attending classes and learning online can be a rich experience. In this tutorial you will gets tips and explore the skills necessary for academic success in a remote learning environment.


Contact Gina Koehn if you have questions about study skills support or want to set up a time to meet with a Learning Specialist.